Horoscopes: November 2nd thru the 9th
For the week of November 2nd thru the 9th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
For the past 7 years that Uranus was in your sign, you’ve been urged to create the changes you needed in order to live a more authentic lifestyle. Now that Uranus is going to be entering Taurus, you will now need to be making a different sort of adjustment that has to do with commitment to this path, as well as financial sustainability. We are now in this interesting transition period where the reality of all of these changes are coming home to roost, and a last ditch effort to either reaffirm or make some final tweaks are going to be gone over the next 5 months. The New Moon in Scorpio can be associated with endings as well as new beginnings, and how these may impact on others. Clarifying commitments and agreements with others might be helpful in understanding the ramifications going forward. A good intention for this Moon might be: May I make only the best choices that will ultimately bring greater healing and growth in my life.
Now that Venus has returned to Libra, it is important to evaluate and understand how many of the choices you have been making lately also impact on the important people in your life going forward. For the past 6 months, Uranus had made its debut into Taurus, stirring up all sorts of restlessness. As a result many a Taurean has been feeling the call for freedom, and to live a more authentic and genuine lifestyle. However, with Uranus now heading back to Aries, it’s as if there are still some loose ends that need tying up before you can proceed. And part of that is working out with others what your expectations are of each other going forward. The New Moon in Scorpio on November 7th, is just the sort of Moon to accomplish this mean feat. As a result, a good intention for this Moon might be: I want to see myself being open to the perspectives of others in order to gain greater understanding.
By the end of next week, Jupiter will have moved into the sign of Sagittarius, a sign that will open up and expand your associations and relationships with others. This will ultimately benefit you in so many ways which we will be exploring going into the year ahead. In the mean time the New Moon in Scorpio could offer Gemini new insights (or perhaps a new opportunity) concerning work, or concerning your health and well-being. These are the two primary areas that concern Gemini when there is a New Moon in Scorpio. If your focus is on health and well-being, a good intention might be: May I find only the best healers, remedies and guides that will help me to restore and rebuild my stamina and well-being. If your focus is on work, a good intention might be: I want to attract only the best sort of opportunity that will allow me to use and develop my skills in a way that will ultimately help to bring greater meaning and fulfillment in my life.
Within the next week or so, the Nodes of the Moon will shift on to the Cancer/Capricorn axis. This will be significant for Cancers, as this will mean that the eclipses over the next 18 months will, for the most part, be in these signs. This will also be significant in opening doorways that will ultimately allow many of you to realign yourself with your true destiny and life path. This may or may not be easy, but it definitely could be life-altering. In the mean time, pay attention to the New Moon coming up on November 7th. All lunations are important to the sign Cancer, but this one is urging you to connect with those people and things that could help you to see and understand what that path might look like. A good intention for this New Moon might be: May I be brought to realize the best sort of path that will bring me happiness and a closer appreciation of my hopes and dreams.
New Moons are often harbingers and opportunities for new beginnings, and this Moon in Scorpio on November 7th is no exception. This particular Moon has the capacity to open up hearts and minds to a grander vision that recognizes each and every individual as a part of this cosmic whole. We are all swimming in this great ocean of life together, and what affects one person, has an impact on every other, even if we do not consciously recognize this to be so. This takes on a much more personal meaning when you consider how that impacts on you, and your own family and community. One thing this week would be good for is becoming more attuned to your inner emotional needs. It is also a positive time to think in terms of addressing any outer concerns related to family, to parents, to home or property.
The past year has been something of a learning curve, and there may have been times when you have felt stretched way beyond your limits as a result. But what you have learned will serve you well into the future going forward. And the next year, will find you finally being able to put some of these into application. In the mean time, the New Moon on November 7th is something of an echo for all that you have learned, seen, experienced, heard and negotiated this past year. And as your viewpoint has expanded as a result, it brings a fresh new perspective. What this Moon is good for, is further clarifying your understanding; learning how to better manage your time; and sharing what you have learned with others. A possible intention for this New Moon might be: May I see myself honoring my own truth by walking the walk, as well as talking the talk, and releasing any negative thoughts that are standing in the way of doing so.
What has come to light over the past week could help to make you more aware of any tension existing in relationships with others. This could make you reassess agreements and commitments, which are feeling a little less stable as a result. Unreliable behaviors or reactions could be a symptom of something more serious, or it just may require sitting down and being very clear about what your expectations are of each other going forward. Either way, it leaves you guessing and waiting for the other shoe to fall. Undoubtedly some compromises are going to need to be made, but what you don’t want to do is lose sight of your true priorities. Some things simply cannot be compromised. The New Moon in Scorpio on November 7th, puts some emphasis on sustainability. Perhaps think of ways that you can better market or use your skills in a way that will make you more attractive to others.
This is your New Moon on the 7th of November (and those Scorpios born around those days will find this a particularly potent New Moon). Each year the Scorpio New Moon brings a surge of renewal, an opportunity for a new beginning if you are so inclined. The focus is on you and how you view the world. For the past year, Jupiter has been traveling in your sign, bringing with it the desire to expand your horizons in some way; to broaden your opportunities. The New Moon begs that you think in terms of doing so in a way that will bring deeper meaning, and connect with that inner voice and guidance system that already knows where you need to go. When you think about making a statement to the world about who you are, your style, your self-identity, how do you wish to be seen? See if you can reconnect with that which most resonates with your most valid self.
For the past year, your ruling planet has been traveling in the sign of Scorpio, the sign just behind yours. The intention during this time was to bring healing while also relieving you of old emotional baggage, leaving the wounds of the past behind. This purification and cleansing will ultimately allow you to open your heart and mind to new opportunities, now that Jupiter is about to enter your sign on November 8th. The New Moon in Scorpio on the 7th is just echoing this process: clearing out those things that you no longer need, and may in fact be holding you back and preventing you from embarking on this new journey. This is the final release before the new beginning that will be emerging. Therefore a good intention for this Moon might be: I want to easily see myself releasing the past and tying up loose ends, in order to confidently look forward to the hopeful new beginning that is about to be born.
Whether you follow the mean Nodes or the True Nodes, within the next week or so they will have shifted on to the Cancer/Capricorn axis. This means that there will be a number of eclipses in these signs over the next 18 months. It also means that at some point these Nodes will cross paths with Saturn and Pluto which are both transiting Capricorn this year as well, putting greater emphasis on the profound impact these powerful planets have been having on your life and destiny. With the South Node in Capricorn, you will be asking yourself, what are those things that need releasing in order to redefine, rebuild, pursue your destiny? In light of the upcoming astrological shifts, a good intention to make for the New Moon on November 7th might be: May I make the best choices and changes that will ultimately bring greater growth and opportunity into my life; and which will also allow me to use my skills, experience and talents to their best advantage.
Many an Aquarius has been feeling the call of the wild, urging you to make changes on some of the most fundamental levels of your life. But before you can proceed there will be some details, and loose ends that still need to be tended to. And don’t be surprised if the plan shifts and changes. Allow yourself to be open to alternatives, for things are going to be in transition for the next several months, during which almost anything can happen! This does not mean that you should not have a plan in the mean time. This will help you to define precisely what you want, and what your expectations are. The New Moon on November 7th is very much about setting goals, and getting more in touch with your destiny. A good intention for the New Moon might be: May I be led to make only the best choices that will allow me to fulfill my dreams, and achieve my goals.
For the past year that your ruling planet has been in the sign of Scorpio, you’ve been led to a path of discovery and learning. Part of that discovery is understanding your own world view, and your own core beliefs. In essence it’s about finding your place and position in the world. Next week Jupiter will then enter the sign of Sagittarius, bringing opportunities to further advance that position. As a final nod to the previous year’s passage of Jupiter, the New Moon in Scorpio on November 7th can herald the possibility for preparing for that all to unfold. This can also open up the ability to embark on a goal that brings greater meaning and fulfillment in your personal life. This is a good Moon for beginning a course of study, getting some sort of accreditation, finding a teacher or guide, and simply exploring new possibilities for your future. At the very least what you are being offered is a new perspective that can open up your world in some significant way.