Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: August 23rd thru the 30th

For the week of August 23rd thru the 30th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Practical considerations take precedence this week. But it is through implementing these everyday, practical things that you could also find your passions reignited. Part of that is by coming to appreciate who and what you are working for and what goals you are trying to achieve. These could begin to finally feel like you are seeing results for all of your efforts. And that could surely be motivating. Whether that involves following a new routine; starting up a new health regimen or program; or starting a new project at work. Things will probably really be picking up after the New Moon, but in the mean time, understanding the value of creating some sort of order out of your everyday activities, could be just the inspiration you need to keep going. 


Sometimes it feels like the universe is conspiring just enough to lead you exactly where you need to be, when you need to be there. And it may still feel at times as if you are a stranger in a strange land. But knowing that you are on this path towards self-awareness and self-discovery is enough to appreciate whatever support you have getting there, even in this strange land. With all these planets moving into your fellow Earth signs, this brings an opportunity to reconnect to the Earth energy with which you have a special and magical connection. In these last days before the Virgo New Moon on the 30th, see if you can make some space in your life, your routine, and your mind, to consider the benefits, wonders and powers of the natural world and all that we behold.


Most of the work and preparation has already been done. Now it’s time to just let things roll as they will. Nonetheless, there is still something to be learned here about what could have been or should have been tweaked. Take notes. A lot of what is going on this week, has to do with decisions that were already made. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t going to be coming up with all sorts of new ideas. You might not get to implement them until after the New Moon on the 30th, but I can see you taking notes from here. When Mercury is in Leo (as it is now) this is an excellent time to get in touch with your own creative center: that inner flame that is uniquely your own. And then give it some form of expression: finding your own voice; speaking your own mind with confidence; or merely finding the best medium through which to speak from the heart and soul. We have until the 28th, to make use of this precious gift. 


We begin this coming week with the last quarter Moon on Friday. The Moon will continue to darken over the week until the New Moon on the 30th. This is the time of the month in which we are asked to slow down and go within. It is a time of the month for reflection, and allowing things to proceed as they will. This does not mean that you will not be busy in other ways. With all of these planets moving into Virgo we are all going to feel like it’s time to get down to business, organize our schedules, and get things in order. This may be a wise thing to do in preparation for the next month ahead, which could feel a bit like a whirlwind of activity. In the mean time, prepare your body and mind: self-care days and time outs are essential for this time of the month. 


The Sun moves into Virgo this week, officially inaugurating Virgo season. This is a time of year in which we are reorganizing our routines and daily schedules. Good time to create some sort of manageable plan for work and home, organizing our indoor spaces and work areas. The key to these next few weeks are: how can you make your daily life more manageable? But there is more to this week as we wind down the month of August, and that is about experimenting with some new ideas and plans for the future. You may not want to implement them until after the New Moon on the 30th, but you will find yourself thinking about what practical changes you can make in order to go in some new direction. 


We officially enter Virgo season on the 23rd, and with that comes a sense of renewal for Virgo. This will really feel like it’s taking off after the New Moon on the 30th, but even so, there is already a lot of energy here positioning you for some sort of take-off. In order to make the most of this time, keep an open mind, and listen to what others have to say as well. And make sure you have a plan. Your sensitivity to the behind the scenes aspect of things are operating strongly now. That includes having a plan in place. But it also includes being mentally and emotionally ready for the activity to come with the next month Make time for self-care and retreat this week. Conserve some of that raring-to-go energy. You’re going to need it later. 


When Venus is in Virgo we lay our hearts on the altar of service and humility. We want to be useful. And this week could indeed find you willingly putting aside your own needs for what you perceive to be a higher cause, or where you see the need is the greatest. However, also be mindful to reserve some of your strength for later on, when the activity is bound to pick up again. We are still on the heels of the recent Uranus station, which is trying to show us where changes may need to be implemented in order to ease up some of the pressure and responsibilities in our lives. This may require some serious reflection and planning going forward, as well as a willingness to look at things in a different light. 


Passions can be stirred and your heart reignited over the coming week. You might want to ask yourself, who are the people, and what are those goals that inspire you? You are going to want much more of that. A greater willingness to try new things, meet new people, and step out of your usual ways of doing things could prove to be inspirational. And that’s sort of key for this week: finding those things, people and experiences that excite and inspire you to pursue a path that feels right for you. And sometimes we have to veer off the beaten path, and try new things in order to see things in a whole new light. The possibilities are unfolding. 


With all of these planets converging in Virgo, you could be feeling the urge to create some sort of plan for the future. This could require some organization, focus and planning going forward, as you will be compelled to have to deal with the details. This week, you are being opened up to new and perhaps exciting possibilities that are emerging, that could have some impact on what your plan is going to look like. Things are probably really going to be moving forward after the New Moon on the 30th, so it would probably be wise to have some sort of idea what the plan is going to look like in advance, in order to not get too overwhelmed later on. Now that Jupiter is direct again, your world is daring to get a little bit larger. 


With all these planets moving into Virgo this week and last, you should be feeling more like you’ve got things under control. This is your element, and for you it feels grounding as you begin to set your sights on what you need to do in order to fulfill your goals moving forward. Virgo season is your kind of weather: time to organize, take care of the details, and create some sort of schedule you can live with. It is important for Capricorn to have some sort of goals or plan in place. It gives you that motivation to get up in the morning, and take care of business. So, what do you need to accomplish, and what sorts of experiences do you want, in order to achieve your goals? 


Things may have been seeming a little topsy turvy in your personal life. And if indeed there have been some changes recently, this is your opportunity to think in terms of what it means for you to adapt to any recent shifts. That includes preparing for the future and what you will need to situate yourself more securely going forward? Issues surrounding credit, insurance and other practical considerations prevail, as you are trying to figure out the best ways to adjust. Paying attention to these practical things are what is on the table right now. And knowing how much you will have at your disposal will be critical going forward. It’s about being prepared for the future. 


Many a Pisces will be finding something, or perhaps someone, tugging at their heart strings over the next week as Venus and Mars are currently traveling side by side, stirring up all sorts of yearnings and troubles. What do you find pulling at your heart this week? Passions can run high when these two planets meet in this way. This can bring strong desires, strong attractions and infatuations. But this combination can also be riddled with tension and frustration, especially when feelings are not reciprocated. Positively this strong soulful energy can also be channeled through some form of self-expression. The sort that comes from the heart, and simply cannot be denied. There are many ways to communicate. Sometimes these creative and soulful expressions carry even more meaning than mere words.