Horoscopes: May 22nd thru 29th
Spring by Frances MacDonald
For the week of May 22nd thru 29th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
As many places in the world are gradually easing back on restrictions and opening up, Aries will be waiting with bated breath. Not so fast Aries! The need to return to normal will be a strong allure, but taking your time, using common sense, and taking precautions are not just inconvenient nuisances, they are wisdom. We’re not yet completely out of the woods. And trying to ignore the elephant in the room is not going to make it go away. There are still creative ways to connect with others. And there are still many ways to keep yourself busy and occupied without taking unwise risks: follow through on a new interest, or learn a new skill; find ways to better manage your time by turning down some of the noise. This is a good week to follow through with any previous ideas you may have had about taking up a new study, writing your memoir, downloading new audio books, or making yourself more fully informed about a certain subject.
One of the lessons of Venus being retrograde in Gemini this month is that all that glitters is not gold, and what may at first appear promising, may not be all that it seems. There is the tendency when Venus is retrograde to either exaggerate or diminish the value of something, either focusing too much on its negative qualities, or ignoring them altogether. Better to wait for greater clarity before making any major decisions that you might later regret. Nonetheless there is this New Moon in Gemini on Friday, that is inspiring you to think of new and creative ways to either supplement your income or boost your self-worth. Pay attention to the inspiration that this New Moon brings. It’s stirring up all sorts of interesting ideas. Just make sure you are seeing all the ramifications of any decisions you might want to make, and that you are being fully informed before proceeding to sign on the dotted line.
All New Moons are about new beginnings, but when the New Moon is in your own sign, this is about recognizing that this is the first step of the rest of your life. And you ask yourself this week, where do I see myself going from here? What new initiatives do I want, and am able to begin? And what is my heart telling me that I truly want and desire? With Venus retrograde in your sign, you are reacquainting yourself with yourself, making doubly sure that you have a clear idea, not only of your opportunities, but what you really do (or don’t) want. Be also clear about what is or is not practically achievable. Things may not be all that they are promised to be. But it’s also not a good idea to make assumptions without being fully informed. Wait until the coast is totally clear, and you have all the information you need, and then take that first important step.
The world may be gradually opening up and restrictions being eased, but Cancers may not be all that sure that they’re ready to make their debut back out onto the world stage. You all are going to wait and make sure that the coast is clear before you emerge from the safety of your dens. If your intuition tells you that there’s still danger lurking out there, you’re going to double down. It’s not just safety that makes Cancer so reluctant to run out and greet the world, it’s also the allure of their inner world: their own minds and their imagination. It’s so much more compelling than the distractions, confusion and mismanagement of the outside world. And in order to access your own inner thoughts and mind you recognize the necessity to turn down the noise and commotion that dares to disturb your inner refuge. It’s about doing whatever you have to do to restore your sanity and your peace of mind. The world can wait.
In some way you are being asked to keep your eye on the prize, no matter how things might seem these days. You’ve got dreams, you’ve got ideas, and you know sooner or later you will have the opportunity to see some of these fulfilled. It takes patience, and it takes fortitude, especially when you are having to navigate around all these problems and potholes that keep on trying to trip you up and wipe you out. No matter what the universe is trying to throw at you, one thing that is going to gradually become more evident, is that tomorrow is another day. Let go of the regrets. There is nothing that you can do about yesterday, and what you should have or could have done. Carrying around regret is only going to weigh you down and prevent you from seeing the very real path that is unfolding in front of you. It may not be the dream that you once had, but it is the dream that is relevant for now.
This is the time of year when Virgo normally sets their goals, and organizes their planners for the year ahead, thinking about all the things that you would like to see accomplished. Unfortunately, in this age of pandemics and uncertainty, it’s not that easy to organize your day, much less make plans for the future! Who knows what new pestilence or cloud of locusts is waiting around the next corner. But even if many people’s lives are still on pause, life goes on, and it is also important to reorient ourselves to our purpose, and place in the scheme of things. You will want to plot some sort of course. So use the Gemini New Moon on Friday to visualize your best possible route going forward. Just recognize that like so many, you are being expected to plot your course through uncharted territory, riding on a wing and a prayer, with nary a compass nor a road map to guide you. Nonetheless, forward it is.
Now that we are in Gemini season it will be all we can do to keep Libra down on the farm. All this social distancing can be hard on Libra, especially at this particular time of the year. Many a Libra will be peering out the window and realizing that there is this whole world out there. Lucky for many, a number of places are gradually opening back up, and lessening restrictions, but that does not mean you should cease to use your common sense. It will be a while before we are going to be able to fully get back to normal. Nonetheless the world is calling, and you are just going to have to look for creative, but safe ways to further expand your horizons. You don’t want to risk your health and well-being, but you do want to broaden your mind and possibilities. Look for virtual ways to do so! If you are able to go for walks, put on your mask and explore your immediate environment. If you can’t yet embark on journeys afar, look for adventure near at hand. There’s no telling what you might discover.
This time of year is when Scorpio starts thinking about taking certain commitments a little more seriously. That relationship that’s been sitting on the back burner? Maybe it’s time to take it to the next level. But are you sure? What about those extra obligations you’re thinking of taking on? Maybe this is just the opportunity to fill your day. Just don’t over-fill it in the process. There could be the inclination to say yes to commitments without thinking about the full ramifications of your decisions. Make sure that all the details and expectations are ironed out first. There is a tendency when Venus is retrograde to exaggerate the qualities in people and things. And it’s so easy to fall back into old habits, and repeat previous behaviors. Pay attention to what your heart is telling you, but allow your head and common sense to prevail before you go and sign on the dotted line.
It’s hard to keep a Sagittarius down, and once they light up the all-clear sign, you’ll be the first emerging from your quarantines and lockdowns ready to conquer the world. Just remember as you get this urge to go out to greet the world, that we’re not out of the woods yet, and there are still common sense precautions to take. Now that we are in Gemini season, it will be all we can do to keep the Sagittarians at home. The inclination to want to connect with others will be strong. Continue to look for creative ways to do so! Try new social apps, and media that allows you to connect from a safe distance. Someone you’ve been wanting to reconnect with? Try Zoom or Skype. This way you can test the waters from a safe distance. But don’t forget why you broke up in the first place. Take care of those loose ends. But keep your focus where you heart really is.
There are a few important areas of your daily life that you will want to pay attention to with the New Moon in Gemini: those things that support your health and well-being; and trying to establish some sort of daily routine. One of the issues lately, is that things are just so unpredictable and uncertain, and distracting! It’s hard to make plans, and it’s even harder to keep them. And for those of you working from home, it’s all you can do to keep track of what day it is, never mind trying to create some sort of routine. So if you aren’t necessarily able to streamline your day (and your body) into an efficient and productive well-oiled machine, you can at least start by making it enjoyable. You may find that your schedule is all over the place at times. That’s okay. Rather focus on making your workouts fun, your work more interesting, and your meals a little healthier. Putting a little extra effort into into supporting your health and well-being, could very well have the added benefit of putting some zest and efficiency into your work.
Allow happiness and joy to permeate your life again. But make sure you keep an eye on those purse strings while you’re at it. Distinguish between those things that you really really need, and those things that you just want. Be careful, as that hole in your pocket could get a little bit larger. On the other hand, the New Moon in Gemini is about you reclaiming your joy; daring to kick up your heels (while maintaining therapeutic social distancing); and reconnecting in whatever creative and clever ways you can. And if you have any doubts about reaching out and winning hearts and minds, recognize that even awkward or difficult conversations can be eased over when you speak directly from the heart. The New Moon does want you to find ways to reclaim your joy, but it is also asking you to remember what it’s like to just have fun. Dare to look at the world through the eyes of a child: with wonder and fascination. There is still so much more in the world to learn and discover.
Home and family are where the heart is this month as we begin this week with a New Moon in the sign of Gemini. Although much of the world is veering towards gradually opening up, Pisces is quite content looking out at the world from the safety and security of their own domain. And since it seems that you are wanting to spend your time here any way, this is a good time to think about small projects you might want to work on at home. You’ve got a little surge of energy now that Mars is in your sign, and you might want to make the most of it. I wouldn’t do a total makeover while Venus is still retrograde, but a few nice touches can make all the difference, and can be an inspiration for bigger projects that you might want to take on later on. Some possible ideas might be: creating some work space to pursue a much-loved hobby; rearranging the bookshelves; look for creative ways to add interesting, comforting, and personal touches in the areas of the home where you spend the most time.