Horoscopes: October 9th thru the 16th
For the week of October 9th thru the 16th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
There just seems to be so much to be pissed off about these days. As it all accumulates from day to day, even minor irritations could get your dander up. What you won’t want to do is sit out on the side lines. If there’s a problem. Fix it. Look for answers. Be pro-active. Use that pissed off attitude to get things done. Be motivated. Do something, and be motivating, but without annoying everyone else. This is weather that does require caution. Mars is still retrograde and could boomerang like crazy over the next few weeks. But it will be hard to ignore. Therefore, do be assertive as needed, but not aggressive. Also, focus on the things that you do have control over, and learn to accept the things that you don’t. Banging your head against a brick wall will get you nothing but a headache. But using this powerful energy to mobilize your forces and create a plan of action (even in the face of extra challenges), can be quite productive.
Now that Mercury is entering its retrograde phase on the 13th, we’re all going to have to take what we hear and see with a grain of salt. Especially with this particular retrograde period which is riddled with all sorts of twisty turns. It could prove to be enlightening, and make you more aware of where exactly your boundaries begin and end. One of the qualities of Mercury being in Scorpio is its concern with reciprocity. We would not be able to survive without the cooperation of others. With Mercury retrograde in Scorpio we concern ourselves with how well we are valued by others, and how much we value them. And recognizing how much we depend on one another , wouldn’t it make sense to humble ourselves enough to offer kindness and support to others? Especially in this crazy of all crazy worlds?
During this Mercury retrograde phases which lasts until the 3rd of November, Gemini will find themselves consumed with their everyday lives: whether that be at work, or readdressing one’s health and well-being. One thing that Mercury retro can be used constructively for, is removing some of the excess clutter from your life, and this will be especially true within your work space and environment. This is also where you are most likely to see the most common Mercury retro glitches, such as haywire technology. If nothing else, an increase in chaos could inspire you to look for more efficient ways of managing your time, or organizing your environment. Or creating better habits and practices that could serve you well into the future. One other thing that Mercury allows, is to give us permission to back out of projects or commitments that are more trouble than they are worth. But perhaps one of the most helpful ways to work with Mercury retrograde is to pay attention to the whole mind/body relationship, cultivating mindfulness based stress reduction techniques.
Rather than focusing on things that could happen, or might happen; focus on the things that you really can do something about. Even though Mars is retrograde all month, and Mercury enters its retrograde phase this week, there is still a strong urge to DO something. To take some kind of action. But first it is important to understand what you do or do not have control over. Focus on those things that you can do something about; and accept those things that you don’t. Taking all of that ambition and energy and channeling it in such a way on a worthwhile project is not only constructive, but could prove to be satisfying in the end. While you are at it, make it a point to create some space in your life that will allow you to connect with either someone or something that you love. Keeping these true priorities at the forefront will help you to navigate some of the crazy twists and turns and distractions that this Mercury retrograde phase can bring over the next few weeks.
Sometimes it can seem as if the world can be a very unfair place. And we will all be hard pressed to wrap our heads around why some things happen in the world. All the more reason to send out as much positive energy in order to ameliorate any and all discordant energy, both in your personal life, and in the world at large. This is especially so when you find your patience wearing thin, or when you are being especially challenged. One way to channel any angst is through healthy debate and discussion, while also understanding that not everyone necessarily shares the same world view. Over the next few weeks of the Mercury retrograde phase focus on your personal life, your home, your family, those people and things that support you and make you feel grounded and whole. Those are the things that really matter. And whatever adjustments you can make to accommodate these will prove to be worth your while.
Mercury dives even more deeply into the wells of Scorpio this week as it stations for its retrograde phase. This is a time where words no longer suffice, and distractions will drive you mad if you allow them to do so. Allow some of the busyness of your mind to settle, if only for moments each day. This may be particularly challenging with this particular retrograde period, which makes it even more imperative to find moments for quiet time and self-reflection. Things could appear to be moving quickly; or plans and appointments could change from day to day. All the more reason to stay in the center of the storm. Focus on one thing at a time, and pace yourself, even as the world and all of its unprecedented unpredictability seems to be escaping you. When you can no longer make sense of the insensible or sort out the chaotic threads of your existence, bury your nose in a mystery: solve a problem; sort out your drawers; focus on those things that you do have control over.
One of the unexpected advantages of Mercury retrograde periods is its capacity to return lost objects, or bring rewards that you had long considered forgotten. Money owed is finally paid, that ring is finally found. But perhaps the most important aspect of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio is about getting your priorities in order. Through a series of unexpected or unforeseen events we become aware of what is truly important right now, in this moment. And it may even require you to drop everything else, as you focus on what is being laid in your lap. What becomes apparent, is that there are just some things that can not have a value placed on them. We are also being given permission to change our minds, along with our priorities. And with this particular retrograde phase, be prepared to change your mind more than once. For it is really about being totally transparent with yourself, if not others, about what the most important things in your life really are.
Mercury retrograde in your sign can and probably will be incredibly insightful. But could also be a little jarring. There’s no telling what can be unearthed in this weather. Just be prepared to switch gears, as new information comes to light. During the Mercury retrograde phase you are being asked to reacquaint yourself with yourself. This is a period of honest personal reflection. But it’s not necessarily about sharing that with others just yet. But if you were to have a second chance at something, what would that second chance be? This is for your own perspective and well-being. The more honest and willing you are to do this inner work, the more comfortable you will be with knowing what is right for you, and what your true priorities are. It’s about becoming so comfortable in your own skin, that you allow yourself to be a truer, more authentic version of yourself.
You might want to take advantage of the next few weeks to take some time out. Reflect, review, reminisce. Things could feel a little hectic. Things could change from day to day. The best remedy for that is to take whatever time you can to fit in retreat time. Something about the past could be compelling. Come to terms with what was. This is not a time for should haves, or could haves. But it is a good time to assimilate and process and make sense of all that you have learned up until this point. And to tie up any loose ends. You may want some time on your own to do this serious self-reflection. One thing that may become apparent is that when you are willing to let go of the safety of the shore, that is when you are most likely to realize your greatest potential.
The evolutionary process proceeds as those things that you have outgrown, and are no longer valid for who you are now, are being sloughed off. And out of the ashes of what remains you are looking to see how you wish to rebuild you life and your image, to be a truer and more sustainable version of who you are now. Confronted with hard decisions and critical choices, many a Capricorn may find their lives transforming in remarkable ways. In order to reconnect with that which has the most meaning and purpose to you, you might want to step back and reassess your goals and your dreams. The upcoming Mercury retrograde period can bring distractions. People may come and go in your life. And yu could be misled by misinformation. But what this period is good for is revisiting a dream that you once had. There are likely to be a few extra twists and turns ahead. In light of these, reassess your aspirations, hopes and wishes in order to bring these more in alignment with the person you are now.
Things could move pretty quickly over the next few weeks. Perhaps even in inexplicable ways. Anaiticpate changes in schedules, changes in plans, changes in the atmosphere. Flexibility is key for these weeks. So also probably a good idea to avoid trying to make commitments as your outlook could change when new information comes to light. Things that can occur with Mercury diving into its retrograde phase in Scorpio are: readdressing your career or job situation. Perhaps a promise for work is delayed, withdrawn, revised. But mostly this is about you reevaluating what you do, and how you feel about that. This may even include stepping back for a bit in order to get a clearer perspective. And if you did want to make a change, or try to do things a little differently, what would that look like for you? What would be your most important priority?
Is there a day that goes by where you cannot say, “Unbelievable!” It’s one thing to look outside the box, and see things from a whole new perspective. It’s another to feel like you are living in an entirely different universe. We are all being asked to be a little flexible, because what is being revealed from day to day, will have you reevaluating and re-exploring how you feel about what you are hearing and seeing, and even believing. And when you get back to core values and beliefs, you will also want to think about those things, those beliefs that you might be willing to put your back against the wall for. One thing that could become more evident this week, is how we are all connected on the most fundamental levels: spiritually, emotionally and even physically. Another is that when we work in common cause towards fulfilling our highest ideals, we are capable of creating something beautiful, and awe-inspiring. Something that benefits everyone.