Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: November 13th thru the 20th

“Scorpio” from the Hunterian Psalter Manuscript

For the week of November 13th thru the 20th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Now that Mars is stationing direct on Friday, you will want to channel some of this super-charged momentum. This will give you the courage and energy to take on all challenges, come what may. Having a plan will make all the difference. That’s where this weekend’s New Moon come is. Dare to take some time to step into the still and deep waters of the New Moon in Scorpio to objectively assess areas where you may need some self-improvement, or an extra boost. Then sit with yourself and create a plan. Ask yourself: Where do you see yourself going in the not so distant future? What goals would you like to achieve? What would you like to build or improve? An affirmation for this New Moon might be: I am powerful and capable of overcoming and taking on even the most daunting of challenges.  


Many will be wracked with hidden passions, longings and desires, as we enter the coming week. You may even find yourself obsessing about goals that seem way too impossible to achieve. How dare a mere Taurus be filled with such grandiosity? And yet in some way you are being asked to do just that: expand your vision beyond your previous expectations of yourself. Just enough to make a difference, allowing common sense to keep you from getting too carried away. Even if you only channel a bit of the potential implied with this New Moon, with the right help and allies, there’s no telling what you can achieve. May I meet the best people who will help to further me along on my path, and to achieve my hopes and wishes for the future. 


Just when Mercury is finally direct and out of the Saturn shadow, you think you are finally able to establish some sort of normalcy in your life. Then Mercury opposes Uranus, yet again. Best to be as flexible as possible, as there’s no telling what those two will stir up. Be prepared for changes in schedules, or having to adapt to changing circumstances. New information could come to light, changing minds and plans. However if you can step back from some of the nervous chaos of the week, what can also be revealed is another perspective. This may be just the thing to figure out the exact solution you’ve been looking for. A good affirmation for this New Moon might be: I accept my path and destiny, knowing that this is precisely where I need to be. 


Despite any conflicts swirling around. Despite the fears of rejection, denial, refusal. There is a world of potential just waiting to be tapped into. But first you may want to restore the fragile equilibrium in your home and personal life. Even if it means having to make some concessions. Even if it means having to honestly confront a situation. Whatever choices you may decide to make, know that a sense of empowerment arises when you know exactly what is right for you. There is a New Moon in Scorpio this weekend. Use the momentum of the New Moon to make a commitment to have more joy in your life, and not compromise who you are. Reacquaint yourself with your own inner child. And strive to be a better version of yourself. A good intention for this New Moon might be: I want to see myself making those sorts of connections that will lead me to a path of deeper understanding and happiness. 


It is time to take an inventory. Do you have enough? Are your needs being met? What are you going to need in the foreseeable future? You may also come to appreciate the value of sharing your skills, talents and resources with others. When you give with an open heart, you receive in kind. And there are just some things that you simply cannot put a price tag on. This is where you come to see the most benefit from giving of your time, energy and resources, or investing in something that you find worthwhile and meaningful. And one of those benefits may be the ability to truly connect with others in a more meaningful way. This is how communities are born and thrive: by supporting and being there for one another. Especially and even in times of remarkable change. I want to see myself cleansing, purifying and releasing those things that no longer serve the person I am becoming, and cultivating those things that do. 


Release and slough off any grudges, resentment, bad mojo and feelings from the past that are holding you back and preventing you from moving on. You need to do this important work for your own emotional and psychological well-being. Ignore the triggers. Focus on what matters. The New Moon this weekend, is asking us all to plot a viable course for the future, as we are trying to adapt to whatever changing conditions, shifts in the weather we may be encountering. There could be the chance that the winds are a little more brisk than anticipated, and that things are moving more quickly and erratically. If that is the case you may want to wait until the dust is settled, before making any major decisions. But one of the things that can happen, after the air is cleared again, is that you can see things in another light and from another perspective. A good affirmation for this New Moon might be: I am endowed with the magical ability to transform problems into happiness. 


It could be feeling a bit like you’ve been having to hurry and scurry, and sacrifice a little of your own personal serenity in order to accommodate others, and the general distractions of life. It could also feel like you have frayed your last nerve if you have been too accommodating, and it will be all you can do to set limits and reestablish appropriate boundaries with others. Just be cautious as to not wound too many hearts in the process, or you could find yourself feeling pushed to the curb. Or you being the one doing all the pushing. Recognizing when you need to set appropriate boundaries, and where, will be helpful in navigating the weather this week. It’s really about establishing a balance and coming to terms with what your true priorities are. And giving of your valuable time and energies, not because you have to, or shamed or bullied into doing so, but because it comes from a place of joy. I embrace and honor the sacred cycle of reciprocity; opening my heart to giving with joy while also receiving with gratitude. 


When the New Moon falls in your sign, it is that time of year in which we reset our intentions for the foreseeable future. We all have our own voice, which strives to be expressed in some meaningful way. With the New Moon it is time to reacquaint yourself with yourself, and with your voice, in order to find the best medium for you to express your own inner muse. If you have already found the best medium that works for you, then you will come to more fully appreciate that, if not, then you may choose to find the best medium that makes a statement of who you are and how you wish to appear to others. This is a New Moon of extraordinary potential, and if we can tap into even the smallest amount of that potential, it can take you places you may have only dreamed of. Therefore, if you aim to set intentions or affirmations with the New Moon this weekend, remind yourself that:  I am profound and have depths of potential as yet unrealized.


The New Moon in Scorpio is a moon for planning. A Moon for getting all of your ducks in a row. Figuring out what resources are at your disposal, what you are needing, and what you are willing to invest in, in order to make that all happen. This particular New Moon in Scorpio is also invested with a great deal of potential and possibility. Much more than at first may be evident. But as is often the case with the Moon in Scorpio, is knowing what needs to go, what may need to be sacrificed, in order to make that new beginning a closer possibility. One thing that could come to light and have a greater appreciation for, is the value of having greater long-term security in your life. And that includes whatever sacrifices you might be willing to make in order to achieve that. I want to easily see myself letting go go the past, in order to achieve greater peace and security in my life.


With the power of the New Moon in Scorpio this weekend, you are going to find yourself progressively more concerned with improving the circumstances in your life. And that includes whatever it takes that will allow you to live a life of greater meaning. The New Moon in Scorpio is the wishing moon for Capricorn. And in light of any recent changes, or possible changes to come, you might want to re-orient yourself with what your hopes and wishes are for the future. You have been working hard to position yourself in such a way that these may become a closer reality. If you are considering making intentions or affirmations with this New Moon, make it a point to include the affirmation, that: When I embrace my own power, I become an instrument for positive change in the world and in my own life. 


Aquarius has been standing on the threshold for some time. And each New Moon seems to beckon you on, to further explore your potential. In the shadowy light of the Scorpio New Moon, explore what needs to be released from the past, in order for you to embrace your future. See where any fear of power or responsibility, or self-doubt, may keep you from embracing your true potential. It may be as simple as opening up your eyes in order to see and accept where your true destiny lies. What are you willing to let go of in order to make your goals a closer reality? Are you willing to, perhaps, do with less in order to have a better quality of life, or to pursue a more meaningful path? And if so, you should begin to see some of the benefits of doing so. A vision for the future is unfolding. Out of the ashes of the past, I have the ability to recreate a better and more meaningful future.


The New Moon in Scorpio can open up a whole new path of discovery and exploration. As you unwrap one idea, so many others seem to unfold. This New Moon is trying to point you towards the fulfillment of your true potential, by broadening your horizons along with your expectations. Things are moving around this week, when all is said and done. Where you finally find yourself after the dust is settled, can even bring a whole new set of priorities. Part of that is because you are finally beginning to appreciate some of the choices you have made to bring yourself greater peace and serenity. A good intention for this New Moon might be: May I easily find myself motivated to make those changes in my life that will allow my perspective, my knowledge and my understanding to continue to grow in remarkable ways.