Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: November 6th thru the 13th

The Phoenix and the Dragon

For the week of November 6th thru the 13th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


With Mars crawling through your sign, Aries has been feeling the itch for some sort of action for some time now. But with Mars retrograde since September and Mercury square Saturn this week, it’s all you can do to crawl out of bed in the morning. However, be prepared for much of this to change. And with the upcoming Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in the mix next week, it just feels like something much bigger than yourself can no longer be avoided. With the Jupiter/Pluto dynamic there is a strong urge to label and validate truths and injustice in the world at large. And you’re ready to back that all up. For in the end it’s what you stand for, how you want to be remembered, and what you wish to be remembered for that counts. The respect of others matters little, if you don’t respect yourself in the end. Therefore ask yourself, what do you see yourself standing for? 


What are you truly, irrationally and rationally passionate about? What gets you up in the morning, with that feeling of anticipation, hope and renewal and anxious to just get started? If you don’t have that right now in your life, what could possibly fill that space for you? What would make you love what you do, and love it passionately. Even if it is imperfect. And don’t forget about those other things that are getting you going. Over the past year we may not have been able to fulfill all of our goals and hopes and aims. Yet as a result, after all is said and done, what we have become more aware of, are the sheer fundamentals at the core of our being. And so you may ask yourself: What core principles are you willing to stand up for, even in the face of extraordinary odds, simply because you know that it is the right thing to do? Principles and passion. This is what is driving you this week. 


It continues to be helpful to know how and when to establish diplomatically appropriate boundaries with others. Know where you need to draw your lines around your space. But also be cautious of allowing this to become your default… drawing lines in the sand, building walls to shut it all out. If you make the moat so wide, and the walls so high, you’re going to be missing out in the end. There is a process here. And it’s bringing you precisely where you need to be, even if it does not feel like it at first. But even if it feels like your house is being swept away, understand that this is not really about endings. It is about a new beginning. And sometimes things have to move out of the way to allow this to happen. It needs to go. Those high walls? They’ll need to come down. For something interesting this way comes. 


All year we’ve been faced with the inevitability of change in some form or another. And even if we rail against it, try to resist, and dig in our heels, there comes a time when we realize that resistance is futile. It gets you nowhere. So why not just give in to it, and see where it takes you? Something is giving way. And it’s giving way to some other thing that appears to be larger than life. It does not help to run away. It will be wherever you are. Like a shadow that never leaves. And it’s daring to fulfill a promise. But in order to fulfill that promise you are being asked to not be afraid. Therefore have courage, and embrace the new reality that is trying to unfold. It is yours to live. 


What is touching your heart and soul this week? What is it yearning for? Is it a more transcendent, more meaningful experience? An opportunity to immerse yourself in nature, in art, in beauty, in life? In some way you are asking to allow yourself to be enchanted. To be taken out of yourself. This is a subtle energy, in the midst of a lot of loud noise. But if you heed its call, you will not be sorry. That means slowing down. Taking your time, and being present. Because in the mad rush of life, we can miss these opportunities to be inspired. And that would be a shame. For these are the moments that will last for days and weeks to come. Therefore, dream, wonder, and stop for that present moment. Take your time, and act a bit like a tourist in your own life. You won’t regret it. 


This can be obsessive weather. Which in and of itself is utter distraction. Just make sure that what you are obsessing about is worth it! This can be great weather if you are needing to work on a project, take care of paperwork, or need to fully concentrate. Provided you do not allow yourself to be distracted by that grand obsession that follows you around like a wraith. Let your work that lies in front of you be your obsession and your distraction, and you will make it through the week unscathed. If that is not possible, give in to the distraction, within reason. And if you fall behind, ask for help. The resources are there, even if you do not see that this is so. Some times all you need to do is ask. 


Relationships can be so complicated. But truly loving others means the ability to also look them in the eye and see all that there is: all of their faults, their issues, their wounds; and still accept them as they imperfectly are. Warts and all, and all in all. This also allows you to readdress your relationships in general, which is something you’ve already been working on these past few months that Mars has been retrograde. Looking objectively, some of those things that used to get under your skin, some of those things that used to raise the hairs on the back of your neck, may not have the power over you that they used to. What used to be so important, just isn’t any more. When you can unload your ire and angst and despair, you can then see people in a whole new light. Therefore unload your baggage. You no longer need to be carrying that around with you any more. It blinds you to what matters. 


Rather than dwelling on the past, pay attention to what is right in front of you. It may be subtle and seem inconsequential, so you just might miss it. Thoughts about the should haves, the could haves, what they did or did not do will lead you away from your goals, not toward them. Even though they may hold you as we enter the week, by the time the week is out, what you are bringing with you, are not those regrets about the past. What you will bring with you out of this week, is a core feeling of inspiration and wonder. The opportunity to do something wonderful and meaningful. The honor to walk the walk as well as talk the talk. There could be the tendency to just sit around and dream about what you might do. Or you can use that to serve as an inspiration to fulfill a dream. 


There can sometimes be issues of money and power when (your ruler) Jupiter and Pluto engage. And these planets can also be an incentive to aspire towards greater things. Dare to think large and look for ways to make your big vision a closer reality. All the pieces are beginning to fall into place, allowing you to follow through on a venture that could prove to be profitable. But also challenging. It could even feel like you are needing to let go of something in order to realize your full potential. Know also, that if you have justice and truth on your side, you have nothing to fear. For magnanimous Jupiter has this remarkable power to lift you up like a wave and transport you all the way over to the other side. Be prepared to take the ride. 


Think of this whole Jupiter/Pluto thing as an opportunity to divest yourself of things that you no longer need in your life.  Things that have worn out, are no longer relevant to you, or that you have outgrown.  Doing this sort of cleaning out allows you to make a new start later on.  See what you can do to create more space and freedom in your life by unloading baggage you no longer need. And do try to avoid getting into unwinnable debates.  Even if you think you know you are right.  So do they.  And pushing issues will only result in unnecessary conflict.  On the other hand, with Jupiter and Pluto traveling through your sign, you are being asked to realize and own your own power, with a certain amount of confidence in yourself.  Allow the Jupiter influence to fill your being with the sort of confidence that influences others simply through the power of being you.


Like a butterfly gradually transforming herself behind the scenes, there is something remarkable that is gestating behind the scenes. Even you may not be aware of just what that may be. By now you may already be aware of how this is not always an easy process. In order for the caterpillar to transform itself into the butterfly that it will be it goes through this internal process of dissolution, where it literally dissolves into itself. And so it is with Aquarius, that in order to evolve, in order to emerge out of the darkness into the light, you need to face yourself exactly as you are, warts and all, and all in all, free from distractions, and false narratives. For only by discarding these false narratives will you then be aware of what has been right in front of you all this time. 


If you allow it to, life can take on some thing of a dreamy, meditative quality this week. But in order for it to do its magic you will need to slow down, and pay attention to what is right in front of you. Be present with where you are. This may be difficult to do with all the other distractions going on. But if you are able to find that space, you will not regret it. Your perception of yourself, and your life has been changing gradually over the years. But this week affords the opportunity to gain some sort of insight and understanding of the nature of those changes. Likely you will want your life to reflect those qualities, those values, those ideals that have become more and more significant and integral to who you are. This is not just about seeing your ideals as a cluster of nice ideas, but as a genuine way of life, that fills you with meaning and purpose.