Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: October 2nd thru 9th

The Temptation of St. Anthony by Martin Schongauer

For the week of October 2nd thru the 9th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Whether it’s a matter of survival, a competition taunting you with the need to win, the sheer determination to see something through to its bitter and inglorious end, pay attention to any cues telling you to slow down and pace yourself! Don’t force yourself beyond what you are physically, emotionally or psychologically capable of handling, or you will just regret it later on. Mars may be taunting you to take action, to fight the good fight come what may, but Mars is also still retrograde. And by being square Saturn and stationing Pluto this week, you will need to choose your battles wisely, go slowly, keep an even keel, and be really careful not to step on anyone’s toes. Even if you have had it up to here. Even if you have lost all patience. Always return to the basics: Is this for the greater good of all concerned? Is this truly something that is worth fighting for? Pluto offers huge rewards to those who honor honest and integrity. Focus on these, and you will not be led astray. 


Your world could be a bit topsy turvy over the next few weeks, as things get shifted around. Flexibility will be key in order to ride these waves. Which is actually uncharacteristically okay with Taurus this week, who is more than happy to indulge the whims of loved ones and friends. When Venus is in Virgo, as it will be for most of October, you are more than happy to go the extra distance for a good cause,, especially if it involves someone or something you love. Personally and politically your life and your outlook have been gradually transformed (and continue to be!). And part of the reason for this are due to personal insights arising that seem to be hitting home in unique ways. These are not only coloring your perceptions right now, or even for just this week or month. What you are learning about yourself and the world you are a part of will affect you for months to come. The world is evolving, and bringing you along for the ride. 


What is being revealed over the next several weeks could be remarkably enlightening. Secrets may be unearthed. Discoveries exhumed. Mysteries solved. The consequence of whatever is being brought to light  this week will make it difficult to see things quite the same again. There are bound to be a few extra twists and turns ahead, so be ready to change plans at the last minute, or even change your own mind. Mercury/Uranus weeks are renowned for unexpected surprises and having to drop everything at the last minute in order to take care of some unexpected business. One thing that could also become more apparent with the Saturn and Pluto stations this week, are the ways that your life may be changing, growing and evolving from one phase of life to another. Some doors may be closing, as others are opening and beckoning you forward. 


Truths and revelations are gradually being brought into the light. Some can be illuminating. Others can be more harsh, and even mean. It can often feel at these times that there are some things we would just rather not know, and would prefer not to see. But when Saturn and Pluto station, we are not given the privilege of avoidance. Many are being confronted with these hard truths that we cannot avoid. It can sometimes feel with Pluto in Capricorn that relationships can be complicated and challenging. And one thing that can be certain for many a Cancer, is that the people in your life can also serve as something of a catalyst to have the courage, to be willing to take those hard steps that you might not have been able to do on your own. This is about taking greater control over your life and your destiny, once and for all. And it is this sort of courage and self-empowerment that will serve you well for many years to come. 


Over the next few weeks it could feel like things are moving very quickly. Perhaps too quickly at times, so that you are not quite sure if you are coming or going. It does not help that things keep feeling like they are getting shifted about here and there. Flexibility will be key, as a Mercury/Uranus transit keeps us all on our toes. But no matter what all else is going on, focus on the priorities that are right in front of you right now: what needs to get done; what needs to be transformed, reinvented, renewed? What have you been avoiding, that can no longer be avoided any more? There could be some hard work and some hard choices ahead. This could be nothing less than transforming your environment, your life, your body and your mind. This includes having the courage to face something that you’ve been putting off, and completely turning it around into something wonderfully and remarkably transformative.


Although it may be annoying at the time, realize that changes in schedules, and unexpected detours could actually prove to be fortuitous in the end. If nothing else, shifts in perspective, and a willingness to look at things differently, could prove to be illuminating, and may even allow you to happily find solutions to problems that you’ve been mulling over. And now that Venus is entering your sign this week, there could even be opportunities to make new contacts, or revitalize a relationship that had been floundering lately. It’s always helpful to have the goddess of love and happiness visiting your own domain. It helps to keep things in perspective, and maintain some sort of balance, even in the midst of and despite Saturn and Pluto stationing and rolling about. One thing that these stations can bring, is an even deeper appreciation for those things, people and activities that bring meaning, healing and well-being into your life. Therefore ask yourself how you can make these more of a priority?


As Venus moves into Virgo on Friday, you will find yourself more concerned and preoccupied with those things, activities and information that will help to promote your own (emotional, psychological or physical) health and well-being, or the health and well-being of those in your care. This may even require you to have to make some accommodations as needed over the next several weeks, as some hard choices and demanding situations will need to be navigated. Things that have been percolating on the back burner can no longer be ignored or denied, as the truth of a situation is being brought home. In some way you are being asked to courageously face some things that you probably would prefer to not deal with at all if they could have been avoided. But right now you can’t. And you’re just going to have to handle it the way you always do, with grace, equanimity, and a great deal of learned patience.  


You could have been planning for some time to make your declarations and your plans known. Just make sure that you allow some leeway, for with the upcoming Mercury retrograde you will probably need to make a few adjustments here and there before the month is out. There’s just no telling! And then the whole Mars/Pluto square later this week. Pluto digs deep this week, uncovering layers of information, a lot of which you would probably prefer not to know. Even everyday conversations are laden with hidden landmines and innuendos these days. However, we never fully understand the full truth of our own ideas, as when we are challenged. You know that your ideas are sound when they can stand up to even the most vociferous of arguments or challenges. Use this strong and courageous Mars/Pluto transit to unveil the truth. Nothing, not even the most obscure details, can be hidden for long from a relentless and resourceful Scorpio. 


You are coming face to face with what is most acutely valuable and important to you. This is all about priorities. There is a need for security and stability. But there are also those things that you can not put a price tag on. Those are the things that can touch a nerve. And it can be true that we may not fully value something until we are faced with the threat of losing it. This is a good week therefore to take stock of your priorities. Are your actions in alignment with those things that you value the most? What are those things, people, and situations that you truly want to invest your valuable resources, money and time on? Have you been neglecting these for the sake of other things that are not really all that important? And if so, what can you do in order to get your priorities in order? Once you make up your mind to do so, there will be little that you will allow to get in your way. 


There is a powerful, but also incredibly conflicting Mars/Saturn/Pluto square this week that is churning things up from the depths of your soul. Perhaps there are remnants of old wounds that are also coming to the surface, that are demanding to be dealt with at the same time. A lot of personal soul searching is taking place as Saturn and Pluto station direct. This can be both illuminating and hurtful, as all sorts of stuff floats to the surface as a result. This will be more so if you are willing to come face to face with those things that are holding you back and preventing you from growing. This includes releasing old resentments, old fears, old constructs that are no longer valid for who you are now. You’ve been through a tremendous period of growth and renewal, where much as already been sloughed off and purified. Now you are being asked to take the reins of your life, even in the face of conflict, even in the face of your own fears and doubts, and embrace the person that you are now becoming. 


This is one of those weeks in which things just seem to be changing from day to day. It probably doesn’t help that you keep moving the furniture around, or the relatives decided to drop in unannounced. Now you’ll never figure out where you put those keys! But even as things are shifting, they can also allow you to see things from a brand new perspective. Just like when you shift a chair, and all of a sudden you are looking at a whole new view! So it is with the world at large. And as long as you can keep an open mind, there is no telling what you could learn or become aware of. Meanwhile, with the stations of Saturn and Pluto, you are getting pushed just enough to finally let go of the things, the notions, the outdated beliefs, that you no longer need, and may be holding you back. Through this process all sorts of memories can come to the surface. Some that are welcome, and others not so much. Whatever arises, honor it, no matter how trivial or large. Accept them, heal them, and then release them. It is time to resolve that which binds, with forgiveness and understanding. 


It can feel at times like you are something of the town crier, the truth teller announcing to the world what they cannot, or will not believe or see. It takes tremendous courage to be a voice crying out in a desert. And one voice alone can feel ineffective and small. However, when you are able to join your voice with many others who share the same principles, who speak with the same voice, and share the same values, you can be that much more effective. This is especially true when you ad your voice, and share your efforts, with those who have the same goals. The key is to find the right group that resonates with what you value and wish to achieve. Be wary of hitching your wagon to ruthless types or enterprises that do not share the same ideals that you do. They will lead you astray. Allow honor, integrity, values and honesty to guide you, and they could literally transform your life.