Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: March 6th thru 13th

For the week of March 6th thru the 13th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


We have a Super Full Moon coming up on Monday, that should be quite beautiful to see. But don’t even try to make sense of what is going on during the days leading up to the Moon. It would be like trying to wage battle with some sort of ethereal or invisible creature devoid of boundaries. And in some way we are being asked, apart from our usual routines and prescriptions, to wait and see. Mercury is appearing to stop for its direct station on the same day as the Full Moon. And so we are all being asked to pause and wait. Not for clarity. That may not yet come. But for insight and inspiration. What this Moon can bring is an opportunity for Aries to connect with themselves. But for that you need to be willing to pause. Create some stillness. And then listen for the still quiet voice in the silence. Whether it comes through dreams, through prayer, meditation or thru divination. Aries is never better poised to connect with themselves than they are this week. 


Your ruling planet, Venus, has entered your sign, only to find Uranus there, once again, taking up shop. It’s like you’re finally coming home to put up your feet, and eat that casserole you had been saving for just this occasion, only to find that Uranus already ate the casserole, and has rearranged all the furniture besides. Back to square one. Either you put the furniture back where it was before, or you see it as an opportunity to look at things from a whole new perspective. And maybe even like some of the changes and innovative ideas that Uranus is bringing. All the more so with the Super Full Moon on Monday, which is likely to bring on a spectacular show Sunday night. In some way we are all being asked to pause, reassess, and allow ourselves to be inspired once again. Sometimes looking at things from another perspective can be just the thing to allow us to do so. 


Your ruling planet, Mercury, will appear to pause for its direct station on Monday (or Tuesday), asking all of us to do so as well. For some this could feel as if we are waiting for the other shoe to drop. For others this can be an opportunity to withdraw, reassess, and then figure out what our next strategy is going to be. Depending on what is going to be revealed in the light of the Moon, we may or may not want to change direction. Don’t even try to make sense of things right away. For it could feel a little like there is a bit of misinformation being tossed about. And it may be a while before there is total clarity. But in the mean time, what this period offers, is an opportunity to connect with yourself, your aspirations and even your hopes and dreams. We may not necessarily be able to fully connect with our dreams, but knowing that they are just there on the horizon, can serve as an inspiration for months to come. 


A Super Full Moon in Virgo shines a light on the planet Neptune this coming week. If a disappointment casts a shadow on your hopes or outcomes this week, rather than give up, you are being asked to reorganize, and re-strategize. You have goals. And if one avenue doesn’t seem to be working out all that well, then it may be that you need to seek a better route to get you there. Your hopes and your dreams are your lodestar. That does not change. The challenge is in mobilizing others to join your cause, in order to make those hopes a closer reality. Mercury is slowing for its direct station this week, asking you to pause, and perhaps even pull back and reassess your strategies, but always keeping that lodestar in your sight. You’ve got dreams. Go out and make them your own. 


The Super Full Moon may be beautiful and enchanting to look at, but it wreaks of disenchantment and disappointment due to its being all tied up with Neptune. However, nothing keeps a Leo down for long. If you are not happy with the results of something you’ve been looking forward to, then it merely means that it is time to reassess and re-plan. Take a look at the bigger picture, the longer view, for that is what really matters in the end. A sense of empowerment arises when you dare to take the reins over the destiny of your life. You are on a mission, with a sense of purpose. And the more in tune with that purpose you are, the more empowered you will feel in the end. That being said, there are plans to be reassessed, and a new route to be re-routed. You’ve got things to do to be ready. 


On Monday (or Tuesday) Mercury appears to stand still for its direct station. It could feel like a pause, or a wrinkle in time. Especially as the station of Mercury coincides with a Full Moon in your sign of Virgo. It could feel a bit like herding cats, or having to make sense of that which really doesn’t make any sense to anyone. At the full moon, something is coming to light, but what is coming to light cannot be seen, or is murky and cloudy and befuddling. Despite any ambiguity or inconsistency you are being asked to have faith. A Bigger Vision is emerging, and in some way that is to be your priority. Things will soon begin to make sense again all in due time. But in the mean time, it might be most helpful to sit back, and take note of what is being revealed in the light of this powerful Super Moon on Monday. Just sit with it for now. Eventually the pieces will finally begin to come together. 


Mercury has entered Aquarius and slows for its direct station on Monday (or Tuesday). And then it will head back to Pisces. What this means for Libra is that ultimately you will be able to get a better handle on your routines and schedules. Reassessing and reprioritizing over the next few weeks will help. For Libra, it’s not just about balance and moderation (which are always important for Libra), it’s also about making sure you have enough time out for stillness. Whether you use that time to meditate, wonder, create or just daydream, this process allows you to connect with yourself. But you need space and peace in order to do so. Therefore see how you can incorporate periods of silent ‘retreat’ into your daily life and routines. Create a new personal retreat habit! As a result you will find yourself not only calmer, but more efficient in your daily tasks, less undecided, more insightful, and more creatively inspired.  


There is so much that can seem confounding, and perhaps even surreal in this weather. You may not know if you are coming or going. Nor can you necessarily make sense of even those who seem well-meaning and kindly disposed. One minute they’re singing your praises. The next they’re totally off your radar. And then there’s that crazy, albeit illuminating, Full Moon on Monday. Enchantingly beautiful to look at, it seems to also have some sort of hidden agenda. No use trying to suss this one out. Allow yourself to be inspired by the enchantingly mysterious quality of this Moon. Mercury stations later on Monday (or Tuesday), asking us all to pause and take note. The change of perspective that the station of Mercury will bring could prove to be enlightening, bringing solutions where previously you stood undecided. 


At times you may wonder what the hell you are doing here, and how you got here in the first place? What possessed you? Many a Sagittarius is also a wanderer, and will often find themselves off the beaten path. And sometimes you may even find yourself in an environment where you feel a bit like a stranger in a strange land. But even in the most far-flung destinations, or even when feeling a little isolated at home, there are always those with whom you can find some sort of commonality of perception. There is always something you can find to agree on. And maybe something else as well. Even if you seem to be speaking a different language. And by adding all those somethings together it can lead to the realization that you are not so isolated or unsupported  from everyone else as you thought you were.


Mars may have you motivated and moving and grooving these days. But nothing will be quite as inspiring and motivating as this glorious Full Moon on Monday. This is a Super Moon, meaning that it will appear to be larger than usual. But it is also shining a light on things that at first were thought to be unknowable and perhaps even a little mysterious. What comes out in the light of this Moon can be things like secrets, the hidden cobwebs at the back of the closet, and perhaps even showing us what goes bump in the night. Even though we can’t see everything, it doesn’t mean that it does not exist, or that there is a cause behind the phenomenon we are witnessing. Pragmatic to the end, Capricorn will soon have it all figured out. There isn’t much that gets by you. Especially when inquiring minds want to know. 


There is an incredibly distracting Full Moon on Monday. And you won’t want to miss it. It should be enchantingly spectacular in more ways than one. What is revealed in the light of this Moon could prove to be quite enlightening; for what was previously hidden is now evident. Secrets are disclosed, mysteries solved. And before long you will soon be able to make plans for the future once again. In the mean time you are going to have to just wait and see what is being made evident. There could even be some good news. But until Mercury is fully direct again after next week, it may be a while before any news will be totally reliable. What seemed reliable and dependable before, could prove to be a little exasperating now. Therefore, wait and see. 


There is a Full Moon on Monday in the sign of Virgo, shining a light on Neptune in Pisces. Both Virgo and Pisces will be particularly sensitive to this Moon which is also a Super Moon. This means that the Full Moon will appear to be larger than usual, especially at Moonrise and Moon setting. Despite any other distractions or disappointments that may emerge in the wake of this moon, this Moon is best used for insight and personal meditation. Just hours after the Full Moon, Mercury will appear to stop for its direct station. This all gives us a moment to pause, assimilate, recoup and regain our perspective. What we have learned over the past several weeks, could prove to be enlightening. Then once Mercury re-enters Pisces in a few weeks, you will be able to formulate and resume with any plans and agreements that were previously put on hold.