Horoscopes: November 30th thru December 7th
For the week of November 30th thru December 7th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Do not be surprised if you feel as if much of your energy is waning these days. There is a confluence of events that can contribute to a lack of motivation, a waning will, and flagging energy. Mars in Pisces is often a time of recouping and conserving your time and energy. Pushing yourself beyond your boundaries will only prove to be fruitless and accomplish very little. All the more so as Mars and Neptune converge at the New Moon next week. This could feel a bit like a slow leak. We are also at the end of the Mercury Retrograde, and at the Dark of the Moon. These are times best used for introspection, self-care, and self-reflection; not necessarily action. The sorts of activities that would be most successful right now, would be those activities working with others for the benefit of the greater good in some way, whether working for a charitable cause, or working from behind the scenes for the welfare of others. This is also good weather for spiritual or reflective activities. Otherwise conserve your energy. You will be needing it later on when Mars enters your sign at the New Year.
Venus enters Scorpio this weekend, and as it does so, it will help to reaffirm what or whom are the people or things that are most valuable to you, and you are willing to devote your precious time, resources and energy on. These will be subjects and people that you will be preoccupied with for the rest of 2018 and beginning the New Year. One thing that may become apparent to many Taureans, especially those born at the beginning of the sign, is that as you are evolving and growing, so will your relationships with others. There will be those who will not entirely understand the changes that you are going through, while others will become more fascinated with who you are becoming. The truth is, it is not so much about you changing, as having the freedom to be a truer and more authentic expression of yourself. And right now, you are not going to have the patience for anyone or anything that tries to limit, label, or define that for you. Think of it as a newer, better, more refreshing version of yourself.
Mercury retrogrades back to Scorpio this weekend in order to reassess and rediscover the truth about something. Mercury in Scorpio is an amazing detective and investigator, so if you want to dig up information, this is a great time to do so. By shining a light on the darkness, you can effect a healing. You can also just begin to clean up any clutter, mistakes or miscommunications that have amassed since the Mercury retrograde phase began in mid-November. There is still another week to go before Mercury stations direct. So use this week well to sort things out, and remove those things that are no longer necessary or valid, so that you can enter the next Mercury cycle unencumbered by loose ends still lying about. One advantage to this upcoming station, is that with the trine to Chiron we are put in a position to be able to find the specific remedy or cure for what ails us. Sometimes all that is required are the right words at the right time.
In the last quarter phase of the Moon we begin to turn our attention inwards. This becomes all the more so as we reach the Balsamic phase on Monday. Try to avoid filling these days with distractions and undue activity. What these days are good for are introspection, reassessment, cleansing, and purifying. This period can be rather insightful if you allow enough space and silence in your daily life. Insights and intuition speak in whispers and signs and sometimes through our dreams. And if there is too much commotion about we won’t notice or hear what these have to say. This is a time to shake off the leaves of the previous waning cycle, in order to bring in the next lunar cycle that is about to emerge. This Balsamic Moon is a little deeper, and perhaps even a little disturbing. But through the veil of the uncertainty, and perhaps even vulnerability of the coming week, many insights can be had. What this week is good for: self-care; creating space; removing clutter; purging the negative elements from your life; and dancing. Yes dancing. Or maybe something that equally blends body, soul and mind. Or music. Something that touches your soul.
We are in the dark phase of the Moon when we find our attention turning inwards. This is all the more so with Mercury in the last leg of its retrograde phase. We gain the most benefit from these periods by turning down the noise and making time for serious reflection and contemplation. This doesn’t mean that everything has to stop, however, and it most likely won’t, but if you can manage to get in some quiet time amidst the usual noise and activity, you could find yourself fascinated, inspired and possibly disturbed all at the same time. By the New Moon next week we will all be seeking solutions, but in the mean time sometimes what we first need to do is be present with what we are feeling and experiencing. Part of that requires a certain amount of vulnerability as well. If you are plagued by uncertainty, be willing to wait this period out. Instead seek self-comfort measures: a massage, a pedicure, a good movie. And in the mean time, pay attention to the behests of the still small voice within. She’s your own personal inner guidance system speaking to you so very softly.
Mercury retrogrades back to Scorpio this weekend for some unfinished business, sorting things out, getting to the bottom of a situation and trying to make sense of the insensible. This is a great combination for doing research and trying to get answers to your questions, but it may not necessarily answer all the questions, and it still not advised to make major decisions if it can be at all helped. This is especially true if you are still feeling confused, confounded, or just wondering what the future has in store. At the end of the retrograde phase, we are still sorting out those things from the previous cycle: keeping what is still valuable, but purging those things that are no longer relevant. In this way you are clearing out and making room for the new cycle that is in the process of emerging. In a way this could be about getting your house in order. But in order to be able to do so, you will need to first get out the old cobwebs, beginning with your own mind. Once that is sorted out, the rest will follow.
This weekend Venus enters Scorpio which changes much of the energy and focus moving forward for the rest of 2018. After the retrograde period of Venus which finally ended November 16th, one thing that may have become apparent, is that you don’t mind hangers-on, provided they don’t cramp your style. You’ve been evolving your new-found vision of yourself these past few years, and through that process you’ve been learning to express a truer expression of who you are, and you really don’t need other people defining whaat that’s supposed to be. This is a process of self-discovery, self-awareness, and right now, reevaluating your own self-worth. And it has much less to do with quantity, than it does about quality and depth. So having the freedom to be able to connect with those things, those activities, to cultivate those talents and skills, that you most value are key right now. You might want to ask yourself, what are those things which you are most passionate about, and willing to put your whole heart and soul into?
There can be something compelling, soothing and even scary about Mars being in Pisces. All the more so as it closes in for its conjunction to Neptune next week at the New Moon. One thing that becomes apparent with Mars/Neptune is that you don’t have to share all your plans and motives with others. Especially if you fear that you are going to be judged or questioned. Some things are just… personal. And private. And this is especially so if you are not quite so sure yourself what your plans are. All the more so for you to take some time out and figure all that out for yourself. Mercury and Venus both enter your sign this weekend. Mercury retrogrades back to Scorpio, while Venus re-enters Scorpio again now that she is moving direct. With this can come confirmation for those things that you know are important to you: those things that you would want to spend your precious time, resources and energy on. Try to include some quiet time this week, at the waning Moon, in order to reconnect with those things that you would like to prioritize in your life.
Though in many ways it may feel like this is a time of action, it actually isn’t. At least not yet. We are in the dark of the Moon right now, when the Moon is waning, and Mercury is in its last week of its retrograde phase. These are times of reflection, assimilation and reassessment. It’s not really a time for action or for making major decisions quite yet. That time will come later. And trying to push yourself before you are ready might only create more confusion and uncertainty. The energy is just not there. However, this is a good time to reflect on and be more aware of how and where boundaries have become eroded, and whether or not you can, or want, to do anything about these. In the mean time, conserve your energy, and learn how to be present. These waning Moons are best used for self-care, purging, purifying, letting go, and connecting with yourself within. This will help to set the stage for the New Moon in Sagittarius which is arriving next week (the 7th).
If you are feeling disenchanted, confused, perturbed or on the fence, you are not alone. The ambiguity of people and things can be confounding these days. And if you are plagued by uncertainty and doubt, wait this week out before making any major decisions if it can at all be helped. We are now in the waning phase of the Moon which is better used for assimilation and quiet reflection. All the more so with Mercury in the last week of its retrograde phase. What this week is good for is purging: removing the clutter from your life, both actually and mentally. Allow yourself to release and let go of those things that are no longer relevant and may be holding you back. This will become all the more obvious as you approach the New Moon next week. This is also a good week for self-care and quiet time. It is a time to connect with yourself, tune in, or even tune out if that is more helpful. In this way you are preparing yourself, and conserving your energy. You will need it for after the New Year.
In some of the most fundamental areas of your life, things have been changing, and there is not much for you to do, but to go along for the ride. One thing that may become more apparent are where you see yourself in the foreseeable future. Much has to do with allowing yourself to grow and evolve, in a way that is a truer expression of yourself. But first you have to reacquaint yourself with those priorities and values that you hold in the highest esteem. What are those things that you are most passionate about? What are those goals that you would like to devote your time and resources towards? The time for action or change has not yet quite come. But knowing what you do or do not want is important in helping you to make the right decisions going forward. In the mean time, we are entering the last quarter phase of the Moon, a time for self-care, reflection and quiet introspection. During this week, see if you can connect with whatever hopes and wishes you would like to achieve over the year ahead.
As we move into the dark waning phase of the Moon many will have the urge to turn their attention inwards. This is a reflective time of the month any way. All the more so with Mercury in the last leg of its retrograde phase. Mercury retrograde lends itself to confusion and general mayhem, however it may well be that the only ones feeling at all motivated this week, will be Pisces. And part of that is because Mars is currently traveling in your sign. However, there are a few qualifications that go with that. Mars in Pisces lends itself to activities that are selfless and benefit the greater good in some way: charitable causes, acts of compassion, putting aside your own needs for the sake of others. It also lends itself towards activities that connect to spirit and soul: mind/body activities; dancing; music; or activities that touch your heart and soul. This also goes for being in environments that make your soul sing: being near or on the water; exotic locales; artistic or musical venues. Therefore dare to dance, sing, create and pray your way through this last phase of the lunar month.