Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: December 14th thru 21st

For the week of December 14th thru the 21st, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


For the past 7 years, Aries has been redefining who they are. It has been more about having the freedom and the audacity to live out loud, to be a truer more authentic expression of yourself. This is a good week to celebrate whatever accomplishments you have made in the 7 years that the planet Uranus has been in your sign. There are still a few more months to embrace what that all feels like. But this week we celebrate how that looks on you. And although your energy is somewhat diminished these days, with your ruling planet in sensitive and impressionable Pisces, there are wells of strength and determination that are still available as needed. This will be especially helpful if you have any goals or activities that you need to get accomplished. This is about controlled energy that is channeled in a very precise, organized and skillful manner, so that what energy you have will not be wasted. Focus on those things that matter. You’ve got this.


The first part of the week will be a good time for getting finances in order, and getting your ducks lined up in a row. Pay attention to practical concerns. Would also be good for getting advice, especially from people whose advice you trust: elders; people with experience and know-how. Then as we approach the Solstice next week you can just feel the glow. This has always been recognized as a mystical and spiritual time of year, when we are all more connected to the rhythm and soul of our planet. See if you can tap into that soulful rhythm next week, when all of your senses will be so finely tuned and receptive. All the more reason to immerse yourself in positive energy: good people, pleasant, natural or beautiful environments; artistic or musical venues; sound baths; places that inspire your heart and mind. Just be.


This week you are being asked to take a look at the big picture. You can think of the analogy of standing at the top of a mountain, and being able to see all sides of a situation. It is also about getting information from others that will illuminate and give you a broader perspective. This will allow you to make decisions that will be in the best interest of everyone concerned. Because of this wonderful confluence of planetary alignments, this is an ideal time to reach agreements or make plans for the future that will benefit all. And with Mercury approaching Jupiter this week the sorts of contacts, agreements and conversations had with others, will ultimately help you to fulfill a big dream for the future. All of a sudden it could just feel like your world opened up just enough to see what that might look like. 


The first quarter Moon this week highlights the square between the Sun and Chiron, which has a lot to do with healing that which ails us. Things come out, and are revealed in the light of the Sun when it spars with Chiron, who challenges the Centaur to even greater excellence. Because everything is now in the open, you know precisely what you are dealing with. Chiron is not only about the wound, it is also about the best remedy going forward. And that is the keynote for the week going forward towards the Solstice and the Full Moon on the 21st. It is rare that there is a Full Moon on the Solstice, and this will be particularly special for Cancer, especially since the Nodes are now here as well. You will probably anticipate this Full Moon, feeling it earlier than usual, especially if you are born in the first few days (or degrees) of the sign. Cancer is often sensitive to the changeable Moon, all the more so when she is also in your sign as she will be at the Solstice. Blessings to you and all the magical energy that this coming week will bring our watery brethren.


This week is about two themes: confronting those things that are undermining your general well-being; and redefining, once and for all, what it means for you to be an authentic, genuine version of yourself. Even if you don’t seek authenticity, truth and the freedom to express yourself, it will find you. If you’ve been thinking about going in a new direct, or to experiment with new ideas, this is a good time to do so. It doesn’t need to be anything much. There is no need for drastic changes right now. Sometimes all that is required is being willing to look at something from another perspective. Or change up your routine in one small way. Even small changes have this amazing capacity to show you that there are easier ways of doing things, and that you don’t always have to do things the way you always have in the past. 


It may not seem like much, because things are coming together so organically you might not even realize what is happening. But at some point over the next few weeks, it will suddenly dawn on you that you are opening up like some gigantic bubble that is ready to encompass the whole wide world. So, look out world! We haven’t seen Virgo quite like this. At least not for some time. And it’s not for nothing. All that you have been working on for the past few years is now ready for launching. And now you are here to cut the tape, and make the announcement. And you still have so far to go. That’s what’s so exciting. This big vision for the future is unfolding whether you participate in it or not. Decisions and agreements made now, may have more of an impact than you realize. 


Hippocrates is quoted as saying that “A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of blessings.” And to take it one step further, the author George Melton is quoted as saying: “Of one thing I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing ~ peace is the measure.” This is your goal for this week as we approach the Solstice and the Full Moon. First, set your affairs in order: organize, take care of business. Then as you approach the Solstice, indulge your body, soul and mind in peaceful offerings, and serene environments. Your senses will be more finely tuned. So all the more reason to make sure that the environment and the activities that you take part in, will take that all into consideration. Start from the premise of thinking: what are those things that feed my heart and soul? What are those activities that fill me with a feeling of peace and wellness? And go from there. 


You are never more on top of your game than when both of your ruling planets (traditional Mars and modern Pluto) are working together. This week they perfect a fortuitous sextile. Now all you have to do is tune into some of that energy and you will be dauntless. There are reservoirs and depths of energy that if channeled can accomplish even the most challenging tasks and activities. Mars/Pluto combines the courage to try, along with the willpower and determination to see a goal through to its completion. No matter what. This is also a marker for any sort of activity that requires physical endurance and strength. But that can be mental and spiritual strength as well. So whether you partake in a dance marathon, or clean out the basement, set your goal, and then make it a point to see it accomplished by week’s end. 


Charles Wagner, a French pastor, was invited by Theodore Roosevelt to speak at the White House about his book a “Simple Life”. In this text he wrote: “Joy is not in things, it is in us..” More wise words cannot be said, especially when Mercury and Jupiter are cavorting in your sign this week. See if you can spread some of that joy: laugh, be jolly, celebrate and be merry. This is a transit of inspiration, wonder and hope, therefore use it well. If you only channel a small part of this transit you will find your whole perspective opening up in some wonderful way. This is also very much about daring to see things from a much higher, or more broader standpoint, taking into consideration the big picture. These are good days to make plans for the future, and to allow a larger, grander vision to unfold and grow. 


When things are weighing most heavily on you, it’s always good to know that there is someone there that you will be able to count on. Even if it is only for moral support, it’s good to have that cheering section in your corner. It makes for a much lighter load. This will be especially so, if you have taken on any challenging goals. Not that you can’t handle it on your own. Once you’ve got your sights set on something there is little to dissuade you. Kind of like a linebacker, or better yet a running back, bringing up the rear, you’ve got your sights set on your goal and there is nothing that can get in your way. You’ve got skill and perseverance on your side. And all those fancy cheerleaders are now just cheering you on. Go for it.


Aquarius is in something of a dilemma. You know that you should be thinking about the future, and what is next on the agenda. But it is also evident that there are just too many loose ends that need to be tied up before you can make any long term plans. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t start tying up some little things this week. Create a plan of action. Get things a little organized. At least figure out what your options are before you commit. Once that is all done, then you can begin to let loose. The holidays and the end year festivities are upon us, and you are not going to be left out in the cold. There is a raucous, jovial element in the air, that is down right contagious. See if you can hitch a ride on some of that optimistic and hopeful energy. After all, tomorrow is truly another day. 


One of the big challenges for 2019 will be about reconciling what you want to believe to be true, and what is actually true. It could even be that the truth is even better than what you believe to be so. Sometimes we limit ourselves with our own fears and doubts. But as Mercury and Jupiter form a perfect conjunction next week they are drawing you to open your awareness to a higher truth. If you are so lucky to be illuminated in this way; let that truth serve you as a lodestar moving forward. We will all need some sort of light to guide us through the delusions and illusions of our lives. In the mean time, live your life, laugh, love, and celebrate as we approach the Solstice on the 21st, one of the sacred corners of the year. Setting just the right tone for the weeks to come, will make all the difference as we approach the coming new year.