Horoscopes: November 23rd thru 30th
For the week of November 23rd thru the 30th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
It is very hard not to react when someone pushes your buttons. This is because these buttons often have emotional triggers that bypass consciousness. The key here is to be mindful of those triggers, and try to stop them at the pass, in order to avoid any unnecessary conflict and misunderstanding. It is also a good idea not to make any assumptions, or to rush into things without getting all the necessary facts and information. In fact it probably is best not to make any major decisions right now if it can at all be helped, especially with Mercury being retrograde. The urge to do so will be strong, especially if you are on your last nerve about something. If something needs to be changed and/or fixed, step back, maybe do all the planning and research that is needed, but don’t necessarily implement these until after you are fully informed. Maybe even wait until after Mercury is direct again on December 6th. This will save a myriad of headaches in the end. One thing that conflict may be good for, is connecting you with your core beliefs. You might want to ask yourself, what are those principles that you would be willing to fight for?
The past few months may have brought a change of heart for more than a few Taureans, as they are exploring a new and evolving self-identity. It’s not so much that you are actually changing, but that you are feeling more comfortable expressing a truer more authentic version of yourself. This may or may not be raising a few eyebrows in the process, but everyone else is just going to have to adjust to the new you. One thing that could become more obvious are where you will need to set boundaries with yourself and others in order to avoid sacrificing those things that are truly important. Especially if it is just for the sake of fitting in, or to be part of a group. If a group is truly there there for the sake of showing you the way, then you will feel larger, not diminished by them.
Do you ever have that experience where you are stunned into silence by something that someone says, and then later on you think of the perfect come back? And then you’re kicking yourself for missing your opportunity. It’s not that you didn’t have anything to say, or were not informed, you just didn’t know how to frame it in a way that would be heard by others. Or maybe you were just shocked into silence. And then there is that other scenario, where you just keep talking with your Gemini self hoping something will stick, or that you can get a word in edgewise. This Full Moon is likely to be all of that, where a lot of people are having a lot to say, and it’s all over the place. The hope is that you avoid saying anything that you will later regret, which is all too possible with this particular Mercury retrograde. Some things are just better left unsaid rather than opening up any unnecessary conflict. With the New Mercury cycle beginning on Tuesday, think about what you might want or need to change in order to open up your heart and mind to grander possibilities.
The Full Moon may have more than one Cancer up at night. This was one of those crazy Full Moons stirring up all sorts of emotions, and bringing things out into the open, including things that one might have preferred to stay hidden. Unfortunately that is one of the hazards of these sorts of Full Moons. That and all the emotional hazards that bring up all sorts of buried feelings. Especially if you are feeling judged in any way. Best not to react to too many things being said, being that we are in the middle of a Mercury retrograde. Words have this way of getting in the way at these times. On the other hand, much can be revealed that could make you aware of things that you hadn’t realized or noticed before. And although these may be hard truths, they could prove to be enlightening and maybe even mind-altering. Allow your mind to be stretched even a little, and you might just be surprised at what you discover.
Although this week is rife with conflict and contention, it also has a great deal of potential. This is especially true if you are willing to stretch yourself, and are willing to look at things from a much higher perspective. Try to look at the bigger picture. Some big vision is trying to make itself known. The only challenge this week is in figuring out all the details that are necessary in order to make that big idea a closer reality. One of those details is making sure that you have enough resources to accomplish your goals, including time and energy. One of the potential dangers with big ideas is taking on more than any one person could possibly handle. On the other hand with the amount of optimism and nerve being channeled this week, you have the gumption of at least 2 or 3 people. See if you can direct even some of that energy into meaningful and worthwhile pursuits, and you’ll be good to go.
In order to get off on the right foot this week, slow down, and make sure you have all the facts first. An abundance of enthusiasm and the desire to fix everything all at once, will not only leave you feeling scattered and confused, but will leave you wondering why everyone else is all agitated and pissed off with you. If that is the case, you may have been overstepping boundaries, or putting your oar in where it doesn’t belong. It may indeed feel like you have a lot on your plate, however the best way to approach this is by dealing with one thing at a time, one day at a time. You may think of yourself as helplessly standing in the middle of a mountain of problems all waiting to be managed. But the only way to manage even apparently insurmountable mountains of tasks is one at a time, one day at a time. Before you know it, you will have made it through to the other side.
Never mind that crazy Full Moon. You are finally coming out from under all the coming and going, hither and yon, and a crash course in everything. The wonder of having Jupiter in Sagittarius for the next year, is how much can be learned merely by having a simple conversation over dinner. Looking at the world from another person’s perspective, can be enlightening and inspiring. But perhaps the key transit for Libra this week is a Venus/Uranus opposition (the 3rd opposition since September). For the 7 years that Uranus was in Aries, Librans have been redefining themselves and the world in the context of equality, fairness, and relationships in general. Whether or not this is working for you (or your partner) could become more evident through the stress of these final oppositions. Ultimately, the important thing to realize, is that you can only be true to who you know you really are.
In this era of so many opinions, views and ideas, there is something to be said for patience and acceptance. Even if you have very firm and clear ideas about right and wrong; or certain judgments; being able to put those aside for the sake of keeping the peace, is a noble gesture. And it just may be that you are going to get a lot of practice this week. Especially with those who have very strong opinions about things. So long as you aren’t being asked to compromise your values, sometimes it’s best to just let a few things go. Choose your battles wisely. During these Mercury retrograde phases you won’t want to say anything that’s going to come back and bite you later. On the other hand, there could be a lot of incentive to put your ideals into practice. Try to see things from the perspective of what is in the best interest of all parties concerned.
Because it is so easy to forgive you, we often let Sagittarius get away with a lot, even when you say the most gosh-darned things. We know you just can’t help yourself. The words are out before you even have a chance. It’s as if the words themselves have a mind of their own! However, this is one of those weeks, when a bit of caution would be recommended. It’s just too easy, especially with Mercury all retrograde, to have things get blown totally out of proportion. Then you’ll be spending the rest of the Mercury retrograde period trying to make amends and clean up the damage. Nonetheless, this coming Monday/Tuesday mark the beginning of the next Mercury cycle, which is an ideal time for you to step back and be willing to see what it feels like to walk in another person’s shoes, and to see things from their perspective. Allowing your mind to be expanded even just a little bit, could prove to be both enlightening and inspiring.
Sometimes you just have to be the grown up and recognize when it is appropriate to speak up, and when it is best just to keep a few things to yourself. This does not mean that you don’t have strong beliefs, and it does not mean that you cannot tell right from wrong; it merely means that you know how to choose your battles wisely. And that there are some circumstances when it is best to keep a few opinions to yourself. This is not easy to do with this current Full Moon. However, it is apparent to Capricorn that someone has to set the example. And once you get past the busyness of the weekend, the rest of the week could prove to be really productive. This is a good week for projects or activities that require a lot of patience and planning. Work towards taking care of those projects that are more long-term, and may or may not bring immediate rewards, but which you’ve been wanting to get your hands on for some time now.
This is a good week for projects and activities that require patience, planning, discipline and persistence. It may take some doing trying to get to these projects, with all the distractions left over from this crazy Full Moon. However working towards your goals and plans for the future will bring its own set of rewards right now. And with all the other potentially contentious transits fluttering about, it would probably be a good idea to have a project to keep you preoccupied and off of everyone’s radar. Keeping a low profile is probably a good idea for everyone right about now. One thing that you might have on your own radar right now, are general feelings and perhaps even anxiety surrounding money. Part of that may be due to a prevailing feeling of uncertainty, and not knowing what the future is going to bring. Sometimes it helps to create a priority list, which can sometimes help to keep things in perspective.
For the past 5 months that Neptune has been retrograde, you’ve been getting in touch with your own inner Neptune: those things that make your life more meaningful, especially those things that you consider to be your highest ideals. Now that Neptune is stationing and about to be direct again, you are entering the part of the year when it is easier to put those ideals and dreams into practice and application. One of the things that may become most apparent at first, are all the hurdles and conflicts in your life that need to be overcome in order to make these a closer reality. Are you setting adequate boundaries with yourself and others? Are your expectations achievable? Not everyone will agree with your choices, but that’s okay, because these are your choices. So see what you need to do to bring more serenity, solace, spirituality, or meaning into your life, in the best way possible.