Horoscopes: September 13th thru 20th
For the week of September 13th thru the 20th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
If you are one of those Aries people who are on their last nerve, or feeling drained of all of your energy these days, you are not alone. It might be a good idea in the light of the current Full Moon to explore where you have become a victim of the ‘too muches’ and might need to cut back. Explore any areas where routines, schedules and boundaries have become eroded lately, and what you might want to do to about it. Now that Saturn is stationing direct again, also explore what it might take to bring your goals and plans for the future back into alignment with your true purpose. There may be some hard decisions to be made before all is said and done. The question is, what do you need to do to restore your reputation; while also asking yourself: what do you want to be known and remembered for? And in which direction do you really want to focus all of your energy and resources? It is time to clarify your primary goals.
To make the most of this Saturn station, open yourself up to the perspective that there’s always so much more to learn, no matter how old you are, no matter how educated. This is always something we can learn from others. Saturn humbles us in this way. But Saturn is also asking us to value what we do know, and honor the history and experiences that has brought us to this place. And one of the ways of valuing knowledge and wisdom is by sharing it with others in some humble way. And so there continues this glorious unbroken chain of knowledge that is transmitted down the ages. In the mean time, if painful emotions are evoked in the auspices of this emotional Full Moon, see if you can find the place where these feelings are arising. It may have less to do with current situations than you realize. And rather than trying to fill any empty spaces, explore the things that you really need, as opposed to what you want. Healing begins from within, not without.
The current Full Moon is expansive and enchanting, and beckons us to wonder. It can also instill us with a yearning to escape. Do look for some temporary silent or sacred space of retreat in order to reorient yourself. Just recognize that you can’t fully escape your responsibilities and obligations. It really is more about being more aware of what your priorities are, and what you might want to do in order to restore appropriate boundaries. One of the things that can happen when Saturn stations, is that we develop the courage to say no when we need to. As Saturn has been moving through the sign of Capricorn, it has given Gemini the opportunity to transition into a life that will ultimately be more sustainable and manageable. There can be big changes in the years that Saturn is in Capricorn, but also the opportunity for rebuilding equity and creating a new beginning. What you learn can go far towards establishing self-sufficiency and developing a sustainable plan for the future.
Our Moon children are bound to find themselves in the throes of emotions and feelings with this emotional and diluvian Harvest Full Moon this weekend. Entwined with mysterious Neptune, and exaggerated by abundant Jupiter, and aggravated by the mundane conflicts of our everyday lives, it will be all you can do to keep your emotions in check. There will be a strong urge to want to ‘do’ something about these feelings right now. But sometimes it is best to wait until some of the emotionally laden feelings of the Full Moon have calmed a bit. It may indeed by a time to act. But you will want a clear mind and motive before you do so. Relationships are in the forefront for Cancer, as Saturn stations direct this week in the opposite sign of Capricorn. For some that might mean wanting to make a deeper commitment with others; for others it may mean a final end. What is important is to be clear about what your expectations are of others, and whether or not they are able or qualified to fulfill those expectations.
A sense of empowerment arises when we fid our place in the scheme of things, and are allowed to take control over the destiny of our lives. Leo is on a mission this week, with a sense of purpose and direction. The more in tune you are with that purpose, the more empowered you will feel. All the more so in the wake of the Full Moon this weekend, which will show us where and how we feel disempowered and disenchanted. Time to take your power back. All the more so now that Saturn is stationing direct again this week in the area of your chart that has to do with work and/or health. Hopefully, the direct station will make you feel as if things are finally beginning to fall into place so that you can develop some sort of foreseeable plan for the future. There may still be some hard decisions to be made, but you should have a clearer idea of the direction you are going. Saturn can sometimes leave you feeling as if you are inundated with responsibilities and lots of detail work. But taking the reins of your everyday life is essential in getting you back on track again. And now that Saturn will be direct, you might just begin to see some results for all of your efforts.
All of the inner planets gathering in your sign these past few weeks have been urging you to focus on yourself, and considering what new initiatives you might want to seed. Over the next few weeks you will be focusing on following through on those initiatives: sorting out your priorities and figuring out how to make these sustainable. The Full Moon is something of a culmination of where and how boundaries had become eroded and where limits might need to be reestablished. This is especially so with the station of Saturn this week which restores the power of your ability to say No when you need to. It also helps to point you in the direction of where you do want to go, and what goals you do want to set for yourself. that clarity will serve you well. In some way, Saturn in Capricorn has benefitted Virgo by clarifying what your priorities are in reference to your loved ones, and those things that you hold most dear. Saturn asks us at this time whether or not we are indeed making these also a priority in our lives, and how we can best invest in those most precious people and things in our lives that bring us the most joy.
In many ways you have been in something of a planning stage, working from behind the scenes. Due to the busyness of the time, you may not have had the opportunity to fully reflect, meditate and connect with yourself, which could leave you feeling a little conflicted and undecided. However, what the Full Moon could reveal is where and how you may have gone off course, and what you might want to do to get back on course again. Now that the inner planets are gradually shifting to Libra, it is a signal that it will soon be time to put your plans into action. There may yet be some negotiations and compromises having to be worked out first, but now that Saturn is stationing direct this week, it looks like it is time to plow ahead. It is also time to acknowledge how and where you may have been neglecting the important personal foundations of your life. Making your inner personal life firm, secure, safe and stable are a priority now, as they will serve as an anchor for your success and well-being for many years to come.
The Full Moon this weekend is accompanied by a well of restless and aggravated energy that could get testy before the weekend is out. this will become exaggerated if you are feeling over-extended, or over-obligated, and feeling like you are at your wits end. When doing too much, you may find yourself unable to accomplish anything. That’s what happens when we spread ourselves too thin. Then you just want to escape. What this Moon is good for, is stepping back and taking some time out to do less: maybe explore where boundaries have become eroded. With Saturn stationing direct this week, we are also being given permission to reestablish boundaries and recognize what our limits are going forward. In this way you will be better able to gather all of your forces and make sure that you are all on the same page. Then you can set goals and focus on achieving these. Clarify the goal, marshal your forces, and then follow through. You’ve got this.
You could be feeling as if you are being drawn in several directions all at once as we navigate the emotional depths of the Full Moon this weekend. You may want to explore where you may have bitten off more than you can chew, or over-extended yourself in some way, either financially, physically or otherwise. You may ask yourself, how much more can you possibly take on? Saturn’s station this week is reminding everyone of the necessity to set priorities, and to also have the confidence and wisdom to be able to say No when you need to. Saturn wants you to strive for self-sufficiency and sustainability. Doing so will only boost your self-confidence and your security. You are pretty motivated to move in a direction that will promote greater freedom. But that is only possible when you first recognize and then honor what your limits are.
The stations of Saturn are always important junctures for Capricorn, because Saturn is your ruling planet. It has been especially important for the past few years that Saturn has also been traveling in your sign. When Saturn is in your sign it marks a time in which you examine every facet of your life: health, goals, work, relationships. And during this period you’ve been planting seeds for a new beginning that has been emerging. With Saturn’s station direct you should begin to see some of those seeds beginning to take root. Pay attention to cultivating those new beginnings that you particularly resonate with. In order to make the right sorts of beginning you also need to be clear about what is the best sort of beginning for you. That may not necessarily be what others expect you to be. It’s about what is right for you. One of the most common regrets that people have at the end of their lives, is that they wish that they had had the courage to live a life true to themselves, not the life that others expected of them. It’s about taking control of your destiny.
Even though it might not be entirely apparent, a path is slowing emerging from within and behind the scenes. Within, because this plan may only be gestating and forming on the subconscious planes. And even though you may not see the new beginning that will be emerging, you may be very aware of what has been fading. And that is because a space is being created in order for you to plant new seeds, for a new cycle, that will eventually unfold. Some Aquarians may already be aware of what that new beginning may sort of look like. Nonetheless, there is still some preparation to be done behind the scenes before you will be able to make that new beginning. For the past year or so, you’ve been planning, removing the old growth, things that you will not need in the next cycle. Now that your ruling planet is stationing direct again, it could be that you are going to be brought into alignment with the people, causes and conditions that will be a part of that beginning. Some important decisions will still need to be made to allow that to be so. A plan is gestating. Take note.
The Full Harvest Moon is in Pisces this week, bringing all of you to the forefront of our lives. Full Moons are times of culmination, when we begin to see the results of all of our efforts now coming to fruition. They are also when all of our emotions come to the surface. And as we are bathed all awash in our feelings and premonitions and notions this weekend, it could also become evident where it is all just too much. One of the inclinations of the Pisces Moon is to want to escape, withdraw, retreat. There are different ways to do so: finding your own sacred space in which to recoup, reset and revive; cutting out some of the noise pollution in your life; retreating into your imagination; and also having the courage to use your “no” when you need to. With Saturn’s station direct this week, we’re all going to be thinking about where and how we want to refortify our boundaries.