Horoscopes: December 6th thru 13th
For the week of December 6th thru the 13th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Chiron stations direct in Aries next week making you more aware of its presence here in your sign. Chiron stationing this week is about having the courage of your convictions, and to dare to stand up for what you know is right, even if it risks being rejected by others to do so. Through Chiron you are learning to accept your limitations, your wounds, and even your beliefs for what they are. This is all part of the journey that is unfolding before you. What would it mean for you to live a life of meaning and personal satisfaction? And what have you been compromising for the sake of fitting in, or going along with the program? One thing that will become evident now that Chiron is turning direct again, is that today is the first day of the rest of your life, and you’re the one who is steering the ship. And now with everything piling up in Capricorn, it’s well nigh time to plot a course.
What is standing in the way of you pursuing your own dreams? Is there someone or something that makes you feel vaguely uncomfortable? Is it a question of integrity? The key to this month is to pay attention to what your own conscience is telling you is the right thing to do. It may appear to others that you are veering off course. But actually what you are doing is discovering what is right for you. Once you manage to do that, then the shackles will begin to fall away, and the obstacles will be removed from your path. Once you release yourself from conventional ideas and limiting conceptions, then you will be free to embark on a whole new and exciting adventure. Do not be distracted by false narratives, insecurities or fears. You are getting ready to experience a new dimension to your life that you may not have considered before. But first you have to believe that it is so.
There is a full Moon in your sign next week. These are usually enlightening Moons that lead us all to engage our minds in some illuminating way. However, this one could feel more emotional and distracting rather than illuminating. Even worse it could be filled with misinformation and assumptions that lead you astray. Rather than taking things at face value, on the days preceding and following the Full Moon choose to be enchanted instead. This is a Moon that feeds daydreams and fantasies. So go with it. So long as you can discriminate between the fantasy and reality, you’ll be able to avoid some of the traps and potential pitfalls. With Chiron’s station at the time of the Full Moon, you may be reminded of why you may choose not to associate with certain groups, especially if going along with the crowd means having to compromise your own hopes and wishes. We all have our own path to follow, and anyone or thing that distracts from that journey, is merely that: a distraction.
The judgment of others matters much less than your own judgment of yourself. It is precisely because you have lived your life, and that you have your own wounds, that you are better able to relate to others, have empathy and compassion. So wear your wounds like a standard that you have earned, rather than something to be ashamed of. You don’t necessarily need to flaunt them. But it will soon become apparent that your success will only be heightened when you accept yourself, all in all, without worrying about what others think. The Full Moon next week certainly does not help matters much. Think of the days just before and after the Full Moon as something of a fugue. These are not great days for focus and concentration. However, they are good days for things that engage your imagination: reading a really good book, watching a movie, going to a concert, daydreaming, reflecting and fulfilling mystical yearnings. If you find yourself distracted, and you have the time, give in to it, and allow yourself to be enchanted instead.
We are all subject to a few distractions this week, most of which are harmless. It could feel as if we are getting off track, especially in and around the Full Moon on the 11th-12th. Pay special attention to the days leading up to and immediately after the Full Moon as these are likely to be rife with miscommunications and misunderstandings. It is best not to make assumptions. As a result, it would probably be wise to avoid making important decisions, especially if you are plagued by confusion or uncertainty. What this week is good for is allowing yourself to get lost in a dream or fantasy. Enjoy a good film, immerse yourself in a book or creative project. Provided you can discriminate between fantasy and reality, no harm is done. Just keep these two avenues clear, and you will avoid the potential disenchantment that could follow. With Chiron now stationing direct next week, there is a reminder here to remember, that by accepting that you have so much more to learn, you can embark on your journey to know.
A confusing and distracting Full Moon could lead many astray this week. Pay special attention to the days leading up to and immediately after the Full Moon on the 11th-12th. The Full Moon is making an exact square to deceptive and misleading Neptune; therefore things may not necessarily be what they appear to be. We won’t know who to believe at this point, and there could be a bit of disenchantment along the way. However, when we are immersed in Neptune weather, the best antidote is to embrace the things of Neptune: daydream, allow yourself to get lost in a book, a movie or a welcome distraction. Allow yourself to be enchanted. Provided you can discriminate between the fantasy and reality, you will be able to avoid some of the pitfalls, such as miscommunications and misunderstandings. Deeper connections can be made with others when you are more willing to honestly lay all your cards on the table. Just be aware that right now, most people are only seeing what they want to see.
Libra has a natural ability to see things from other people’s perspective. They rarely wish to rock the boat, and are often looking for ways to connect with others. What may become more obvious with the Jupiter/Chiron square this week are the ways that you may have been compromising your own beliefs, goals, or needs just for the sake of fitting in. This will no longer sit well with you. Now that Jupiter is in Capricorn you are not very likely to want to compromise your own beliefs or conscience. It could also become more obvious who or what you want to further commit yourself to, and what you need to part with. One way to gauge these is by acknowledging who or what is furthering you along your path, and what is proving to be more of a distraction from fulfilling what feels to you, like your true calling or destiny. And it gets down to the basic fundamentals: those things that bring you a feeling of security, safety and belonging.
There is a dream-like quality to the week, with a few distractions and rude awakenings along the way. This is a good week therefore for dream-like reverie, creative self-expression, or artistic events… but not necessarily a good time to be making major decisions if it can at all be helped. This is especially true in and around the Full Moon on the 11th-12th. So dream away, and allow yourself to be enchanted. Just keep yourself grounded with your feet firmly planted on the ground. And that especially applies to your daily life and routines. If you have been neglecting your health, Chiron’s station next week is a reminder to pay better attention to health, diet and your daily routines. There is a certain wisdom that can be established when we make ourselves more knowledgable about what works best for our own individual needs, and incorporating healthful routines that will benefit you for years to come.
Much can be healed through your ability to forgive and move on. It’s not necessarily about whether something is right or wrong, it’s more about not having to carry that extra weight around with you any more. Deeper connections can be made with others when you realize those people, situations and experiences that make you happy, and bring more personal meaning into your life. By being clear about what makes you happy, you set your own inner gps to lead you where you need to go. This will be helpful in navigating the upcoming Full Moon which is rife with distractions, misinformation and miscommunications, which could lead you astray. Make sure that you have all the facts before making any important decisions. This is all the more so in the days just before and after the Full Moon when things are most likely to be misleading. Rather, use these days as something of a time out, if it is at all possible: dream, muse, reflect and wonder. So long as you can discriminate between the dream and the reality of a situation, you’ll make it through this sketchy weather.
The advice for the week is to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. It will be easy to be led astray by wistful dreams. But eventually it comes down to what is realistically or practically achievable. Venus in Capricorn is always a helpful reminder that it’s not about quantity, or how much something costs, it’s about the quality and the meaning behind an object, person or experience. If it is worth the struggle, then hold on to it. If not, then perhaps it is time to reassess. One thing that becomes apparent, is that when you put yourself in someone else’s shoes, you begin to appreciate the struggle they went through. With Jupiter square Chiron this week, there is a lot of room for forgiveness. Much can be learned through exploring your own history, and all of the experiences that have brought you to the place where you are now. Especially if you are able to look at things from another perspective. It could prove to be both healing and enlightening.
Now that Jupiter is in Capricorn it affords you the opportunity to heal old wounds and clear the decks. This can be as simple as removing the clutter from your life and clearing your immediate environment. In some way you are needing to free up your space… just in case, because you never know what might be waiting around the corner! And you will want to be ready. This week Venus is asking you to take an objective look at what you want to commit to, and with whom. It’s not necessarily a time to create a plan, what with a blurry Full Moon distracting us this week, but it is a time to be clear about what or who you do or do not want in your life going forward. Anything, whether it’s that old couch, a friendship, a financial obligation, or some other commitment that’s overstayed its welcome, you’re going to be thinking twice. Now that Chiron is stationing direct there is a reminder here that the better you are able to communicate, and the more willing you are for full disclosure, the closer and more meaningful will be your connections going forward.
There is a wistful inclination to wonder and dream this week. Just be watchful of the days just before and following the Full Moon on the 11th-12th which could be both confusing and exasperating. The Full Moon is exactly square elusive and deceptive Neptune leading us astray, and threatening to take us off course. At the very least it could just feel like a sea of distraction where you can’t seem to get very much accomplished. Throw in a lengthy void of course moon on the 12th, and it’s not likely any of us will get anything done. Chalk it up to the Full Moon, and rather than fight it, give in to Neptune. Strong Neptune weather is good for anything to do with the imagination; music, art, daydreaming and wonder. Go to the movies, meditate, seek places of mystic enchantment, serenity and peace. So long as you can discriminate between fantasy and reality, and put off making major decisions, you should avoid some of the pitfalls that are lurking here. One area where you can get off course this week, is not fully valuing what you have to offer to others. Due to the station of Chiron, realize that healing comes through valuing and honoring your own self-worth, gifts and skills.