Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: November 20th thru the 27th

For the week of November 20th thru the 27th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


You are being asked to open up to your immediate world this week. To see more, hear more, sense more. Think of yourself as an explorer in a new world, by taking some unfamiliar turns around the neighborhood, or stepping off the beaten path. But there’s something else going on here. And that has to do with this feeling of feeling like an outsider. This may mean having to let go of some previously held beliefs about your place in the world. Who you are. Where you belong. The meaning and purpose of your life. And it may seem as if you are indeed at a crossroads of uncertainty. We all are these days. But Mars in Aries wants you to move. To walk. Use that restless energy to explore your environment while still being present.The answers will come in their own time, in their own way, but only if you make space for them in your mind first. Then you will know what to do.  


Taurus is inclined by nature to be safe and predictable. To swaddle themselves in a cloak of security. But what would happen if you were to release the bow lines and leave the safety of the shore? What does it mean to be unpredictable and safe at the same time? There are certain ways that we are conditioned by our environment and society to respond: to be responsible; to do what is expected; to be a good provider; to do the right thing. But what would it mean to do the right thing for you? In times of uncertainty, such as we are moving through over the next several weeks, it would not be wise to throw all caution to the wind. But it does behoove you to pause and think: how can I still have that security that is so important to me without compromising my true authentic self? 


It may feel as if you are drifting sometimes, as we are all trying to find our footing. As we enter eclipse season, the future is seeming to be all the more uncertain. There is a temptation to search for answers, to receive guidance from our usual advisors and sources. But you will soon find that these will no longer suffice, and may lure you away with false lights and false promises, away from where you really need to be. Your guidance system will be reset in due time. But meanwhile you are being asked to proceed on the faith that everything will turn out the way that it is supposed to. And if some things seem to be fading, they are doing so to allow something else to take its place. Or to even make room perhaps for something even better. Therefore put out your welcome mat, and open your space to the new arrivals. 


There are times in life when you are not quite sure what to believe. None of us are, as we stand here, in this time of uncertainty, skeptically staring off into the distance. When we don’t have all the answers, the inclination is to fill in the spaces with our own narratives of what might be, or could be. But perhaps the answer itself is in simply accepting that we just don’t have all the answers right now. Use wise skepticism. Especially if you have been burned in the past, and been lured away by false promises. Know that the truth is not to be found outside, through a false prophet or hidden agenda. The truth will be found within your own heart and mind. So ask yourself: Where is your own truth? What is your own conscience telling you? Let that be your guide in these unpredictable times of uncertainty. 


Something to think about as we enter eclipse season: Are you making decisions according to what you think will bring you the most attention, the most glory, the most resounding applause? Or are you making choices and decisions based on what is right, and is a truer more authentic expression of yourself? It can give pause as we are all being asked to reflect on the choices that we have made up until now, and the choices we will be making moving forward. And in this illusory time of enchantment and distraction, we can so easily be led astray by false notions of what you think others want to see, rather than simply being yourself. Ironically, it’s when you are being your truest and most honest version of yourself that you will make the most honest and authentic connections with others. 


It’s time to weed out the vestiges of the past. The old beliefs, assumptions, narratives and ancient root systems that are holding you back, and preventing any new seeds from being able to take root. Doing this inner work, parsing out what you were always led to believe about yourself, the stories that you told yourself, are likely no longer valid for who you are becoming. And as you are shedding your old skins, you will need to step back and reassess who you are becoming. It can be confusing and confabulating. And you may not necessarily know what or who to believe. But being able to discriminate between what is true, and what is merely an illusion, is a task made for Virgo, who, if anyone, is particularly skilled in the art of making sense of the insensible. 


As Venus enters Scorpio this weekend you may be asking yourself: what do I need to end, in order to be reborn? To be free? As you release the vestiges of the should haves, the responsibilities and obligations, and what you are supposed to be doing, it might be helpful to playfully toss off the bow lines and go in a new direction. A minor rebellion. It’s about recognizing that you don’t always have to keep doing things the way you have in the past. That there might be alternatives. The key here is about having the personal freedom to also make yourself, your needs and your desires a priority. Even if that just means having that piece of chocolate cake. Sometimes when we are willing to break a few of our own rules and go off road, it allows us to see things from a whole new perspective, and see solutions where previously there only seemed to be obstacles. 


What does it mean to be free of constraint? To be able to do your own thing? Have what you want and not be shamed or guilted about it? What guilty pleasures have you been avoiding, but are now just calling your name? Occasionally you need to break your own rules, if only to let off some steam; but even more important in order to find yourself again. We can get so caught up in doing the right thing, that we can lose ourselves in the process. Now that Venus is entering your sign this weekend, she is giving you permission to treat yourself. Do something a little out of character. Indulge your senses. This is not, however, about totally losing yourself or your mind. It’s merely a diversion. Sometimes we need to get lost for a bit, in order to find ourselves. 


Do not assume to have all the answers. There may be something that you had not yet considered. Perhaps another perspective. So much more can be learned when we are willing to trust that others may have something more to bring to the table. Psychologist Lev Vygotsky argued that children advance more rapidly, intellectually and emotionally, through their interactions with others and their environment. He called this their zone of proximal development. So it is with adults as well. Find your own best zone of proximal development: that place, that environment, and those people who will help you to see better, and learn better ways of doing things, solve problems and increase your knowledge with facts and solutions. This sort of collaboration could feel like a breath of fresh air.  


It takes a lot of courage and personal insight to be willing to admit that you might have been barking up the wrong tree. This is why many great teachers have reminded us again and again: “The senses and mind are deceiving. Therefore slay the mind with the sword of discrimination.” This mental housecleaning, this slaying of the mind with the sword of discrimination, is periodically necessary in order to not allow ourselves to be led astray either by what we want to be true, or what we fear might be so. Look at things this week using that sharp sword of a mind that you have, that cuts right through all the false narratives no matter how fascinating and compelling they may be. If you really want the truth and the answers you seek, stick to the facts and only the facts. 


“Know Thyself” was the first of 3 aphorisms inscribed in the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. There are a lot of should haves and supposed to’s that we tend to internalize. And there is something to be said for being a good citizen and following the rules. But how much have you been sacrificing yourself, and your own wishes, in order to fulfill other's expectations? Or to do what you think is the right thing? What about doing what is right for you? Even if it is not necessarily the conventional thing to do, or what everyone tells you you should do. Aquarius is on the brink of embarking on this road to self-knowledge. What that actually means may not be what everyone expects of you, but you will definitely want it to be what is right for you. For it is only by knowing our innermost feelings, beliefs and intentions that we can make the sorts of choices that will ultimately improve our lives. 


As we enter eclipse season this month, it may be helpful to honor those people and those things that have given you the sorts of roots that have allowed you to grow. Who are those people who serve as your foundation? Who have nurtured your heart and your being? Who are there when you need them to be? Who make it possible to do what you need to do in the world? Even in these times that seem to be riddled with uncertainty and unknowability, cultivating those roots and fundamental connections can make all the difference. This is what keeps us from becoming unmoored and floating out to sea, or even losing our grip on reality. This coming month, focus on those things and those people that bring you a sense of belonging, of emotional and psychological support, that ground you in the here and now. And know that you couldn’t do what you do without them.