Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: October 30th thru November 6th

For the week of October 30th thru November 6th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


It does not help that your ruling planet Mars is still retrograde and floundering in your sign. But when you add to the mix the feeling of being censored, rejected, and perhaps even put out on the spot, it does not serve to make you motivated to do or say anything, for fear of being criticized. Not usually one to take the easy way out, you may see the wisdom this week in waiting to see where everything lies after the dust has settled. Yet there are priorities here. And although it would be wise to use caution and diplomacy, Aries is not inclined to sit out on the side lines for long. Even in the face of criticism and rejection.There are times when it is probably wise to wait. But there are other times when we receive the calling to take some interesting risks. And this wild Halloween Moon is so difficult to resist. Ask yourself in the light of this Full Moon: where have your need for safety and security compromised your unique individuality and creative edge? 


Be true to yourself in action and deed. Even if it feels like a radical departure from what you might normally do. Even if others may shake their heads in consternation. This is not about what others expect you to be, this is about what is right for you. George Bernard Shaw wrote: “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”  Thanks to a radical Full Moon in Taurus this weekend, in some way you are being asked to be uncharacteristically unreasonable. Not necessarily in a way that is shocking and disheartening. That is not the Taurus way. But in a way that allows you to express a truer, more authentic, more honest version of yourself. The rest of the world will just have to accommodate. A shift in the order of the world, forces you to get back to your true priorities, and in the process you find yourself waiting there. Those Taureans who will feel this Full Moon most strongly are those born between April 24th and May 2nd, or those who have 4-12º of Taurus Rising, but all Taureans are likely to feel this Full Moon both days before and after. 


Your ruling planet, Mercury, has returned to Libra for some unfinished business just before it stations direct next Tuesday. This is a sign of justice, of fairness and moderation. In some way it is urging you to slow down and regain your bearings. To hold yourself back even in the face of extraordinary and unexpected changes in the world. You will even find that trying to force an issue will only be met with resistance. If you are needing to make some sort of compromise or reach an agreement, you will find it much easier to do so after the 10th of November when Mercury begins to pick up speed again. In the mean time use this week to tie up loose ends, review and revise as needed. Reflecting on the past, ask yourself: Would there have been a better way to do things? If you had the chance to do it all over again, what changes would you want to make? And then let it go, and do not dwell on it. We can learn from the past. But once learned, it is in the present that we have the opportunity to write an even better future. 


What does it mean for you to align yourself with your highest ideals, your dreams, your hopes for the future? Many will be hesitant to stand for something, for fear of being ridiculed, shamed, criticized or even rejected. And Cancer is not usually one to put themselves in a vulnerable situation, for fear of being ostracized. However, there is also the recognition, that there is strength in community, in consensus and numbers. And so much more can be accomplished when you join forces with others who share the same ideals that you do, than you possibly could do on your own. Therefore do seek out those kindred souls who share your ideals, but do not compromise those ideals in order to fit in. In order to create the sort of changes that we wish to see in the world at large, we need to first set the example for others. Embrace your highest ideals, then carry that as your banner to be a force for hope and change in the world. 


We have a rare and radical Full Moon on Halloween this year. The last Full Moon on Halloween was in 1944. This one is particularly spooky as it makes an exact conjunction to the planet Uranus. Uranus is known for shaking up the status quo, and bringing surprising and unexpected events. As maddening and unpredictable as the world is these days, there is no way to know which way this is all going to shift. Therefore, continue to be flexible, and be willing to adapt. A new order is unfolding, and it is taking you along for the ride. One thing that Uranus has been trying to do, is to break down those limitations that have been preventing you from evolving and growing and being a truer, and more honest, expression of yourself. You might want to ask yourself in the light of this glorious Full Moon what is standing in your way? And is there something that you can do about that? 


Your ruling planet Mercury has returned to Libra for some unfinished business as it slows for its direct station on Tuesday. Even though Mercury will be direct again after that, it may not necessarily feel like it right away. And the more you try to push things, the more resistance you will feel. Like walking through quicksand, or feeling like you are stuck in the doldrums, it might be easier to wait until the obstacles fall away. Choose wisely and focus on your priorities this week. There will be the urge to rail against the limitations that restrict you. Don’t. It will only exhaust you. Focus on the things that you do have control over for now, and accept those things that you don’t. Once Mercury comes out of the shadow of Saturn and its own retrograde phase in a few weeks some of these limitations and obstacles are more likely to fall away. Until then, focus on what is right in front of you, and let the rest go.


It is so difficult to decide. Should you dare to rock the boat? Perhaps even break a few rules in order to do so, and risk being criticized, rejected and ostracized? Mercury has come back to Libra once again, where it will make its direct station on Tuesday. As it does so there is an urge to restore the equilibrium, to achieve some sort of normalcy, to regain your composure. But there is also something that is dredging up the past, and daring you to confront all of your old fears and dreads. There are choices to be made. And then there is the choice to do nothing at all. To not rock the boat. To maintain the status quo. But even in resisting change, and wanting to be safe, you need to ask yourself: do you really want to be defined and limited by other’s expectations and judgments of you? The world is changing in surprising ways, and it is daring to bring you along for the ride. A whole new phase of life is unfolding and there is little that you can do about it. Allow it. To resist is futile.


The Full Moon this weekend is like a turning point in the year, a wrinkle in the fabric of time and space. It is said that the veil between the worlds becomes much thinner at this time of year, when the wraiths and demons of times long past come to bid their final farewell. But there is something unprecedented this year. Something that could even be jolting and illuminating. And surprising. This has something to do with this rare Full Moon on All Hallows Eve, shining a light on the darkness, and revealing that which we may have been trying to ignore. Change is swift and compelling, and could shift suddenly and unexpectedly. All you are needing right now, is to be flexible and ready for what may come. You’ll be able to pick up the pieces later. Those Scorpios who will be most affected by the radical Full Moon this weekend are those born between October 27th and November 4th, or who have 4-12º of Scorpio Rising, but it is likely that all Scorpios will be feeling this one. You are being given a fuller appreciation of who you are as an individual in your own right. Allow that idea to sink in. 


Sagittarius is one of those signs that has the remarkable ability to be successful, to pick up the pieces of their life, to win, even in the face of what appear to be insurmountable and extraordinary odds. Part of that has to do with your extraordinarily optimistic attitude that does not easily accept defeat. Even in the face of huge challenges. However, even Sagittarius figures out when they need to step back and say No when they need to. There is a Full Moon this weekend that will be shining a light on something that is right in front of you, that may need your immediate attention. Something could even be revealed that could be life-altering. It may be, that you have been wanting some sort of liberating change in your lifestyle. Or it may be that circumstances are forcing you to change. Either way, it’s evident that something new and different is about to unfold. 


Be willing to be an example for others to follow. While also being someone who is willing to stand out from the crowd and be your own person. In this weather, we are not likely to be heard clearly, or even understood. So we communicate best through our own example and behavior; actions and decisions. In the great Hindu text, the Dhammapada we are told: that better than a thousand-word speech of empty words is one pregnant sentence, hearing that which one feels peace. So if you do have something important to say, make it brief and to the point in order to be clearly heard and understood. It is too easy in this weather to become overwhelmed by too many words that lack meaning and substance, when only a few will suffice. Keep it simple. But in doing so, do not compromise who you are, or that which you wish to stand for, for the sake of fitting in. There are principles to uphold.   


There are certain truths that are being revealed in the light of this radical Full Moon on Saturday. The one thing we can truly expect with this unusual Halloween Full Moon is the unexpected. And we’re not just talking about the usual Halloween denizens. This moon can reveal a few twists and maybe even a surprise or two. Perhaps mostly about yourself, your past, your history. Perhaps even your ancestors. This Full Moon is trying to show you something about not only who you are, but who you are becoming. And what it will take to overcome any early childhood mythology hat is compromising your own unique self-identity and personal expression. Distinct from the family narrative and ancestral culture, what is unique about you, that you now might be ready to share with the world at large?   


It may seem as if the world about you in your daily life and environment is subject to constant change and review. Do you even know your neighborhood any more? The people that you once seemed to know so well, are they truly who you remember them to be? The Full Moon this weekend is lighting up your world in unusual ways, and there is no telling where that will all lead you. Perhaps one thing that can become clear in this weather is the importance of having our own voice. And what it means to be a voice for radical truth. This may mean that some of your previously held assumptions will begin to fall away. But that is the sort of illumination and light that this Full Moon can bring. And as a result, you may never be able to see things quite the same again.