Horoscopes: August 16th thru 23rd
Illustration of the Beach and Seagulls by Margaret W. Tarrant
For the week of August 16th thru the 23rd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
This weekend, Mars, your ruling planet, enters the sign of Virgo. This sign does not have the fiery zeal that Leo has had. However, you may find the next 6 weeks that Mars is here helpful in terms of organizing your life and your routines and getting down to business. Physically you can also make strides in building up your energy, strength and well-being, provided you don’t overdo it. Mars in Virgo is literally about perfection in the performance of action and activities that would promote that. This would include some sort of exercise or other health regimen. It also just gives this incentive and motivation to reorganize your environment, work space or schedule, so that you have a better handle on your routines and life. There may be some glitches with Mars here as well, but in the mean time, use that energy wisely to get things done, and done well.
With Venus all combust and lost in the rays of the Sun, it could give the illusion of being cut off from others. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. For what is really happening is that you are becoming more heart-centered and reminded as to what are those things, people and experiences that can and will bring you the greatest support and inner joy. One of the things that may become more apparent over the next several weeks, are the ways in which you are being supported to be a truer, more authentic expression of yourself. The more comfortable you are in this new found expression, the stronger will be your impact on others. They see that this is who you are, and that on you it looks good.
Continue to dare to step off the beaten path over the weekend. Explore your horizons, get to know the neighborhood (and the neighbors). There’s no telling what you might discover, if you are willing to bend your schedule just a bit, and be open to something new and different. Good humor, a playful and optimistic outlook will be the guiding light for the week ahead. No matter what you do, no matter what you are trying to accomplish, it’s amazing how your motivation and enthusiasm will be sparked by even a little bit of joy and sparkle. And having just the right company will make all the difference.
Coming off of the hiatus of the Full Moon on Thursday, remind yourself again of those things that you will want to prioritize in your life this week. What are the people, things and experiences that you would want to spend your valuable time, money and resources on? What are those things that just make you feel good to be alive? And how can you have more of that in your life? These are clues about yourself, and what you might even consider to be wonderful about you. Others may see what is spectacular and fabulous about you, but do you see that in yourself as well? If you were to pick even one quality, skill, or attribute about yourself that you consider worth showing off, what might that look like?
You have one more week of Leo season, therefore how do you see yourself spending it, and who would you want to spend it with? If you were to flaunt your most Leonine qualities, what might they be? What makes you feel and look and boastfully shine like the regal feline you are? I think you should do some of that this week. Whatever that may be. Leo has been honored by Venus lovingly and playfully cavorting with your ruling orb throughout the whole season of Leo, reminding you that you are indeed loved. May you continue to bask in and share that loving energy with us all, by bringing it with you, not only now, but throughout the year ahead.
As we wind down the Leo season, the planets are going to be gradually entering your sign. On Sunday, first Mars enters Virgo, and then on Wednesday Venus will follow. These in turn will be followed by the Sun when we officially enter Virgo season on the 23rd. Once Mars enters your sign, you will once again be energized and motivated to action. Until now, much of that might have felt somewhat fruitless and frustrating. Nonetheless, there are still some of the dog days of the season to be taken advantage of as you reflect on the season and the year that was. You are still in a period of assimilation. As you reflect, think of those things, beings, people and events that have brought you the most happiness, invested you with the energy and good will to keep believing and hoping? For that is the energy that you want to bring with you moving forward.
There can be much reward and gratification from seeing yourself as part of something larger than yourself: perhaps a movement, a group that you identify with; or even humanity as a whole. There’s a reminder here, that so much more can be accomplished with others than you could possibly do on your own. But as the week moves on, you may find yourself stepping back, and acknowledging the benefits of silent contemplation. Looking back it may seem as if you have been through quite a bit. It might help to take some time to assimilate what you have done, accomplished, experienced; and what you might learn from all of this. You are needing to reacquaint yourself with yourself, and you will need a little down time to do so.
On Sunday, Mars, your ruling planet, changes signs, bringing Scorpio along for the ride. Some of the qualities that become more important when Mars enters Virgo are considering things like: how you can use your skills in order to better benefit the group; or perhaps even humanity as a whole. This heralds in a 6-week period in which you will want to be useful, perform some sort of service, perfect your own skills, and promote the general welfare of the community with which you find yourself associated. Think about those causes that you feel most passionately about, and how you might better accomplish these with the help of, or for the benefit of others.
Now that your ruling planet, Jupiter, is slowly returning to what looks to us as direct motion again, it will soon become apparent how your plans and vision for the future is evolving. This is a great week to make plans, negotiate, or hash things out. You are able to see the larger picture, and from that perspective a more hopeful, and optimistic outlook will begin to emerge. As a reminder, now that Jupiter will be direct again, in some way you are being asked to grow and expand your world in ways that even you might not have thought possible. Your vision of yourself is daring to grow that much larger.
As the week wears on you will begin to feel more confirmation and support for many of your goals and aspirations. It certainly is already going to be feeling like you are needing to take some sort of action soon. What you are learning over the next month could be helpful in allowing you to achieve your goals. And you may even find that by the end of September you are indeed able to move forward with plans. In the mean time there is still time to fit in some critical recreation while you can, and if you can. Think in terms of healing your heart and soul. What sort of activities might you fit in to your schedule that might help to recharge your batteries, and restore peace of mind?
There could be a few twists and turns before the weekend is out. Be flexible, and there’s no telling what you might learn, whom you might meet, and where you might end up. It may feel at times like you are a fish out of water, but there is also a reminder here to be open to possibility, as well as being open to receiving. Making connections with others allows you the opportunity to broaden your horizons in some way, if not your knowledge. Like a bird on the wing, you are being given some sort of broad overview of the lay of the land. Once you can see the bigger picture, then you should be able to get a hold on this larger vision about what is available to you.
Sometimes when you allow yourself to step back, you are then able to get a broader view of your possibilities and potential. When you get caught up in the everyday grind, you can lose sight of this larger vision. Now that your ruling planet, Jupiter, is slowly returning to direct motion again, a vision for the future will begin to reemerge. Plans that had been (perhaps wisely) put on hold last Spring, may be revived once again, due to a series of serendipitous events. In some way you are being asked to think about your potential opportunities, and what exactly your options might be as you look to the future. Conversations with others could prove to be enlightening in this regard.