Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: October 23rd thru the 30th

Mr. Toad goes to Washington

For the week of October 23rd thru the 30th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


It is not unusual to feel exhausted during the weeks that Mars is retrograde. There is a certain lull in the energy field, and it just seems harder to get motivated. And this will just become confounded if we find ourselves multi-tasking or compelled to take on more and more responsibilities. Sometimes it simply cannot be helped. Aries is called. And in your heart of hearts, you know what is the right thing to do. Follow your conscience so that you will know that you have done all that you could. There is a certain righteousness to these times when we are called to step up to the plate and do the right thing. We are also given the choice to not get involved  or do nothing. But there are just some things that you need to stand up for. And they simply cannot be ignored. Even if it takes every last vestige of energy you have left to do so. 


Just when you think you’ve seen it all, something else comes along to push you beyond the limits of your own expectations. Be open to the extraordinary, for there is no telling where it will bring you, or what it will open within you. This goes for experiences, as well as the people in your life, that help you to see and discover aspects of yourself that you didn’t even know existed. Allow yourself to be awed by others and new experiences. Say yes. Take a detour. Be amazed. What you find so inspiring in others is actually a mirror and reflection of the person that you are becoming: a truer, more authentic version of the person that once was. Taurus, the bull, is sprouting wings. 


It seems each day brings a new awareness, another surprise, another turning point in your life. So now you find yourself awash in skepticism and perhaps a little worry. There’s no telling who you can trust in this climate! Especially when you are also feeling censored. The weight of the world may be resting on your shoulders, but do not allow it to break your spirit. Things may be looking a little dour, but the one thing that Gemini has going for them is their remarkable ability to keep their sense of humor even in, and perhaps especially in the most wretched of circumstances. If you are needing to make an important decision, you will want to make sure that you have all the details ironed out. Do the research. Get the facts. You will want to make sure that you are well-informed. 


We have all been feeling the pressure of our outward circumstances these days. All the more reason to enforce social distancing, or at the very least use it as an excuse to say No when you need to. But do make yourself available for welcome and unexpected surprise. And do open yourself up to those people and those experiences that do bring you joy and make your heart sing with laughter. Those moments are rare. Do not deny them. They have come to fill your heart with excitement, awe and anticipation for the future. In some way you are being freed up to hope, grow wings, and perhaps if you play your cards right, to even put yourself in the position to see the fulfillment of a dream you’ve been holding close to your heart. 


Leo is not one to stray from the limelight or avoid an opportunity to be seen. However there are times, even for Leo, when there is something to be said for holing up in your own little designated comfort zone. Thoreau once wrote: “I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.” See if you can channel your inner Thoreau over the next few weeks. For not only does it afford you the opportunity to recoup yourself, your strength and energy,  it also helps you to align with those things that really matter to you. This in turn allows you to reorient yourself towards your own, unique expression in the world, as well as the path that will allow for a truer, more authentic expression of what that may be. 


When push comes to shove, the primary focus of the next few weeks will have something to do with getting you back in alignment with your true priorities. The New Moon on October 16th was asking you to decide which are your most important priorities in your life, and what you need to do in order to make more room for these. In order to restore the balance in your life, you will also have to consider what are those things that are only serving as a distraction. Where do you need to set limits and boundaries? Where might you need to say No? If you find yourself indecisive and unable to make a clearly defined plan or decision over the next few weeks, make sure you get all the facts first. Do the research. Make yourself informed. Then in the end you will know precisely what you need to do, and when. 


There are few things that will bring a Libra to arms. One of these is the need to defend, protect and be a force for justice, for those that you love or who are in your care. Even if it means having to put other things aside. Even if it means having to drop everything. There are some things that require your full attention these days. This is when Libra becomes the hero of the day. When they are present and available. Even if there are no words. Even if there is nothing more to say. Your presence is worth a million words and thousands of sentiments, and will be remembered for years to come. As your ruling planet Venus comes home to call this week pay honor to that which you love and desire unconditionally. At these times we truly come to appreciate that which serves us most well. 


Who are you Scorpio? Truly and essentially and at your innermost core? Do you embrace your darkness with your light? Do you accept all parts of yourself with equanimity and awe? This is your time of year, where in the Northern hemisphere the leaves wither on the branches and the sap returns to the heart of the tree. And so we are all asked to do an inner inventory this week. Do you have enough? Even for the times of bleakness? What will you need most for the foreseeable future? What is it that completes you and makes you feel whole? What is a truer, more authentic, more honest expression of yourself? All of these questions are important as we enter your season. For this knowingness of yourself is essential for nothing less than bringing you in alignment with your true destiny. 


Sometimes you have to make a little noise in order for you to be heard. Sometimes you have to wave your arms to make yourself appear larger. Sometimes you do have to be more assertive, and perhaps even put your foot down. This, however, does not include wantonly throwing all caution to the wind, no matter how exasperating or ludicrous the circumstances. Gather your integrity about you. Allow yourself to get back to your own core beliefs and principles. What are those particular principles, when your back is against the wall, that you are willing to put yourself on the line and take risks for? What does it mean for you to do the right thing? In the end what you are being confronted with, are your true beliefs. Knowing these, allow them to be your guiding light going forward. 


What does it mean to have integrity, to represent all those things that you wish to stand for? It is especially in those times when you find your beliefs being most challenged that you come to the core truth of who you really are, and what are those things that are worth fighting for: Truth? Justice? The Good? If you find yourself dwelling in righteous indignation, make sure that you examine what is at the basis of that indignation. Is it a righteous expression of yourself? Is this what you wish to be known for thorough the annals of time? If you are able to take on this challenge, and do it well, then you will come to know those things that are most important to you, and truly are worth fighting for in the end. For in the end you will also come to find yourself.  


Despite whatever obstacles may be standing in your way. Despite what might be limiting you and hampering your freedom and progress. And despite whatever chaos may be infiltrating your inner sanctum. You will be so determined to follow through that you will not allow anything or anyone to stand in your way. Come what may. Just like the postal people, through rain, snow, sleet or wind, you will follow through if only through the power of sheer will and determination. Come what may. You have goals. Seeds are being planted for your future success. And you are gearing up and rehearsing, for that which you will soon see unfolding before you. Your future is calling. 


In some way your hopes and wishes and aspirations have been shifting this year. And it’s not just because we are living through epic and extraordinary times. Though there is no doubt that is also part of the picture. Part of it lately also has to do with an awareness of priorities that are being put in perspective due to surprising news, or additional unforeseen changes. Perhaps even profound changes. Changes that are clueing you into the fact that some parts of your life may never be quite the same again. It’s like you are needing to readjust the gps system on your dashboard in order to accommodate these changes, and bring yourself and your life more in alignment with those things that really matter now, and not just in name only.