Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: October 16th thru 23rd

Libra by Johfra Bosschart

For the week of October 16th thru the 23rd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


We open this week with a Super New Moon in the sign of Libra. Libra is a sign of balance, fairness and harmony. It can also be a sign of debate and even competition. And with Mars retrograde in Aries and opposite the New Moon, we could feel more polarized than ever. In which case we need to ask ourselves: What are our priorities here? Which is more important? Our Love and concern for our loved ones in our lives? Or our attachment to our anger and our need to be right? The New Moon stands as an opportunity to restore the balance. To make things right again. To rebuild our alliances, and restore our faith in each other. What had been threatened can be made whole again, and what once was lost, can be rebuilt. It won’t be easy. But we can do this. And we can start right now, in our own lives: Extend that olive branch or offer of peace and reconciliation; Recommit and reconnect to those allies and partners that you know you can rely on, and will support you well into the future. 


Don’t allow disenchantment or disillusionment to ruin your hopes for the future. All is not lost. And things may not be quite so dismal as they seem. It could seem at times as if we are making our way through a dystopian nightmare, only to have glimmers of hope intervene. Once again we are reminded that the moral arc of the universe bends towards justice in the end. And that is the hope that we are being asked to cling to even in the face of extraordinary odds. And if we were to ask how we can restore some of the balance in the world? We can begin by restoring the harmony and balance in our own lives. Even things so simple as learning to do all things in moderation for the sake of your health and well-being. Or using the New Moon in Libra this week to release old self-harming resentments and anger that we’ve been clinging to, in order to create greater health, well-being and equanimity in our lives. And then setting the intention to proactively sow peace and gratitude. Any and all positive energy sent out at this time will help to ameliorate any discordant energy in our own lives, and the world at large. 


If you are thinking that this is probably one of the most exasperating retrograde Mercury periods, you are not alone. There’s no telling what lies just around the next corner. And everything seems ready to change from day to day. Just know, by the time Mercury stations direct on November 3rd that you will probably need to change your plans along with your mind more than once. But if anyone can jump through all those hoops and leap over ravines, it’s nimble and flexible Gemini. One thing that can also happen during this retro period, is the opportunity to see things from a whole new perspective. As things are suddenly and unexpectedly revealed, it can cast a whole new light on your current circumstances. And as the New Moon in Libra asks us all to restore the priorities in our lives, we dare to ask ourselves, who or what are those individuals and experiences that fill our hearts with joy? Use the Moon to set the intention to sow that love and joy out into the world, and to the ones you love. We could all use more of that right now. 


We open this week with a Super New Moon in Libra, a sign that Cancer associates with home, family, property, and those things that support us: our base, our community, our tribe. And as we are also moving through the retrograde of Mercury and Mars, there is also an element of nostalgia and deep memories, leading back into your very history: your roots, your ancestors, your earliest memories. And in this way we are also coming to grips with how our early childhood conditioning also prepares us for unusual and perhaps even unprecedented times in our lives. New Moons are about new beginnings. This can be a new beginning concerning home and family; making peace with family members that had gone awry; and creating greater balance and equanimity between your outer responsibilities and obligations and your more personal life. A good intention to make with this New Moon this week might be: I want to easily create and find peace and tranquility in my personal life, home and environment; I want to see myself easily coping even in the most stressful of circumstances and changes. 


There are many things that this New Moon can point to. But for Leo there is also something poignantly relevant about this New Moon in Libra concerning your own self-renewal and self-identity. Whether it is a health condition that you are now tackling once and for all; a rebellion against the status quo that had become too stifling, self-limiting and oppressive; or the need to reclaim your own space; Leo is in the process of redefining who they are in the world. And this is when, you are courageously and determinably taking the reins of your life in order to do so. You will not tolerate those people or circumstances that are holding you back, and preventing you from being an honest expression of your full potential. To not do so will not only make you feel stuck; but will almost be a betrayal to your very self. Anais Nin once wrote: And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom. It is time for Leo to take that risk to bloom. 


Virgo strives, just strives to create order out of chaos, and make sense of the insensible. Unfortunately Virgo has their hands full these days. And it’s not just the Mercury retrograde. This is beyond the usual metaphors. This is chaos in a whirlwind on steroids, where you don’t know if you are coming or going on a life raft. One of the advantages of this fluidity is that change can also open up opportunities and perspectives in unexpected ways. And even when things seemed as if there was no hope, as you stand on the brink, someone throws you a life line. This is unpredictable, unprecedented weather. And in the process it also helps you to get your priorities in order. The week opens with a New Moon in the sign of Libra which is asking us to do just that: to decide once and for all what or who are the most important things and people in our lives, and how we can make them more of a priority. That begins the first step towards restoring the balance and harmony in your life. 


The New Moon in Libra is a Moon of new beginnings for Libra. This particular Moon is different from other Libra New Moons. It makes us aware of the conflicts in our lives, and for that reason we may feel hard pressed to sort out those conflicts. But it also brings into stark relief the courage to resolve those conflicts, allowing you to create more balance, harmony and peace in your life. This may mean releasing old resentments; or finding ways to overcome differences and resolve old rifts. This requires a certain amount of tact and skillful diplomacy to work around those sticky points. But it can be done. And if anyone can lead the way, it’s Libra. Resolving differences and sorting through the conflict is your forte. Therefore make the affirmation with the New Moon on Friday to be a force for peace; a warrior for serenity; an advocate for fairness and justice.  


If you were to place yourself in service for peace and justice, for the greater good, what would that look like for you? What does it mean to do the right thing? To do the right thing, even if it means putting yourself on the line? We open this week with a New Moon in Libra, a sign that aims to restore the balance, harmony and justice both in the world at large as well as in your own personal life. This may mean having to make some hard decisions. And it may mean having to confront those things that you may have been avoiding. You will no longer have that luxury. Therefore, take the initiative with this New Moon to clear out those things, old habits, old resentments, old stuff that you no longer need, and may in fact be interfering with your own peace of mind. This means tying up loose ends. Resolving old issues. And looking for the ways and means to restore internal as well as external balance and harmony. 


This is a week for troubleshooting and resolving issues and conflicts. The good news is that there will be resolution, and possibly even reason to celebrate and pat yourself on the back. But not without having to navigate through a system that is rife with confusion and deflection. We begin this coming week with a New Moon, which implies new starts, and new beginnings, towards the fulfillment of a cherished dream. But not having to work through and resolve those issues and conflicts that confront you. There’s no avoiding them. So ask yourself, What obstacles or limitations are standing in the way of you living the life of your dreams? Is there something that you can and are willing to do about this? And what things have you been avoiding, but can no longer avoid? In some way you are being asked to rise to the occasion, and follow through, while still being mindful of your limitations. Then when all is said and done, do pat yourself on the back. You just took the first step towards the fulfillment of that dream. 


There is a general aura of malaise and exhaustion with this New Moon. The question is how you are going to restore the balance in your life, that will also allow you to rebuild your strength and energy? The New Moon in Libra, is a Moon for Capricorn that has to do with reputation, goals, career and hopes for the future. At this time of year Capricorn is thinking about the steps they may need to take in order to fulfill these goals, especially in light of recent challenges or changes in your personal life. But this New Moon is about reestablishing some sort of balance in your life. This may mean having to cut back in some areas, being willing to say No, or setting certain boundaries. Where are you willing and able to step back? Where might you need to ask for help? One thing that Capricorn understands, is that in order to achieve our ultimate goals, we may have to put some things aside in order to fulfill our duty. 


With this New Moon in Libra we are all being asked to restore the balance, harmony and equilibrium in our lives. One thing that may be more obvious is the divisiveness in the world, particularly in the realm of beliefs and ideology. In some ways this is a New Moon of resistance. But the sort of resistance that would be most effective if addressed through peaceful, non-hostile means of resistance. But in order for this to be most effective it may mean having to divest ourselves of certain perspectives and beliefs that are holding us back and preventing us from creating the harmony we so deeply desire. It also can mean knowing when you need to say No and set certain boundaries with others without shutting them out. What are those things in your life that are thoroughly exhausting you, and are no longer serving the person that you are becoming? And what are those things that are truly important to you, and worth taking a stand for? 


This New Moon is about getting our priorities in order. How can you restore the balance and harmony in your life? What is so thoroughly exhausting you, and using up all of your precious energy, time and resources? Where do you need to cut back in order to restore the balance in your life? One of the issues so many of us are dealing with, is that there are just some things that we really can not do anything about, due to circumstances beyond our control. Therefore, we also need to remind ourselves to focus on those things that we do have control over, and those things that we are willing and able to do something about. It may be that when we explore our options, that we realize that we cannot make the changes that we would like to make. In that case, explore what you may need to change in small ways, that will allow you to be able to better accept your current limitations and circumstances. Make the affirmation with this New Moon that you receive the clarity to make the best choices and changes that will ultimately bring greater balance and harmony in your life.