Horoscopes: December 7th thru 14th
For the week of December 7th thru the 14th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
There is nothing more irritating to Aries than ambiguity. Aries likes everything to be out in the open, to have all the cards laid out on the table. So when someone tells you to keep the faith, without anything to support you doing so, it could be pretty annoying. However, Aries is the Scarlett O’Hara of the signs, promising that tomorrow will be another day. Even if you are the one who is darn well going to make sure that it’s going to be a better day. It will be. Realize that this week, you are somewhat positioned to be able to make some sort of difference, if not in your life, then perhaps in someone else’s life. Make the intention to make this world a better place, one day at a time. A good affirmation for this New Moon might be: I have the courage and gall to use my good sense and judgment to guide me, and lead me to make only the most conscientious choices in my life.
You are not likely to be swayed from your convictions this week. If nothing else, you are becoming even more grounded in your determination, digging in your heels, refusing to back down or give in. True Taurus style. However, there will be some necessity for flexibility as the week wears on, requiring some sort of compromise, or needing to look at things from another perspective. You may need to do so in order to mend bridges, and make a peace offering. It may seem at times that it is impossible to fulfill your dreams. But actually something may need to end first, before you can make a whole new beginning. Greater wholeness can be achieved by accepting your current situation for what it is right now, recognizing that sometimes you simply have to be present even with ambiguity. A good affirmation for the New Moon might be: I am most powerful when I channel healing and spiritual power throughout my daily life.
For some reason you are being asked to trust that others are going to be coming through, even though they have not been keeping up their side of the bargain. And to top it off, there are all sorts of rumors and weird messages about the future, that makes it difficult to make definite decisions. Despite this, for some reason, you are beginning to see a glimmer of hope. Part of this is because Mercury is no longer retrograde. And what previously looked like a problem is finally beginning to solve itself. The other reason for these glimmers of hope is that Mercury will be re-entering Sagittarius on Wednesday, lifting spirits, hearts, and minds. It’s high time for some humor and good cheer. A good affirmation for this New Moon might be: I am open and interested in the perspectives of others; or I grow large when I connect with people who inspire me to reach high.
It is important to be vigilant, but that is not the same as worrying. Sometimes you just need to turn off the news, take some time out, and take care of your emotional and mental well-being. It’s not about escapism either. You know what’s going on, you just need to regain your sanity, and restore your faith in humanity and the world at large. Florence Nightingale would work hard in the trenches, but then occasionally she would take time off, to catch her breath, and restore her strength, so that she would be the better able to take care of business in the future. Therefore, think in terms of what you can do to promote better health and well-being through your daily activities. A good intention for this New Moon might be: May I find the best healer/guides/advice that will lead me to greater health and well-being.
You may be feeling a bit like a stranger in a strange land these days. And so you are grasping at whatever straws of ego-enforcement you can, even as it feels as if it is being slowly undermined and stripped away. There are times when you just need to put your ego aside, and focus on the priorities, the things that really matter. It may also be necessary for you to reassess your goals, and set them on a more realistic and realizable basis. Don’t worry if a few hearts and minds are upset in the process. You need to regain your bearings and your sense of dignity. And part of that is taking off the mask, and the role that others are expecting you to play, and reacquaint yourself with yourself. A good intention to make with the New Moon might be: I want all obstacles to joy and happiness lifted from me.
It’s truly no joke about all the disenchantment. Could even feel like old wounds are being reopened in the process. Just when you think everything will be okay, there’s something else. So it’s hard to get one’s spirits up in that kind of environment. However, there are a few bright lights here. For one thing there could be a sudden change of perspective that could indeed work in your favor. And something that had been weighing on you, is now showing hope for some sort of solution. Go with it. This New Moon is also very much about family and gathering the tribe. Make the intention to create a sanctuary of inspiration and security within your own home, peopling it with those who also share and support your vision for the future. And then make the intention with this New Moon to embrace the new order that is emerging.
The question is, how can you be awake, aware and vigilant, without becoming emotionally and physically drained in the process? The Libran scales of justice have been tipping all over the place, and there’s nothing more distressing than a Libra all in a kerflufle. It will be hard for you to completely tune out, especially as you have so much that you need to say, teach, learn right now. However, one way to do this is by limiting your access to news and information, so that you don’t become over-saturated. Libra is all about balance. Therefore keep your perspective, don’t take on more than you can handle, focus on your priorities, and avoid taking any unwise risks. A good intention to seed with this Moon might be: May I find humor in even the most challenging of circumstances.
It is time for you to sort through all of your priorities. Find something that you believe in, whether it be a cause, a creative outlet; an activity close to your heart. Find an activity that is meaningful to you, and might also benefit others. And put your energy there. Consolidate your energy and resources, and then give them a worthwhile channel and focus. And then make the intention to more easily prioritize those things what are not only most meaningful to you, but also bring you a feeling of self-worth. Ask yourself, if this is the direction in which I wish to go, how can I make this path sustainable? A possible intention to send out to the universe, for this New Moon might be: May I be open to accepting the abundance that the universe has to offer.
Even and especially in times of confusion and uncertainty, it is important to hold on to the spirit of hope and faith to carry us through. This New Moon is in your sign, asking you to reacquaint yourself with your own vision for the future, and to hold fast to that, without going off course. Ask yourself at this point, what would a life that is a truer expression of yourself look like? Then pledge to making that a commitment, not only for the month ahead, but for the months beyond that as well. It is probably true that you are unsure about what the future has in store, that there are some things over which you don’t have control. Don't focus on those things. One thing you do have control over is your own integrity. Some good intentions for this New Moon might be: May I have the courage to be an inspiration for myself and others; or May I be open to being a truer and more authentic expression of myself.
The key for this week, and perhaps for the month ahead, is about cobbling together some sort of plan, even in the face of uncertainty and unpredictability. Capricorn is all about taking the bull by the horns, getting your bearings, creating some sort of goal that you know you can live with, and moving on from there. What you don’t want to do, this weekend is take on way more than you had anticipated, or you will regret it later on. Therefore keep your bearings and your perspective. This New Moon actually wants to you to slow down, tune in, and do some inner soul searching. Capricorn has a tendency to second guess their intuition. Therefore make the intention with this New Moon to pay heed to, and follow, your conscience and inner guides. There is something they are trying to tell you.
Create a practical and achievable goal for the immediate future to get you started. And then make the intention to connect with others who will help you to fulfill those goals. And think to yourself as the New Moon week unrolls: “May I make the best choices that will bring the most growth and opportunities to use my skills to their best advantage.” There is a certain practicality on the surface that belies any uncertainty about the future. It could feel a little like you are pursuing a pipe dream, and it just may be that you will need to wait until you get a clearer picture of what resources are going to be available. But right now, in this moment, you are being asked to connect with what you think would be your most ideal situation going forward. This New Moon is the wishing moon for Aquarius, an excellent time to seed dreams and aspirations for the future. You might want to make the intention at this time: If this dream is meant to be for me, may the best possible circumstances arise to see it fulfilled.
It's about keeping your eye on the ball. Even if it feels like everything is going to hell in a hand basket, even if you have no idea what tomorrow may bring, even if you feel like you are roaming around aimlessly in a fog… there is still hope. And that lodestar is what allows you to navigate through that fog, and be able to set your sights on some sort of plan for the future. A good intention for this New Moon for Pisces might be: “May I obtain a clearer vision and understanding of my higher potential and goals.” And you might want to ask yourself, In what way do I want to be an inspiration or example for others to follow? Also realize that if something seems to be ending right now, that there also may be an opportunity right around the corner that is opening up. Therefore keep the faith.