Horoscopes: December 25th thru January 1st
For the week of December 25th thru January 1st, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Although we have made it past the more treacherous side of the Mars/Pluto square, it would probably be wise to continue to step away from unnecessary conflict or power plays, if it can at all be helped. Unfortunately, sometimes there are just some things that are not so easy to avoid, forcing us to confront these shadows and disagreeable situations. Think of it as a final call, before we lay 2020 to rest, so that you can then look forward to the promise that 2021 is offering. The Full Moon in Cancer is both emotional and nostalgic as we look back on prior seasons. Some are filled with fondness, the good, the wonderful, the magical, as well as the sad. If wounds are opened in the process, look for solace and comfort in your nearest and dearest, recognizing that you are the sum total of all of these experiences. The question now stands: where do you see yourself going from here? What would you like to accomplish over the year ahead?
These holiday seasons at the end of the year, are often of a mixed blessing, where hopes mingle with reminiscences, and reflections. This year also has an element of uncertainty thrown in, as we stand at the threshold of the coming year, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I suspect many will be pleased to see the last of 2020 behind them, and are looking forward to the possibility promised by a New Year. What we don’t want to lose sight of in this liminal time, is the present moment. Take whatever opportunity you have to slow down and honor what the present moment is bringing you: to notice the meaning in even the most subtle and simplest of events. Seek peace, surrender and tranquility, and don’t allow your fears or trepidation to mar your dreams. Pause. Breathe deep. And take stock of your surroundings. And focus on not what should have or could have been; but at what is.
The synapses are clicking, the air waves are crackling, and connections are being made. Put up the antenna, turn up the volume. Out of all this noise, revelation and insight, the pieces of a sensible and achievable plan are coming into formation. Ingenious ideas can rise up, and flash in our minds in an instant, only to be replaced by other diversions later on. Therefore see if you can take hold of some of these brilliant insights before they have a chance to drift away. Then, looking forward to the year ahead, you might even want to ask yourself: How can I make the most of my valuable time, talents, and resources? How can I use these to my best advantage? What commitments do I want to make as we move into the New Year? Then, on New Year’s Eve day, find some time to put everything aside, turn down the volume, and lower the antenna. You will want to tune out the noise, in order to tune in to yourself, if only to make sense of it all.
The Full Moon in Cancer is always an important time of the year for you. It is a culmination, not only of the year that was, but for all that you’ve been focusing on and trying to accomplish over the past year. It stands as a turning point, as you are looking ahead to what you wish to accomplish. And even as you are brushing off the dust and the cobwebs of what was, there is a certain acceptance for what you do have, and what may come. The Full Moon falls at 8-9ª of Cancer, so if your Sun or Ascendant fall around these degrees, or you were born around June 30th-July 1st, you will be particularly sensitive to this Full Moon which falls on the 29th-30th. You may even see yourself basking in the light of the moon. Full Moons can be very emotional, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself weeping nostalgically or wistfully hoping and dreaming. You are who you are, and the dreams and hopes of yesteryear are giving way to something new and different. Even if you don’t seek it, it will end up finding you.
At this time of year, we all pause to reflect on the year that was, tie up the emotional loose ends, and gird ourselves for the year that is about to unfold. For many this is a year that we are probably glad to see the last of, as it fades into oblivion in the rearview mirror of our lives. If in the process of reflection some old wounds are opened up, pause to heal them, give yourself a much needed hug. Whether that includes cuddling up with your favorite feline, or watching your fave films with some chocolate chip cookies and a bowl of ice cream. Whatever works for you! But then, also cultivate a bit of that wistful child-like anticipation for something new to emerge and grow and hope. You are ready for new horizons. Therefore be open and willing to even go in a new and better direction, filled with all sorts of creative and insightful possibilities. Be open to it and it will find you. Just keep asking yourself: Are we there yet? And eventually you will be.
You do not need to look for miracles. They are there all around you. You just have to tune in to them. And they will find you. Miracles come in all guises. And sometimes just by opening yourself up to possibility, or even just having a conversation on line in the supermarket or on Zoom with your Zoom-mates, like an awakening, and a flash of insight, there they are! The miracle you were hoping for. Full Moons can be like that as well: revelatory and insightful. Like a light shining over the ceremonies, this Full Moon is daring you to realign yourself with your hopes and dreams. Even the ones that you’ve been neglecting or abandoned, because they all seemed so hopeless and lackluster. Well the Full Moon is showing you otherwise. That dreams can reemerge. And they can be miraculously revived. You just have to have a little faith, insight and understanding. Or maybe they just need to be watered.
There is an urge to be the kindest, the best, the most generous and helpful person in the world. You just can’t seem to figure out what that actually looks like. Sometimes it is most helpful to just be there, and be available. You don’t need to go to the ends of the earth, spend gazillions, or perform magic and create miracles. Your ear, your capacity to listen unconditionally, and your big heart are more than enough. That is the best holiday/New Year’s gift of all! And as we stand here at New Year’s end, saying goodbye to what was, while looking forward to all that we are hoping to accomplish, allow some wistful hope to creep in. Goodbye 2020, and hello 2021. May you enter the new year with a much lighter load, and a glimmer of hope for what could be, when you unload yourself of old weighty obligations and expectations. Dare to think in terms of new and creative possibility. The New Year awaits.
Thankfully we are on the other side of the raunchy and exhausting Mars/Pluto square on the 23rd, and looking forward to unloading all that dread and garbage and hard stuff from the year that was. And although we are on the waning side of the deadly duo, it is helpful to continue to be on guard and watchful, leaning in to the hard stuff, even as you are wishing it would all just go away. It will, but not without a little effort. Like when you renovate a new home. A certain amount of demolition needs to take place first. Then out of the ashes of what was, you can build something better than you had before. It just takes a little creative ingenuity, and a willingness to look at things from another perspective. Be open to new possibilities, or doing things another way. One thing that becomes apparent, is that you don’t have to keep on doing things the way you always have in the past. There just might be a better way.
You have big dreams. The issue is being able to distinguish between the dreams that are possible, affordable, manageable and achievable; and those other ones. Yes, we can always improve on a good thing. But knowing what the limits and boundaries are can also be really helpful. And it doesn’t necessarily need to cost millions to make it happen. Seek peace. Seek tranquility, beauty and harmony. And focus on the things that really matter. The rest will become more apparent in its own time, and as it will. If you are unsure about something, wait until you know for sure, before opening up your wallet, or making a commitment you can’t back out of. And be open to other perspectives and advice. The Full Moon on Tuesday/Wednesday could help to shed some light on a situation, but you will need to be open to it, in order to see an opportunity for what it really is.
The end of the year is an excellent time for purification and cleansing. Get out all the negativity that had accumulated over the year that was. Release the impurities, the baggage, the dreads and blockages that are standing in the way, and preventing you from growing into the promise that awaits you in the New Year. Think of 2021 as the fulfillment of what could be, after we clean up the mess that is left over from 2020. Clean out the cobwebs, dust off the shelves, nurse any lingering wounds, and seek comfort and solace from those who know you best. You are doing this important work in order to make everything ready and available for the New Year to come. Then ask yourself: What treasures and goals, and commitments, are you hoping to fill your heart and your mind with this year?
Some people believe that if you clean out your home before New Year’s that it will make sure that you don’t carry the old soiled remains from the previous year into the New Year to come. For some this cleansing ritual can prove to be both therapeutic and practical as you sweep out the cobwebs of what was. There can be something to be said for leaving the remnants of what was in the past, and preparing the way for what will be. And rituals, such as cleaning out the cupboards of your life in these last lingering days, can be something of a metaphor for releasing what we no longer need, and organizing our space, preparing it, for what may come in the future. Many an Aquarius is ready for something new to make its way into your lives, and even if you think you don’t want it, it just may find you there.
Even if the week begins with a bit of busyness and a little hullabaloo, and maybe even a flash of lightning and some inspiration around the Full Moon on Tuesday/Wednesday; allow yourself to lean into a more subdued tone towards the last days of the year. It doesn’t need a lot of fanfare and partying, and carrying on to ring in the new year. What this New Year needs is room for wistful acceptance, dreamy fantasies, and hopeful yearnings for what could be. If you were able to align yourself with your hopes and wishes, what would that look like? What are your dreams and imaginings for the year ahead? It’s not even about making commitments and resolutions just yet. It’s more about getting in touch with your innermost dreams and ideals. And then figuring out later how you can then make these a closer reality in the future.