Horoscopes: November 15th thru 22nd
For the week of November 15th thru the 22nd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Two important transitions occur next week: Mercury stations direct, and your ruling planet Mars is changing signs. It is always important to watch when Mars shifts signs, but this particular shift could bring a surge of energy and purpose. The Mercury retrograde phase has been very much about connecting with what that purpose might be. And the more successful you have been tuning in to this purpose, the more enthusiastic you will be about moving forward with some sort of plan for the future. Just pace yourself. All that fiery enthusiasm could lead to impulsive decisions or reactions to situations. There may yet be a few twists and turns ahead, and you will want to be fully informed first. Then and only then channel some of that passion and will power towards achieving your goals and aspirations. It will serve you well.
Rest assured, any disenchantment or confusion that follows you into this week, will soon make way for better days to come. And if things are already good, they’re probably only going to get better. However, you are going to have to make it through the upcoming Mars/Uranus opposition to get there. This could be a fractious transit for Taurus who seeks peace and serenity, as Mars/Uranus can be unpredictable and challenging. However, do not allow extraneous noise or any sense of chaos to distract you from your ultimate purpose and goals. Mercury has been aiming to connect you with your true purpose and ideals while it has been retrograde, and as it stations direct next week, the evidence of that should gradually become much clearer. And that’s where your focus needs to be.
What you have been learning over the past few years will serve you well towards fulfilling your goals over the next few years. Much of this has had to do with learning to do with less help, balancing the ledgers and moving forward in the face of extraordinary obstacles. You may have had to readjust your plans accordingly, perhaps having to give up some aspirations along the way. However lately, despite any disruptions and confusion in your daily routines and environment, you’ve been some how connecting with a deeper sense of purpose. Even if you haven’t realized that that was what you were doing. This will soon become more evident over the next few weeks, and into the months ahead.
If you had enough quiet and space to do your Mercury retrograde homework these past few weeks, then you might just find yourself reaping some of the rewards. In some way Mercury was striving to have you connect with those people, activities and things that bring you joy. It’s about remembering what it is like to be able to play once again, or to look at life through the eyes of a child. If you had the privilege to be able to accomplish this masterful feat, this will become that much more evident this week now that Mercury is stationing direct again. As the bits and pieces begin to come together again, what previously may have been seen as a problem will have its bugs worked out, and the information that you receive can help to align you with your true heart’s purpose.
A sense of empowerment arises when we find our place in the scheme of things, and are allowed to take control over the destiny of our lives. Feeling like you were on a mission, the more in tune with that purpose and place you are, the more empowered you should feel. Mercury has been working diligently behind the scenes to do just that: connect you with your purpose and place in the scheme of things. And now that Mars is changing signs, it just might give you a little more incentive to make whatever changes you might need in order to speed up the process. Just make sure that you have all the information you need first. The inclination could be to jump the gun, and you don’t want to leap out of the frying pan into the fire. Make sure you are well-informed, create your plan, and then once Mercury is moving forward again, all systems will be go.
Pay attention to signs and portents. Even things that might not seem all that important at first can be filled with meaning at this time. So be watchful as your ruling planet, the divine messenger of the gods, is coming to a standstill on the 20th. If you have done your work well during the retrograde phase, then your mind should be quieting and settling down a bit. Hold on to that for as long as you can, for things are going to be speeding up after Mercury is direct again. In the mean time, watch the pieces begin to all come together. Information that you hadn’t had before, could come to light, helping you to gain greater clarity and understanding. Once you have all the information that you need, then you can begin to create a plan. What are the pieces that you are needing to pay attention to, in order to bring your mind and your attention more in alignment with your sense of purpose?
If you were to make a few tweaks in your daily routine, what could you do to bring more beauty, serenity, meaning and creativity into your life? Even something so simple as a bouquet of flowers, or pausing to admire the foliage on the way to the store, can make a difference in your mind and in your perspective. As Mars departs your sign, that feeling of ‘having to do something’ will begin to wane as well. Go with it. For as Mercury slows for its direct station on the 20th, we will all benefit from some occasional pauses. If you have done your retrograde homework, then you should be more in tune with your true priorities, and coming to appreciate what skills you have to offer to others, and how you can further develop these. And then also ask yourself: what are those things that you most wish to spend your valuable time, money and resources on? It’s about priorities.
Your ruling planet, Mars, comes home to its own sign of Scorpio this week, reinvesting you with a greater sense of purpose and energy. Shortly after Mars enters Scorpio, Mercury will also station and resume its apparent direct motion. Plans that had been brewing behind the scenes are now getting ready to be launched. There could be the tendency to come out of the gate running but you might want to pace yourself. As all the pieces are coming together, you will want to have a clear plan of action, and you won’t want to jump into things impulsively. You may have to act quickly, but you also want to be deliberate. And you won’t want to miss a thing. Once you have all the information that you need, then you will know exactly what you need to do.
There may be a bit of a hangover this week. This would be especially true if there was a recent falling out, or feeling of disenchantment, either with someone or something that did not live up to your expectations. Don’t allow those feelings to ruin your prospects. Instead look for ways to improve things. What might you want to change in order to bring more beauty and harmony back into your life? This could all pay off by the end of the month. If you have been doing your retrograde homework, and have been able to release those things or attitudes that you no longer need, and may in fact have been holding you back, then you should now be on the road towards greater progress and growth. Nothing, and I mean nothing, holds a Sagittarius down for long. Just wait a minute.
If you have been doing your retrograde homework these past few weeks, then you might just find that you’ve been connecting (even in some small way) with what you might think of as your soul’s purpose. This is important for Capricorn right now! For many of you are in the process of making a new beginning in your life, and having that connection with your inner gps system will be incredibly helpful in making the right choices going forward. Now that Mercury is about to station direct again next week, a certain amount of clarity and awareness should begin to arise about your hopes and aspirations for the future. Some old dreams may be put aside. It may be that you’ve outgrown those. Now it’s time to embrace the person you are becoming.
There are two important events this coming week, that could make you feel as if you can now move more comfortably into the future. For one thing Mercury is stationing direct next week, which will bring greater clarity and understanding. It is much easier to make important decisions when you are fully informed. It will also help to put the pieces together that will allow you to move forward. The other factor is that Mars is moving to the top of your natal or solar chart, bringing you the courage and enthusiasm to move forward with your goals. Pace yourself! As soon as Mars enters Scorpio on Tuesday it’s going to oppose Uranus which could incline us all to impulsively rush into things. Give Mercury a few days to get back up to speed. Once you have all the information you need, you will then want to make a plan. Then, and only then, use the new-found courage of Mars to make your move.
Both the enthusiasm and the ennui from the previous week haunt you like a bit of a hangover. One thing that these may have left you with, is the question for yourself: what is standing in the way of you having more peace and serenity in your life? And, are there any simple changes you can make? As Mercury stations direct again next week, it may become more apparent the ways and means that you can bring your life more in alignment with your true purpose, your ideals, or a dream that you hold as a guiding light in your life. It may be that you’ve already been doing that, you just didn’t realize that that was what that was. Now it will soon be more evident. The clarity that comes with the station of Mercury could serve you well for several months to come.