Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: January 11th thru 18th

For the week of January 11th thru the 18th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Determined to have your way, you are going to be a force to be reckoned with this week. In more ways than one. The obvious ways are the usual Aries methods, of direct advance and hard core maneuvers that could leave some quaking in their boots when all is said and done. But then there are those sneaky, unexpected charming ways, that leave us even more shattered and perplexed. Who ever knew that Aries could be so charming, in such a diamond-in-the-rough sort of way? At some point it becomes obvious to even Aries, that so much more can be accomplished through charming persuasion than possibly can by sheer brute force. There is something so utterly intriguing about Aries when they leave their weapons at the door, and confidently dare to negotiate strategies. We’re all going to be disarmed this week, if you keep that up. 


Whatever sins, cravings, desires haunt your Taurean soul, it will be all you can do to avoid them. Venus is in superfluous Sagittarius, and she knows what she likes, and she likes as much as she can get. And it really doesn’t count as not indulging if no one is watching. Recognize that there are times when you just have to feed your soul, just enough to satisfy the cravings. It’s all about moderation. But watch out though. Passions can run high this week and you won’t want to wake up with any strange and lingering hangovers or bedfellows. What this can also bring are intriguing encounters with people that you do feel passionately about; and opportunities to immerse yourself in soulfully inspired self-expression. “Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened. Don’t open the door to the study and begin reading. Take down the dulcimer. Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” ~ Rumi. 


This is one of those weeks when you will want to be super concentrated and focused. This will be perfect thought, for it will help to keep you from being all distracted and drawn into all sorts of places where you really have no business being. It will be like two opposing forces: totally immersed in that project that you’ve been trying to get finished for like forever, vs. binge watching Konmari on Netflix. If you want to be at all productive, veer on the side of caution and avoid emptying all the closets in order to clutch that t-shirt to see if it sparks joy. Mercury in Capricorn weeks are the few times when Gemini can genuinely concentrate and get things done, and not doing so will only reap its own consequences. There are details to pay attention to. And things simply are not going to get done on their own. Work that Mercury in Capricorn. 


This week, the first quarter Moon is characterized by power struggles followed by changes with unexpected consequences. In your personal life those struggles will be most evident in your personal relationships, but it could manifest almost anywhere. The struggle is real. What it’s really about is your relationship with power in general, never mind anyone else. It’s about whether or not you feel as if you are truly in control over your current circumstances, and where and how you might be giving your power away. Pay attention, for as we move into the week, surprising circumstances could come to light which could change the whole picture. The best way to ride this wave is with flexibility and objectivity. Otherwise unexpected changes of circumstance and plans will just leave you in a tizzy. 


The work environment could present quite a few challenges for Leo. It may feel like a terrible grind, as if you are having to put in long, grueling hours, or that you have to contend with difficult personalities. Another avenue of concern for some Leo’s could have to do with health concerns that are presenting challenges (if not yours, then someone else’s). If it’s not one thing, it’s another, but it could feel like things keep tripping you up and just won’t let you be. We are all learning to accept and embrace the human experience for what it is, realizing that it is far from perfect. By doing so, we can all achieve greater wholeness and healing, and even mend a few bridges in the process. The times between eclipses can be rife with unexpected surprises, and this week will be no exception. It probably won’t be too crazy, but be prepared to have to switch gears mid-week if necessary. 


If you are confounded on the whys and wherefores of others these days, you are not alone. There’s no telling what their motives are. And you can only take them at their word. But you’re also going to have to take them with a grain of salt, because everyone is a little flakey these days, and it will be all a Virgo can do to sort things out, and clean up the mess. Keep your focus and you will be all right. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted, it will just lead you down the garden path to nowhere. And there may be some pretty important decisions needing to be made by the end of next week. Just make sure you have all the facts first before doing so. Even if it means having to do a little stealthy sleuthing to get to the bottom of things. You will want to be informed. 


Be still my passionate heart! It’s always a hoot to watch Libra gracefully dance around the wiles and innuendos of seduction and glamour. No one does it better, or more gracefully, than Libra who will have us all under their spell, while appearing to completely ignore us in the process. But once we become captivated by that inimitable Libran charm it’s all over, and we’re done for. Venus is trine Mars this week, and one thing it is really good for is winning people over with some old-fashioned charming persuasion. One thing to be wary of, and this is going to be something of a trend for the year… is making sure that you are not over-committing or over-scheduling yourself to the point of utter distraction. There are only so many names that can fit on your dance card, and you might even want to consider sitting a few of the dances out. Your health and well-being may depend on it.


Scorpio really does not need any encouragement to spark any incendiary cravings or desires, and having Venus trine Mars this week, could be just the culprit to light some of those smoldering fires. Just realize that once you get those fires lit, it will be all you can do to stamp them out again. What this weather is good for is the inspiration to follow through on a creative project or idea that you’ve been wanting to tackle. There is also a great deal of focus and concentration in the air this week, which will help you to really follow through and see a project brought to completion. Do indulge your senses a bit. No need to waste that indulgent trine, but also channel some of that focus, organization and determination to to see a job well done. Something tells me you are not going to let very much get in your way. 


In some way Sagittarius is being asked to grow and thoroughly expand their footprint out into the world in some remarkable way. There is something to the adage that Sagittarius can wade through the muck and mire of life and still manage to come out smelling like roses. Especially these days, now that Jupiter is traveling in your sign. And with Venus here as well this week, it could feel as if nothing could go wrong. And then there’s Neptune. Lurking-around-in-the-bushes-Neptune. So long as you can keep your nose clean and avoid getting sucked into worthless and unsavory distractions, there’s no holding you back. Once you realize that with just enough grit and hard work, almost anything is possible this year, you’re good to go.


There are times when it may feel as if the weight of the world is sitting on your shoulders. This is especially true if you find yourself in the midst of an important transition in your life. You may even be having something of an identity crisis. As one part of your life is gradually phasing out, another one is emerging. It could almost feel like you are needing to start things all over again from scratch. But that’s not really true, because you have all that experience behind you that you can still build on. If you’ve been wanting to make changes in your life, the next several years will probably be the most productive times in your life to do so. It may still mean a bit of hard work and grit, but that never discouraged a Capricorn. In the mean time, be prepared for a shift of plans as we move into the week. Changes are already emerging. 


This is an interesting week, with perhaps a few unexpected twists and turns that may find you changing plans by mid-week. There’s no telling where this will lead. It may often seem these days that it is almost impossible to make plans: short term or long term; because things keep shifting. And this will continue to be so as certain things are drawing to a close, and other things emerge from out of the woodwork that you hadn’t been aware of before. It may feel like something of a waiting game, but not much will be accomplished by trying to force things before their time. Things are going to have to unfold as they will, when they will. And although you may not be able to see the full picture right now, things will be revealed as you need them to be. 


I’m not sure if any of us will know if we are coming or going this week, all the more so Pisces, who’s just wandering about in something of a fugue these days. It’s often difficult to navigate these voids between the Eclipses where the energy drains out of everyone like an old leaky bucket. Add to that the even more leaky Jupiter/Neptune transit that like an over-saturated sponge is leaving puddles everywhere. One thing this transit is really good for is bringing yourself into alignment with a cherished dream or aspiration. Even if it is apparently unrealistic or unachievable, it helps to remind you of the things that make your life more meaningful and fill your heart with joy. The next step will be figuring out what small changes you can make in order to make more room for these things of wonder and joy to thrive and grow.