Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: November 9th thru 16th

“Jupiter” by Emmett Chance Weilding

For the week of November 9th thru the 16th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Uranus returning to your sign could find you shaking your head, and jumping through hoops adjusting to the twists and turns that it can bring. For the past 7 years you’ve established yourself as a free, authentic entity who cannot and will not be pigeon holed in any way. The next several months will be the final footnote to that story. One of the other stories these days is the Jupiter story. Jupiter not only benefits its own sign of Sagittarius as it returns home, but it also benefits the other fire signs as well, including Aries, bringing hope and inspiration in its wake. While here Jupiter dares you to expand your vision of who you are, and the role you are going to be playing in the foreseeable future. Sagittarius has a lot to do with perspective, your understanding of the world, your politics, your beliefs, and your declarations about these. In your own inimitable way, you are stretching yourself beyond your usual boundaries, and saying in the most righteous way you can muster: This is who I am. Take it or leave it. 


We are entering the final stretch of the Venus retrograde phase. We are all coming to terms with our priorities in various areas of our lives, and for Taurus that is either in the area of health and wellbeing, or in your work. This may or may not involve some sort of compromise or decision, but it does help to clarify what are the most important things to you right now. There are a few big stories this week, and one of these is Jupiter entering the sign of Sagittarius. Everyone will benefit in some way with this shift, even if they only benefit indirectly. Taurus is one of those signs that may benefit, perhaps through other’s good fortune: your partner gets a raise, so your own credit increases, allowing you to borrow that money in order to but that house/car/new venture that you’ve been looking forward to. Sometimes this transit can coincide with some sort of inheritance or a sudden windfall or opportunity that you didn’t necessarily see coming. Do realize that any big changes that occur for the year that Jupiter is in Sagittarius, are ultimately for the best for Taurus, even if they don’t appear to be so at first. 


Mercury will be slowing down this week for its retrograde station on November 16th. You may already been aware of the inevitable communications glitches and crossed wires that the retrograde phase can bring. Not only are we in the shadow period, but Mercury is square mystifying and confusing Neptune, and it’s all we can do to discriminate between fantasy and reality. All the more reason to make sure that you are hearing people clearly and that they in turn are understanding you as well. Even if it means having to repeat yourself over and over. In the long term, Jupiter’s entrance into Sagittarius should improve relations with others. That is provided you are realistic about your expectations of each others. Nonetheless it could feel as if a larger vision is emerging, and the role that others play in contributing to that vision would prove to be pretty interesting. 


Many a Cancer could feel that thunderous changeable transitional wave we are all riding. Cancer will be particularly sensitive to this wave, that’s rising one day, and breaking on the shore the next. Nonetheless, whatever changes may be arising over the next few months should allow you to be a truer, and more authentic version of yourself. It may even feel as if you are on the right track towards fulfilling your destiny. Jupiter entering Sagittarius will benefit many a Cancer, but in a more indirect way. For instance, the resolution of any health problems will lead to a more optimistic outlook bringing greater peace of mind; or improvements at work could allow the freedom to do the things that you really want to do, and indirectly makes work that much more fulfilling. 


Jupiter entering Sagittarius has you singing Callou Callay, o’ Fabjous Day! Jupiter is strong in its own sign, and not only will it benefit its own sign of Sagittarius as it travels here, but all of the fire signs, including Leo. Leo is a sign that frolics in its own joy, and can never have too much of a good thing when doing so. Jupiter entering Sagittarius just wants to emphasize this all the more so. As Jupiter leaves the depths of Scorpio it is time for Leo to unburden themselves of any emotional baggage that was holding them back, and preventing them from being free to sing out loud. In the mean time, many of you seem to be on a mission to transform your personal lives. You may want to ask yourself, if there is anything that you could change in your daily routine, in your diet, regarding your health, that would have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing, what would that be? 


Mercury is slowing down in preparation for its retrograde station on November 16th. We are already in the pre-shadow period. So it would not be surprising if you have already experienced a few crossed signals, wires and gaffes. This will be especially so since Mercury is also square Neptune for the next few weeks, obfuscating, confounding and confabulating. This could be a sign of what’s to come in the foreseeable future. Now that Jupiter has entered Sagittarius, there is a bit of a reminder here of how important it is to maintain your discrimination. In your attempt to see only the best in people and situations it is also important to make sure that you are not just seeing and hearing what you want to see, or what you want to be true. Do not assume anything and make sure you have all the facts. One advantage now that Jupiter has entered Sagittarius is that it presents opportunities for Virgo to make improvements in the home and family situation over the year ahead. 


As we enter the last week of the retrograde phase of Venus, it is time for everyone to come to terms with their inter-relationships with others, and how that is all working out. All the more so for Libra. There may be even more sorting out as Venus slows for its station on November 16th. You might seriously be thinking about the sorts of compromises you are, or are not, willing to make. This could be aggravated by the upcoming retrograde station of Mercury which is bound to throw all sorts of wrenches into the current communications fiasco. Make sure that messages are clear, and that you are not being led astray by misunderstandings or miscommunications. Things are very fuzzy for the next few weeks. Jupiter entering Sagittarius would normally be good news in this regard, but next year, just like Mercury is now, Jupiter will be square mysterious and confounding Neptune. Not only are many a Libra bound to be thrown off course, but they are also likely to feel like they are juggling and roller skating at the same time all year. This could be pretty impressive. 


For the past year Jupiter has been traveling in your sign, and as a result many a Scorpio, inspired by a larger vision, has been working hard on themselves and their environment to make that a closer reality. Through this process you’ve been growing into a truer, grander version of yourself. Normally reserved Scorpio has therefore dared to stretch beyond their usual reticence and fears; taking risks that they previously would not have considered. Now that Jupiter has moved into Sagittarius, the question is whether or not you want to further invest in this larger Vision that emerged. At this point you may ask yourself whether your new vision is affordable? Is it sustainable? Is it really worth the sacrifices you may need to make in order to see this vision continue to unfold? There is a lot of potential here going forward. It’s just a matter of what your true priorities are. 


When Jupiter first enters your sign it feels as if a great personage, someone that you consider to be holy or venerable, has just entered the room. You can feel their very presence. Then when Jupiter gets to the degree of your Sun, your Ascendant, or some other personal point in your natal chart, it is as if you are invited for a personal audience with them. Even though Jupiter has only just entered Sagittarius, the inspiration of its presence is already stirring hearts and minds with hope and possibility for the future. We are reminded that there is a whole world out there just waiting to be discovered. For the next year that Jupiter will be in your sign, you will feel the call from afar: the desire to grow, to expand your vision of yourself in some significant way. In the mean time Mars will enter Pisces and square Jupiter this week stirring up a little trouble. Maybe a little righteous indignation? Maybe it will serve as a catalyst for action and the motivation to do something about whatever it may be that is standing in the way of fulfilling that Big Vision which is trying to unfold. 


The effect of Jupiter entering Sagittarius is a little more subtle for Capricorn. And yet so very necessary right now. This is because Jupiter traveling in the sign behind your own for the year ahead, is extremely important for your sense of self and well being. Any worries, regrets, obsessions, fears that you have tucked away in the back of your psyche, can literally be healed just by Jupiter traveling in this sign of freedom and release. And as you release all of this psychological angst, it is replaced by feelings of wholeness, acceptance, forgiveness and inner peace. Because of this feeling of connectedness and acceptance, your social conscience and compassion also grows, inspiring you to want to do good works. Even thought traditionally the sign behind one’s own sign has to do with limitations and self-undoing, Jupiter traveling in Sagittarius literally has the capacity to break down any limitations, allowing you to be freer, less encumbered, and way more happy.  


Jupiter traditionally is associated with luck, expansion and sometimes even the fulfillment of a cherished vision. Now that it is in Sagittarius, it has the capacity to connect Aquarians with just what that vision looks like, and what must be done in order to make a cherished wish a closer reality. Look for friends and certain associations to be your source of luck, advice and direction. And likewise, as friends are likely to be helpful to you for the year ahead, you can also be of benefit to them. And any hep or support you show to others will be greatly rewarded to you in the future. But perhaps one of the most beneficial aspects for Aquarius with Jupiter here is Hope. Hope for a brighter future, Hope for the fulfillment of your wishes, and Hope for the opportunity to connect with the community with which you feel you belong. 


Jupiter entering Sagittarius dares you to expand your Vision of who you are, and the role you are to play in the world at large. What do you want to be known for? What do you want to be respected for? Jupiter’s entry here is the go-ahead signal to proceed with any plans you may have for the future. This is especially in regards to things like career, your reputation, or your role in the community of which you are a part. Choice made over the year ahead could ultimately have more profound ramifications then may at first be realized. And this is a wave that you will probably y want to ride. The truth is, with Jupiter now in Sagittarius, whatever positive efforts you make now, will be rewarded with some sort of advance, recognition or promotion. So dare to put your best foot forward. Just to give you a little extra boost, Mars enters your sign next Thursday, bringing your the courage and motivation to fulfill the vision that is now trying to unfold.