Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: May 4th thru 11th

For the week of May 4th thru the 11th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Just when you think you are out of the danger field, all sorts of other annoyances seem to crop up this week. It could even feel like someone is trying to manipulate you, or force you into submission. Realize that there is no use in trying to convince people to see things your way. You may be compelled to face a painful truth or situation that simply cannot be avoided one way or another. If you focus too much on what is not working out, you will only find yourself flustered, resentful and angry when all is said and done. Instead take that same energy and use it in a positive way: tackle a problem that requires your full attention: focus, concentrate, and analyze. It will soon become evident where adjustments and changes need to be made later on. In the mean time, throw yourself into a project with abandon, and focus your energy there.  


What this week is good for: imagination, dreams, deep spiritual reveries. It is also good for immersing yourself in beautiful and bucolic surroundings. What it is not so good for are practical considerations, particularly around finances. There may even be some confusion afoot. Sometimes it can’t be helped, but try not to take on too many obligations this week, as you might find yourself overwhelmed. There is a lot to take into consideration, and as Uranus is poised to enter your sign later this month, there will be many a Taurus considering making some radical changes in their lives. One way to start, is to think about what it would mean for you to live a more authentic life and lifestyle. You may raise a few eyebrows for starters.


With Mercury square Pluto this week you could find yourself drawn into un-winnable arguments or situations that are probably not even worth the time or effort they take. The only good that may come out of this is that it gives you the opportunity to reexamine your ideas. In fact, one way to positively use this transit is through the honest analysis of a problem or situation. It is also good for tackling any project that requires a great deal of focus and concentration. You may also find that this is probably a better week to work on your own, depending on your own cognizance, rather than collaborating with others, who apparently are too bossy for their own good, any way. 


Usually the days after the Full Moon allow us to retreat and go within. And that may be true for at least the earlier part of the week. But as we reach the waning quarter Moon (late Monday, early Tuesday) although you will be aiming to wind things up, there may be a bit to more going on than anticipated. Not necessarily in a bad way. Perhaps some sort of celebration? A party? Some sort of resolution that opens up all sorts of new doors? Look for opportunities to settle any disagreements with others. Not doing so now, will only lead to resentment later on. Sometimes it’s better to just let some things go (no matter how difficult that may be), rather than saying something you might later regret.


Meaningful experiences can be had this weekend, if you are able to shut out the usual noise, and turn your attention towards something that feeds both your heart and soul. Perhaps a little bit of an escape from your everyday life is being called for. This can bring you the energy you need to reinvigorate your soul and your outlook on life. This will be true even if you are inclined to over do things, or take on more than you bargain for. A little diversion now and then is not only harmless, but can also give you the courage and hope to reinvest in yourself. A sense of empowerment arises when you find your place in the scheme of things, and feel like you have some sort of control over the destiny of your life. 


With Mercury square Pluto this week you could find yourself drawn into un-winnable arguments or situations that are probably not even worth the time or effort they take. The only good that may come out of this is that it gives you the opportunity to reexamine your ideas. In fact, one way to positively use this transit is through the honest analysis of a problem or situation. It is also good for tackling any project that requires a great deal of focus and concentration. However, one thing to learn is how important it is for everyone to be more conscious about what they say, and how they say it, in order not to get wrangled into any potentially negative exchanges. Place the focus on compassionate understanding, and opportunities to heal over any rifts, and mend broken bridges if at all possible. It will also bring a deeper sense of control over the destiny of your life.


It will be hard to stay focused for a good part of the week, mostly due to distractions that make it more difficult to keep up with your usual routine. Sometimes, rather than fighting it, it’s easier to just give in. That may be easier said than done, if you have a job to do. But it might be useful to take time out for reverie, for dreaming, or more creative pastimes. If nothing else, allow yourself to be fascinated. And if you have a way to channel some of that dreaming reverie, all the better. There could be a little edginess with partners. This can be avoided by not allowing yourself to be drawn into any negative comments or manipulative behaviors that lead nowhere. One thing you could focus on, is some project in or around the house that you’ve been meaning or needing to tackle. Just realize you’re probably going to have to take care of it yourself. 


You may be wondering when things will finally begin to settle down. After a few intense weeks, you now could have the opportunity to let loose and enjoy yourself for a few days. At times it could feel like you are over-doing it, but a little festivity is being called for. For now this is a blessing. If you are feeling over-committed, temper it with a bit of self-restraint and all should bode well. In some way your vision for the future is being tapped into. Allow that Big Vision to grow for now. There’s no telling where it will take you from here. Something interesting this way comes. It could be quite sudden and unexpected, but it could also open up your life and your perspective in unusual ways. 


If you are feeling a little over-extended by mid-week, realize that it is probably for a good cause. Nonetheless it could feel like there is not enough hours in the day to get to everything that needs doing. Not to mention all the distractions that keep cropping up. And you can only be in so many places at once. Temper any over-enthusiasm with a grain of sobriety and you’ll not only make it through the week unscathed, but will probably reap a few benefits as well. Could be that a new vision for the future is trying to emerge. It may feel daunting at first, and there may be a few things that still need to be worked out, but it is worth taking an objective look at, nonetheless. 


Your competitive streak has been strong lately, so it will be difficult to avoid being drawn into situations where you feel like you are needing to defend yourself. Realize that people may be pushing your buttons unconsciously, and not necessarily doing it on purpose. These are most likely people who know you so well, that they are more than familiar with just how to push those sensitive buttons. Especially the ones that really hurt. Rather than wasting energy defending yourself, channel some of it into something more creative, or where you can see some positive results for all of your efforts. A sense of empowerment arises when we find our own place in the scheme of things, and are allowed to take control over the destiny of our own lives, in our own way. 


The 3rd quarter Moon of the month is usually a time to dial down and conserve energy. However this waning quarter Moon on Monday (or Tuesday) has your number, and there probably won’t be the usual opportunities to unwind. You might want to try and do all that unwinding earlier in the week. However, what the dark of the Moon does bring this month, are opportunities to unwind in other ways: perhaps in a more convivial manner. A Sun/Jupiter opposition this week is great for parties and a bit of carrying on. It gives you the courage to push yourself a little more than you normally would. However it can also inflate egos and expectations, opening the door to the possibility of taking on way more than you had anticipated. Therefore temper any grand plans with some reasonable sobriety, and all should go well. 


Use the early part of the week to rest up and recharge your batteries. You will need the extra fuel for later on in the week, when you will be feeling a bit more stretched beyond your capacity. Deep inspiration and meaningful experiences can be had if you are willing to turn down the noise and allow yourself to connect with your inner muse. This can be something creative, spiritual or merely sublime. The key is to wind down in a purposeful way, as much as is possible, for later in the week, you are going to find your dance card a little full. This may find you traveling, or commuting, or running about a bit. The end result is positive, and perhaps even celebratory, however plans should probably be tempered with a reasonable amount of sobriety.