Horoscopes: December 4th thru the 11th
For the week of December 4th thru the 11th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
The uncertainty can be deafening. The unknowable is confounding. However, Aries will have none of that, and will not be led astray or give in to pessimism and defeat. Eclipses or no eclipses, tomorrow is always another day for Aries. Aries does not give up. With Mars still in your sign, investing you all with energy and determination, you are not likely to be defeated. You’ve got all this primal energy that’s been accumulating for months. Your ruling planet Mars remains in your sign until January, and never will you be able to so fully channel all that potential and energy as you will this week. Take the initiative. Be proactive. You’ll be amazed at how much you can get accomplished. And not even the most enticing of distractions are likely to get in your way. Move over Neptune. Aries has super-charged Mars on her side.
Try not to push yourself this week if you can at all help it.Ease into the waning Moon. There is so much potential that can be gleaned if you are just willing and able to slow down, pause, and pay attention to the subtle and the sublime. Dream, wonder, take a short diversion to a place of wonder, and allow yourself to be enchanted. And make it a point to share these experiences with your closest and dearest. Feelings of love and compassion arise more easily with Venus lingering in sultry Scorpio. She says, “I want to share everything with you.” Whether that be over a latte or wandering into the woods, she wants to hear and know everything, especially what’s most deeply buried in your heart. Venus in Scorpio weather is about allowing yourself to feel deeply and want passionately. Allow it to be so.
Words matter. How we communicate and speak to others can make all the difference. Beware of doing things you might later regret, or believing everything you hear. Foot in mouth disease will be rampant this coming week. All the more so in these precarious times of uncertainty, when words can be misconstrued, and assumptions made too easily. Remember that just because something looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, still does not necessarily mean it is a duck. Especially when your imagination might be playing tricks on you. Therefore avoid making important decisions if it can at all be helped. Rather look for more harmless distractions and ways to escape the mundane world: get lost in a book; binge-watch a show; imagine and pretend and wonder. But do so with your feet firmly planted on the ground.
It’s amazing how those little things in our everyday lives can cause the most anxiety and confusion. The sketchy internet signal, the virtual mayhem, the pilot light blowing out, and the appliances inexplicably behaving badly. They all demand immediate attention, and although they require all sorts of sleuthing to figure out, in the end they all prove to be so deceptively simple in their solutions. Yet they leave you in a heap of distraction on the floor. If some things prove to be too frustrating and confounding, you may want to put them up on the shelf for a bit. At least until we get past the exasperation of the current eclipse season. It can sometimes be helpful to allow the foggy mists to dissipate a bit before navigating your way forward. All will soon be evident, in its own time, in its own way.
Eclipse weeks can sometimes feel exhausting and draining; distracting and confounding. If that is the case, just flow with it. See what the eclipses are bringing, if anything. In this weather, so much is being obfuscated by uncertainty and innuendo. Therefore it would probably be a good idea to wait until the dust is settled after the Solar Eclipse on the 14th, before making any important decisions or regrettable declarations. And although eclipse weather can often be draining, some Leo’s might actually be filled with an inexplicable surge of energy this week. If that’s the case, take advantage of it! Go for a run, do that Fitbit challenge, join a virtual rumba class, dance with your roommate down the hall, and let the world know that you’re still here, and ready to roar and ready to rock & roll.
The world can be a confounding place. All the more so when other people refuse to follow the rules and just go willy nilly all over the place messing everything up. It really does not help that eclipse seasons can also be so draining. Makes you just want to close the curtains and hide in your room. You can’t always control what other people do. But you do have control over your own environment. Rather than being distracted by what others are saying and doing, create your own positive distractions: hole up with your journal; annotate next year’s date book or calendar; get lost in a good book or movie; organize your drawers; find an outlet for your rampant imagination; design your own secret hideaway nook. Whatever is calling you. Make it your own special distraction away from all the madness.
Take some time to pause this week. Wherever and however you can. It can be easy to become distracted by the busyness of our lives, to get lost in activity, and feel like you always have to hurry from one thing to the next. Make it a point to some how, betwixt the obligations and the running around, schedule in some time to wonder, to be enchanted, to find some magic, to create, to connect with spirit and soul. Turn up the music and turn down the noise, even if it’s for only an hour or even a few minutes. Slow down to notice, to be still. To be present. It will be in those moments of stillness that you will find your inspiration, your dreams, your hopes. And you might even find yourself somewhere in there as well.
Eclipse seasons can often be distracting and draining and unpredictable. However, if you are among the lucky ones, you might find yourself invested with a surge of energy this week. See if you can channel some of that energy to get things done. Finish that project you’ve been meaning to get to. Put on some headphones, turn up the music, and take on that deep cleaning you’ve been wanting to tackle. Join that outdoor exercise class you noticed in the park the other day. Be industrious, courageous and proactive. Be inspired, and inspire others. Make it fun. Since we are coming up to an Eclipse on the 14th, you might even be able to make this something of a habit.
What is the vision that you would like to see fulfilled? What are the plans that you have for the future? Now is the time to start thinking about this, as we are now finally approaching the total eclipse on the 14th, followed by the great conjunction on the Solstice. Your future is gradually unfolding in strange and mysterious ways. And although we are all navigating this fugue of uncertainty in the midst of these eclipses, Sagittarius has one thing going for them: their own inner certainty that everything will turn out okay, even when everyone else is scratching their heads, wondering how you manage to land on your feet every time.
Over the next few weeks think about those things that you’ve been holding on to, but are no longer relevant to who you are now. Or perhaps has been serving as a distraction from who you are becoming. What is leading you down the garden path of oblivion? What are the stories that you’ve been following that are filling your head with delusions and distractions? Capricorn has no use for that nonsense. Release them all in order to make sure that you are on the right track. Because as we approach the great conjunction on the Solstice, you will want truth and clarity to be your guiding light moving forward. You have a vision. And it’s time to figure out how to make that vision a closer reality, and not just a pipe dream.
There is a great conjunction coming up on the Solstice, that will launch us into a whole new Aquarian Era, taking you all along for the ride. We’ll be talking more about this emerging Aquarian adventure over the next few weeks. But in the mean time, in this liminal space between the Eclipses, use the time to reflect over the events of your life. Like a timeline unfolding, think about all the steps that have occurred to bring you where you are now. All of it. The pleasures, the joys, as well as the disappointments and even the despair. They are all important. The choices and the happenstances. The successes, and the failures. They have all brought you here. To this place in time. Marinated with all the experiences, hopes and eventual understanding, of who you are today.
Pisces has a vision. Well, they always have some sort of vision. But now Saturn has been conspiring to find a way to make your vision a closer reality. A recipe for creating a plan for the future is gradually coming together. But in the mean time it would probably make sense to step back, take some time out, and pause. Pause because you need the time to sort things out. Pause in order to take in your surroundings and make sense of what is happening. Pause in order to get your bearings. There could be an unraveling. A glitch in the fabric of time and space. And it would make sense for us all to make sure of where we are when the dust finally settles after the eclipse on the 14th. But we all should also pause for another very important reason: to be present with ourselves.