Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: November 27th thru December 4th

For the week of November 27th thru December 4th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


For the past few years, and for many to come, Aries has been learning to accept and embrace our whole human experience for what it is, realizing that even when we are at our best, we are still imperfect. And thanks to the Lunar Eclipse this weekend, you are learning what it means to be a part of this great imperfect body of humanity, and what that means to you in your own, perhaps less than perfect life. What you learn in the light of this eclipse, what you see, hear, and come to understand can have a profound impact on your perspective. Begin by listening, seeing, asking questions, hearing, and sharing. And you may never see your immediate world, your environment, and the people in it, quite the same again. 


Moments of illumination arise in the presence of others. They love you not because you fulfill their expectations, but because you are you. Author, Charlie Wardle tells us: to know that the bird sitting in a tree is not worried about the branch breaking, because her trust and personal safety are not in the branch, but in her ability to be able to fly. Be who you are, with all that that entails this week. The rest will follow. This same confidence also applies to what you do, and the skills that you have to offer. Skillfully navigated, the Lunar Eclipse this weekend is letting you know that when all else fails, you have the security of knowing that you can rely on yourself to pick up the pieces, and show the world what you are capable of doing, producing and offering. You have wings. You can fly. 


The Lunar Eclipse this weekend is in your sign. Those born between May 28th and June 1st, or who have 6-11º of Gemini Rising will feel this Eclipse most strongly, however all Gemini’s will be resonating with the promise that this series of eclipses will bring. It is nothing more than illuminating the way to your own unique destiny, bringing you precisely where you need to be. You might want to ask yourself what you need to improve, release, accept in order to make that destiny a closer reality? If there are things that you’ve been wanting to change, the opportunities that await you are trying to open a way. This series of eclipses is daring to shine a spotlight on you this year and next. Embrace the light. Think of it as a guide from beyond, leading you where you need to go. 


Like a spotlight, the Lunar Eclipse this weekend is shining a light into the dark cryptic corners of our psyches and our lives, illuminating the past, secrets, and those things lost at the back of cupboard, once thought long lost. Pick up that forgotten manuscript, re-read that poem, open the photo album to the page of lost memories. They return, these ghosts, these memories, these hidden gems, to show you something that you need to see, and to bring solutions to the problems that plague you. One of the things we are learning with this Full Moon energy is that we don’t have to keep doing things over and over again, the same way we always have in the past. Use what you learn today to make sense of what once was. 


There is great healing to be found when we come to accept our current conditions, and ourselves, for who and what they are, warts and all, and all in all. And it is through that acceptance that not only healing, but understanding arises. In order to make the most of this series of eclipses this year and next you are required to have a well honed sense of direction, marinated with realistic and achievable aspirations and goals. That includes finding your place in the world, and understanding yourself as being part of a much larger, more encompassing whole. The more you recognize this interconnectedness with others, the broader the breadth of your influence in the outer world. 


There is something illuminating about this Lunar Eclipse, both in the world at large as well as internally. Especially internally. Dare to consciously explore the inner working of your own mind and perceptions. This inner understanding can lead to profound awareness about your place in the world, broadening your expectations. This series of Gemini/Sagittarius eclipses can even bring transformational events related to your status, your reputation and your role in the world. Successfully navigated these eclipses are conspiring to bring a more meaningful connection or identity with what you have to offer the community at large. One thing that may become apparent, are the ways that you manage to skillfully communication, and how these impact what you do, and how you are seen.


Venus in Scorpio can bring strange bedfellows and unholy alliances, compelling you to wonder what on earth you have been thinking. Venus in Scorpio can get so lost in the moment that all logic can fall by the wayside. Thrilling and daring and exciting and amazing as some experiences and people may be, they can also leave you nursing a hangover, needing to lose 50 pounds, and having to pay the bills later on. Do dare to step outside your usual haunts. But do so with your eyes wide open. A certain amount of skepticism will serve us all this season, reminding us that all that glitters is not necessarily gold. Make sure it passes the test, first. Examine, learn, explore and process, before you give it the green light. 


This weekend’s Lunar Eclipse is daring Scorpio to embrace their material as well as their magical potential, with all that that encompasses. There is this vast well of talent just waiting to be explored, with gifts not even yet fully developed. Even if you were to just scratch the surface of this potential, what is unleashed could prove to be life altering. This is why it is essential to people your world with those who support this potential, who feed it, inspire it and allow it to grow; rather than distract, judge, stifle or deflect you from your purpose and what you are trying to accomplish. Discovering what exactly that is for you, is part of this whole amazing process. 


Sagittarius has big dreams and high hopes for what the year has in store. But in order to accomplish these high hopes and dreams, you are going to need helpers and assistants to facilitate, advise and help you with the ground work. It’s one thing to have a vision. It’s another thing to make that vision an achievable reality. And that’s what the helpers are for. However, they are not just there to do the ground work and follow directions. They have insights, and knowledge and perspectives that you might not have considered. Therefore pause this year to listen to the humble wayfarer, get advice from the experts, hear the stories that need to be told. There is something to be learned from them all, and necessary for making that vision a closer reality. 


Here in the United States, we just celebrated our Thanksgiving holiday. If nothing else, it gives us pause to stop and reflect on all that we are thankful for in our lives. And as we look back on the crazy year that just was, one of the things we may be thankful for is that it is almost finally over. But one thing that it has afforded us, is the opportunity to pause and truly reflect on the small things in our lives that make it most meaningful. Kahlil Gibran knew this. That if we were to seek our own heaven, it would not be found floating about in the sky somewhere, but within our very real, everyday lives: “Yes, there is a Nirvana; it is leading your sheep to a green pasture, and in putting your child to sleep, and in writing the last line of your poem.” Joy is in the small things of our everyday lives. 


What makes your heart sing? What is inspiring you beyond your expectations? What is calling you? That is where you are needing to go. Even though our external lives may not reflect it, we continue to grow internally. And what used to suffice us in our outer lives no longer fits so well. The old dreams and goals that seemed so important at one time, may no longer feel as valid as they once did. Aquarius is outgrowing who they once were. And in the light of the Lunar Eclipse you are being asked to pay attention to where your heart is calling you. It may not be what others tell you you should be doing, or even what you may have once thought you wanted. But it is what is right for who you are now, and who you are becoming. Follow your bliss. 


The ancestors are calling. And they speak in soft whispers, so that it is not always possible to hear them in the bustling commotion of our lives. But in some way, they are letting you know that the time has come for them to speak through you. You might want to ask yourself what historical message are you bringing forth from the past? What relevance does it have to who you are now, and what you are becoming? When your modern ruler, Neptune, stations as it does this weekend, it opens up these portals of awareness and being. All the more so as it is accompanied by a Lunar Eclipse. Reacquaint yourself with your own inner truths. Recall those activities and experiences that have been most meaningful for you, and have brought those brief moments of meaningful illumination, when Spirit was allowed to speak through you.