Horoscopes: August 31st thru September 7th
For the week of August 31st thru September 7th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
With Saturn slowing for its station next Thursday, it could feel as if so much is resting on your shoulders. That’s because it probably is. And it may even be that a number of people, even more than you realize, are relying on you to be there. You are being asked to step up to the plate, and show the world what you are capable of achieving. And even though it may feel as if it is all pretty daunting (and exhausting), it is not for nothing. And unfortunately, there is no getting out of it right now. All of your hard work, is now paying off. And your reputation precedes you. But there’s also the realization that you need to do what you need to do. A whole new beginning is beckoning you away from all this, but you’re going to have to take care of business first. One thing at a time. In the mean time, recognizing that you can’t always get what you want, could prove to be something of an exercise in patience. Try not to make too much of any growing tensions with others. You can’t please all the people all the time.
Make the most of the earlier part of the week to make alliances, and gain cooperation. You will find that it will just be easier to do so. After that we will all be negotiating the frustrating passions and desires of conflicting parties. At some point, some sort of compromise will need to be made. To make the most of this upcoming Saturn station, open yourself up to the perspective that there’s always so much more to learn, no matter how old you are, no matter how educated you already are. There is always someone who knows something more than you do, about something. Saturn can be humbling in this way. But Saturn is also asking Taurus to value what you do know. And one of the ways to value knowledge and wisdom, is to share it with others. And so there is this continuous, unbroken chain of knowledge that is passed down from teacher to student from ages past. And you are part of that lineage. Finding your own particular niche, in that one particular lineage, and making sure you are informed, educated and ready, is your mission right now.
Since Saturn entered the sign of Capricorn last year, and is now stationing direct, Gemini is being given the opportunity to transition from one phase of life, to one that is hopefully more sustainable and manageable. The retrograde period has allowed you to set appropriate limits and boundaries, and weed out those things that were distracting you from your path. The next few years can indicate big changes for Gemini, with endings, but also new beginnings. And the skills that you acquire during these years will also prove to be an asset for years to come, especially in terms of self-sufficiency, and having a realistic and sustainable plan for the future. In the mean time, there are some pleasant days coming up for Gemini where hearts and minds seem to be in unison. On Wednesday, your ruling planet Mercury enters the sign of Virgo where it is in good form. Channel some of that Virgo skill to organize and sort out your environment and life. It’s time to get down to business.
Relationships are under scrutiny with Saturn’s direct station this week. For some that might mean wanting to make a more lasting and deeper commitment to someone else. For others it may be time for a bit of reckoning and reevaluation of the relationships you are currently in. What is important is to be very clear about what your expectations are of others, and what theirs are of you. It is also good to be clear with yourself about what your expectations are from relationships in general. What you might find with Saturn in Capricorn, is that you are being required to take on a role giving guidance and counsel to others. If this is so, then you will find that your own history and experience will serve you well. A square between Venus and Mars this week could increase sexual tension. This same energy can be translated thorough any sort of passionate self-expression. Therefore let your passions sing in which ever way is most meaningful for you.
Once you get past the Sun/Neptune opposition this week, it may feel as if things are finally coming together in the work place, or at least in your everyday activities. If you had plans for your job, they may finally be coming together. If something had been delayed, it may finally be moving forward. If a health problem had been holding you back, there may finally be light at the end of the tunnel. Something that Saturn is quite good for is rebuilding, strengthening and increasing your stamina. It could feel at times as if you are inundated with work and responsibility, having to put in long hours. Yet the skills you master while Saturn is in Capricorn will serve you well for years to come. If nothing else, the forward direction of Saturn will aid you to take charge of your daily schedule in order to work in a more efficient and organized way. In the mean time, Sun/Neptune could find you languishing, and moving through a veil of uncertainty until the New Moon on the 9th. That’s okay. In some way you are being asked to go with faith. We can’t always know exactly how things are going to turn out.
A Sun/Neptune opposition next week could bring some uncertainty and even a bit of confusion. As we are heading into the dark of the Moon, it is best used for meditation and introspection. However, two positive events are occurring later this week, when your ruling planet Mercury enters Virgo, and Saturn stations Direct, bringing greater clarity and organization finally to bear in the long run. Even if you have to wait until after the new Moon on the 9th. With the station of Saturn, look at the ways that you can make what you do for a living, more personable, more unique, more creative. Perhaps you might even consider turning something that was once merely a past-time or a hobby into something a little more serious. Saturn can sometimes seem to place obstacles or prevent us from enjoying the things we love when Saturn is in Capricorn. However there are still some advantages to be had, such as perfecting certain skills or talents, or learning a new skill. Creative growth and milestones can occur while Saturn is in this sign.
There are some conflicts that could arise with this station of Saturn between taking care of yourself and your own needs, and the needs of others. It’s not only due to Saturn, but a square between Venus and Mars could muddy the waters by increasing tensions and conflicting desires with others as we move further into the week. What also could arise are solutions that you may not have previously considered. This is a time to reassess your home, family and personal needs, making your life safer, more secure and more reliable. In order to be able to be a support for others, you need to make sure that your own life is resting on a firm foundation. Now that Saturn is in Capricorn, it has been setting the stage for your emergence into the outer world. The more secure you make the foundations of your life, the more successful you will ultimately be in the outer world.
With Saturn’s station, see what practices you might want to work on, that will help you to decrease stress and increase over all clarity. Now that Saturn is going to be direct again, one thing it can bring is this feeling of a clearer plan unfolding. And if you can align yourself with Saturn’s clarity and focus, and use t to stay in the present moment, it can prove to be a great asset in honing and developing certain interdisciplinary skills that can help you to fulfill a vision for the future. It’s one thing to have a Vision. It’s another thing to sort through all the details and organization that is necessary in order to make that vision a closer reality. A Venus/Mars square next week is a cautious reminder that you can’t always get what you want. This combination is often associated with sexual tension and magnetism, which can also be experienced in a frustrating way if there is no outlet, or you and others are not on the same page. Channel this creative energy through some other outlet. Passion can invest all you do with greater depth and meaning.
A confusing and listless Sun/Neptune opposition can muddy the waters as we approach the New Moon on the 9th. And it may feel as if you really cannot see things clearly. However, now that Saturn will be direct again, place the focus on establishing more stability and confidence in yourself and what you have to offer. This can include wanting greater financial stability or at least sustainability. Use the Saturn station to create a financial plan, or figure out how you can make a budding prospect more sustainable and achievable. Look at both short term attainable goals as well as the long term possibilities. Saturn strives for self-sufficiency. But it can also be about establishing deeper self-value and self-esteem. The gift of confidence and self-assurance can carry you far. All the more so, once your ruling planet enters Sagittarius later this year. But in the mean time, Saturn is pushing for a realistic and sustainable long-term plan for the future.
Saturn is stationing in its own sign of Capricorn, making an even stronger statement for all Capricorns to live your life according to a higher standard. This is an important time in your life in which it has become necessary to explore every facet of your life, including relationships, work, old habits and out-worn goals. It’s not so much about other’s expectations of you, so much as your own expectations. And part of that is because you’ve been raising the bar. Some things may have already been sloughed off in order to clear the field, so that new beginnings can emerge. And you may question at times if all of your efforts are worth it, or being fully appreciated. But do realize that whatever seeds are being planted now, are going to make all the difference in the long run. Pay particular attention to those seeds that you know would serve you best. You are the one traveling this way. Therefore it is also important to know who you are and what is right for you.
With Saturn’s station, you just may come to the realization that our life is going through this profound transition. Welcome it. Welcome it all, even if you find yourself standing on the edge of a precipice without a road map to guide you. Realize that a new direction is already being established, and that things have already been set in motion. You may not be able to see your way forward clearly yet, but you will in due time. And before you get to that point, many things will have fallen away. That’s okay. Those things and people that are meant to be with you on the journey going forward will stay. But those that are not going to be part of that new journey which is slowly, very slowly coming together, will be moving off in a different direction. In the mean time, you have a number of loose ends that need tying up before you can move forward. Part of that is a willingness to release and let go of goal that are no longer serving the person you are becoming, and the new reality you will be facing.
With Saturn’s station, be willing to sift through the relationships in your life, separating the chaff from the wheat: those who are there for the long haul, and those who are merely fair-weather friends. You have achieved certain goals in your life, had certain successes, achieved some sort of status in the community. One of the questions that may arise now that Saturn is stationing, is what is next on the agenda? Where do you see yourself going from here? You may not make any immediate changes. But it’s almost as if you see the writing on the wall. A transition is occurring. There may be elements of fatigue, disillusionment and disenchantment later in the week. Don’t allow your spirits to be lowered. Greater clarity will come after the New Moon on the 10th. What the period approaching the New Moon is good for is dreaming, fantasies and indulging your imagination.