Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: October 4th thru 11th

Midieval Sisyphus

For the week of October 4th thru the 11th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


This week Mars enters Libra sowing all sorts of mixed blessings. This could be great, if you want to collaborate on a project with someone else. But it could also be tremendously annoying. Especially if they keep on trying to run the whole show. However, in order to be able to achieve your goals, you will probably have to work with others over the next few weeks, and possibly even make some compromises along the way. Patience is required in order to refrain from saying or doing something that will only cause more problems in the end. It will all be a lot easier if you keep reminding yourself of your end goals, without getting pissed off. There’s that whole thing about holding on to your anger being like holding a hot coal in your hand with the intention of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned. 


On Tuesday, your ruling planet Venus will change signs. For the few days that it is still in Libra, you can continue to create greater fairness and equanimity in your everyday life. But after it enters Scorpio this week there may prove to be a few surprising turn of events. Be open and be flexible. There may be certain expectations being placed on you, that you might not be all that ready for right now. Your newly emerging independence and autonomy has been feeling pretty intriguing, and having to give some of that up makes you worry that you might need to sacrifice your freedom. Rather than automatically rebuffing social engagements, see if you can maybe just enjoy the moment for what it is right now. You might even have a good time, if you are willing to break from the usual routine.


Be prepared for some potential changes in schedules or plans. As a result of things being shifted about a lot of things could be moving very quickly. Perhaps too quickly, leaving you trying to figure out how to regain your equilibrium. Luckily due to your nimble Gemini abilities you should be able to juggle whatever is being thrown at you. Flexibility is key. Especially as not only are things changing and shifting about in one area of your life, but there are other areas that are feeling oppressively inflexible. This may be an obligation, some rule that can’t be transgressed, or some other limitation that is getting in the way. The idea here is to focus on those things that you can change and work with, and work around those you can’t. You’ll be amazed by what you can still get accomplished. 


New starts were indicated by the New Moon last week. Now with the first quarter Moon it could really feel like things are beginning to take form. But not without having to confront and dispense with whatever obstacles that are standing in the way of progress. This could be a person or a situation that stubbornly refuses to go away, and won’t until you pull up your bootstraps and make some hard decisions. Even if that hard decision might mean having to give up on something that was once really important to you. You don’t necessarily need to make dramatic changes right now. In fact it might be difficult to do. However, the awareness of what you are or are not willing or able to deal with is making itself known. And sometimes the only way to make a fresh start is to tie up the loose ends of what once was.


If you are feeling drained of your energy, and like you are facing a mountain of responsibilities you are not alone. At times it could feel particularly daunting and frustrating. Even if there is nothing obvious, it would be a good idea to pay attention to whatever that thing is that is poking and prodding you, trying to get your attention. This could be an obligation that you cannot get out of. Or having to face some sort of huge task that cannot be avoided. It’s exhausting just thinking about it. Whatever obstacle you are needing to remedy, whatever mountain you are needing to climb, just realize that whatever work you are having to put in now, will all be worth it in the end. 


Be prepared for some unexpected, and perhaps surprising, twists and turns as we move through the weekend. Anticipate changes in schedules or changes in plans. The key here is to be as flexible as possible, as people are likely to change their minds and things get shifted around. Also give yourself permission to be able to change your own mind, and look for an escape route if you are needing to make any commitments or agreements, as circumstances could change quite quickly. The question for everyone this week, and Virgo is no exception, is to pay attention to any area of your life that is feeling overwhelming or unsustainable. Being clear about what your limits are, especially to yourself, will help you to find your way forward. 


Now that Mars has entered your sign, and will be crossing the New Moon degree, you are being given the green light to proceed with whatever plans had been brewing behind the scenes. It is time to take the reins of your life into your own hands. There may yet still be a few obligations to be worked out and negotiated, and now that you’re raring to go, having to wait for obstacles to be resolved could prove to be a grueling exercise in patience and fortitude. It’s like being stuck in traffic when you have this really important event to get to just around the corner. Have faith that the gridlock will resolve when it will. Just know that it will probably take some hard work to get things fully moving in the right direction. As frustrating as it may seem right now, it will all be worth it in the end. 


Your ruling planet, Mars, enters Libra this week, where it will remain until the middle of November. Generally speaking this is a time for Scorpio to retreat and unwind. So if you are feeling unmotivated or a bit listless, this is part of the reason. During this time, you may find yourself working from behind the scenes, perhaps planning strategies for later on in the season. But perhaps another reason for that listlessness is this feeling of obstacles standing in the way of what you would much rather be doing. Sometimes duty demands that you put some of your personal druthers aside in order to do the right thing. But perhaps the best advice for this week, is to make the most of where you are right now, for that is exactly where you need to be.  


There’s no doubt that lady luck is shining on you (as she often does) these days. And your limitless optimism serves you well. However your financial coffers are not limitless, and being mindful of that will probably be a good idea. Yes, it puts a damper on the festivities, which can feel deflating. But rather than worrying about it, sometimes all you need to do is say No when you need to. Always being the one to pick up the tab will only lead to resentment. Likewise for any social obligations you’ve managed to get yourself tied up with. Chances are you’d really rather be somewhere else, but this is where you need to be right now. But you can’t help but think, even Sagittarius needs a break now and then. 


As Saturn has been wending its way through your sign for the past year and a half, you have been reassessing every aspect of your life. No stone is to be left unturned. This includes creating some sort of road map for the future, for wherever you see yourself going. Some things that can also become apparent over the next week or so, are those things that you don’t want to do, and where you do not want to go. We are all being given the opportunity this week to realistically set boundaries and honor our limits. Taking on the burden of obligations that you don’t want will only cause you to be exhausted and cultivate resentment. Take note of any obstacles, fears or resistance that you need to expel from your life. You’ve got goals to achieve.


Everything that you once believed to be so, everything that you once knew is now being reassessed and reexamined. Things are in a state of transition, and you are not quite ready to know exactly where you are going to land. But one thing that could become evident at this time, is that in order to eventually make a new beginning, you are first going to need to complete the ending that has already started. And that includes letting go of those things, beliefs and situations that are no longer relevant to who you are now. Be open to a change in plans and a change in direction. Things are moving very quickly, so a little flexibility is being called for. Your plans may be quite different by the end of the week, than they are now.


Even if you don’t know where you are ultimately going to be ending up, you’re still riding high on the wave you are on. Good to soak up all that glory while you can. And don’t try to peak too hard at the future. There is a part of you trying to figure out what’s next on the agenda. But probably what becomes most apparent are the places you know you don’t want to go. Taking on any additional obligations right now will likely not only exhaust you, but will only cause resentment if it takes you away from what or where you would much rather be. There are times when your head should rule. But there are other times when you should really just listen to what your heart is telling you.