Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: October 25th thru November 1st

For the week of October 25th thru November 1st, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


If you’ve been on the fence about making a decision, you will no longer have that luxury. And if you have already made up your mind, you are going to be receiving some deep lessons about patience, strategy and diplomacy over the next few weeks. Be clear about your boundaries, but avoid confrontation as much as possible, for that will only end up being an exercise in frustration. If you have been feeling stuck, think about what you need to do to achieve a sense of rebirth and renewal with the New Moon this week. This could include freeing yourself up from commitments that are compromising your freedom. It’s time to reclaim your time. A good intention to make with this Moon might be: May I make the best choices that will bring greater healing and opportunities for growth in my life. 


Now that we are in Scorpio season, it could very well be that other people will serve as a catalyst to urge you on to reclaim your time and your self-identity. It may happen as you aim to reassert your emerging identity, behaviors from others might just shock and/or surprise you. But it will also serve as confirmation as to who you really want escorting you while pursuing your destiny and life path. Some things that you might want to consider with the New Moon in Scorpio: Re-exploring your expectations from others, and they from you; Realizing that sudden changes in relationships may actually prove to be fortuitous; Exploring what you may need to release or let go of in order to make more meaningful connections with others. There is much to be learned through others that can ultimately bring deeper understanding and healing into your life. 


On Halloween your ruling planet, Mercury, will station retrograde in Scorpio, the sign of ghosties and ghoulies. As a change of pace your co-workers may come dressed for the occasion. Be prepared to pass out goodies. There’s no telling what or who could come out of the woodwork with this weather. And it all looks very spur of the moment. Not to mention the office demons in the hard drives and technology. It may be hard to concentrate this week, what with all the increased sugar, missed memos, electrical mishaps, spontaneous parties and people in drag. But one thing Mercury in retro can be good for is removing some of the excess clutter from your life and environment, getting the low-down on Esther in cubicle 3, and taking care of any unfinished business. We’ll talk more next week. 


Okay, so one of the big questions this week is: have you figured out your costume for Halloween/Samhain? No matter, as this is bound to be one of those sudden pop up raves in some dive loft somewhere, where anything goes. But be semi-prepared just in case. There’s no telling where the dust will settle after the New Moon any way, so who knows who will or will not be invited, or who you’ll run into? There are a lot of benefits that can come from this spontaneous and crazy retrograde weather: Reacquainting yourself with your creative side, as you figure out what on earth you are going to wear; Meeting new and interesting people who show you new and better ways of doing things; Rediscovering your joy and remembering what it feels like to look at the world through the eyes of a child.  


If anyone wants to actually see you this week, they’re going to have to go to your place, because you won’t be feeling much like leaving home. However, they will get an inkling of what you are doing through those interesting texts and instagram photos you’ve been sharing! Even small changes in your life and environment could foster all sorts of creative ideas. Nonetheless, be prepared for a few surprises that could change the direction that you see yourself going in the future. These occasional changes in perspective can be truly illuminating. Be flexible. Even if it feels like changes are being imposed on you. They could prove to be fortuitous in the end. 


Your ruling planet, Mercury, will station retrograde on Halloween this year. Talk about tricks and treats! Needless to say, you are going to have to watch for the usual retrograde denizens: miscommunications, misunderstandings, and delays while commuting. No getting around those tricky demons for the next several weeks. However, Mercury retrograde can also bring some benefits. Through self-reflection, investigation and information that comes to light, all sorts of insights can be had. Make the intention with the New Moon to be open to any new ideas and new ways of thinking and perceiving the world. It could prove to be enlightening. 


As Venus makes its way through the last decan of Scorpio it will help you to reorganize your priority list, and perhaps even organize your financial priorities. And although we are no longer in Libra season, it is still important to pay attention to what and where much of your energy is being wasted, and what you need to do to reestablish the balance in your life. Who or what is blocking you? Where do you need to restore boundaries? One thing blocking you just might be your own self-doubts. In some way you are being asked to confront these inner fears and transform them into strengths. It is time to rebuild your confidence and self-worth, and restore your belief in yourself. 


In order to find yourself in the scheme of things, sometimes you have to go down into the abyss: explore what lies beneath the surface, and dare to confront those things you would rather not see. However, do realize that once you see something you will not be able to un-see it again. And the New Moon could threaten to throw all of our dirty linen into the street. For Scorpio that is like their worst nightmare. At the same time, you could be the recipient of some enlightening information. Some things you might want to pay attention to with the upcoming New Moon: Having more control over your own life and destiny; Reconnecting with and developing a stronger sense of personal identity; Or, developing a deeper sense of self-assurance. Time to reflect and do the research before making any new beginnings. 


It may seem counterintuitive, but one way to cultivate abundance in our lives is through generosity. By sharing your gifts, sharing your time, and sharing your resources, through the power of reciprocity, everyone benefits. This is one of the gifts of Scorpio season, further emphasized by Jupiter cavorting with Ceres this week. But there is more to this upcoming New Moon than giving and taking. For there is also something quite startling with the planet Uranus so closely aligned to the New Moon. At this time you are compelled to ask: What’s really going on? What is the truth? What is the meaning behind all this? There is a certain purging that goes on with the sign of Scorpio, that also allows you to divest yourself of your illusions. And once you see what is really going on, things may never be quite the same again. 


Trying to get a handle on things could be an exercise in frustration. Especially as all the moving pieces, seem to be going rogue. Everyone seems to be ignoring the rules and just doing their own thing. Things are particularly tricky around the New Moon at the end of this weekend, when the Sun is also exactly opposite Uranus. This is weather that is rife with surprises and unanticipated changes. However what it can also bring are opportunities to see things in another light. This New Moon is your wishing Moon. So you might want to ask yourself, what changes you might want to make in order to bring yourself more in alignment with your highest aspirations? And if there are some unexpected surprises or twists and turns; ask yourself what this all means in the grander scheme of things. 


If you’ve been feeling trapped, then it will take all your powers of concentration not to escape the prison that is currently confining you. More than anything you will want to reclaim your life and your personal space. And having to wait could feel excruciating. All the more so if sudden events threaten to destabilize your current circumstances. As the result of unexpected information being revealed to you, you may choose to go back to the drawing board and reassess your goals. You may even consider stepping back (or walking away) in order to be able to get a better perspective, and live your own life. At the very least it’s time to create a plan that includes having more growth, more freedom, or more options. 


Hello! This New Moon can be something of an eye opener filled with unexpected surprises and sudden changes. Good to be as flexible as possible with this weather. Mercury is stationing for its retrograde phase on the 31st. So it’s also good to reflect and do all the research before you make any major decisions. You are more likely to benefit from this weather this week if you are willing to look at things from another point of view. This will bring a deeper understanding that could reinvest your world view. This could include studying a new subject, being open to the beliefs of others, or learning about a different culture or tradition. A good intention for this Moon might be: May I easily find myself motivated to make the changes in my life that will allow my perspective and knowledge to grow, leading to deeper understanding.