Horoscopes: June 26th thru July 3rd
For the week of June 26th thru July 3rd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Mars returns to its native domain of Aries, where it will remain for an unusually lengthy period of 6 months. No sooner does Mars return home and you will begin to feel the temperature rise. Positively this is a green light for Aries to get up off the couch and get motivated. Ideas that you’ve been wistfully thinking about, or projects that you’ve been meaning to get to, are now back on the agenda. Inspiration can be put into action. It’s time to get moving. Mars coming home again will reinvest you with energy and initiative. If you’ve been wanting to get out and exercise more, Mars is your booster. If you’ve got projects that you’ve been wanting to tackle, Mars will bring you the excitement and anticipation to get started. Mars will be rooming with you for the next 6 months, so anticipate that your energy is going to be off the charts at times. But do beware, Mars can also incline towards impulsive outbursts and impatient edginess. Tempers could flair as patience thins. Try to channel the extra energy through some sort of physical challenge or constructive activity. You’ll amaze even yourself.
Now that Venus is finally direct again, you should begin to feel more and more like your old self. Rather than longing for what once was, or could have been, this forward motion will allow you to move forward both with your financial and your social life. This does not mean that you are not still reflective in other perhaps more meaningful ways. Although your ruling planet is slowly trudging forwards again, and now a bright morning star, Mercury and Neptune have both recently stationed retrograde reminding you of the importance of having some sort of ‘spiritual’ and personally meaningful dimension in your life. If it’s not the right sort of group or path for you, that will become a little more obvious to you right now. Be willing to think outside the box a little. With Uranus traveling in your sign for another 5 years, you are being encouraged to experiment with alternative ideas, paths and lifestyles. This is about finding the path, the identity and the options that are right for you, and not necessarily what is right for everyone else.
As Mercury continues to meander back through the sign of Cancer, you will find yourself reflecting back as well. This can bring you back into the family fold, as you reconnect with relatives and history that you may have even forgotten or lost touch with over the years. There seems to be something deeply rewarding here that helps to flesh out and bring greater meaning to your life. You might want to stop and ask yourself, what are those activities and things that you choose to fill your mind and heart with these days? Where do you see your mind wandering? What is it latching on to? And if you were to make what you do on a daily basis more rewarding, what sorts of changes could you make? Be willing to try to do something in a different way, or look at something from another perspective. Even small changes in our daily lives can open us up to all sorts of creative possibilities. Dare to see where your mind is taking you.
One of the reasons that Cancer gets so startled by the excitement and activity of the outer world, is that they are so preoccupied with the richness of their inner world, to the point that they almost forget that the outer world even exists. This may be all the more so with Mercury crawling back through your sign these days, bringing you along for the ride down Memory Lane. This would be an excellent time for you all to be journaling, and finding ways to memorialize all those personal experiences that have brought you to the place where you are now. But also be prepared to be startled out of your reverie now and then now that Mars is entering action-packed Aries at the top of your chart. Continue to get in some inner work while you can and where you can. For you may not have the opportunity to do so later when things begin to get heated up. Things are probably going to be picking up in your outer life, and you’ll have to be at the vanguard when things begin to take off.
It could feel like you are slowly emerging back out on to the scene now that Mars is in fiery Aries. This could even get out of hand later on, but in the mean time be prepared to feel motivated, and get your groove on. If you’ve been wanting to be more physically active, you’ll soon be energized; if you’ve been looking for ways to be more visible, now is your chance. There will still be a part of you that is not quite ready to fully come out of your state of limbo. You have enough to occupy yourself trying to tie up some loose ends. However no matter how excited you may be, you will still want to make time for yourself: your inner world is so rich right now, you won’t want to miss the next chapter. Memories from the past, reflections on what once was, could find you drifting off now and then. This is normally a time of year for Leo to sit back on their heels and recharge their batteries, so even though the rest of the world may be opening up, and you’re feeling energized at the mere thought, there’s still a part of you that will want to keep it a little low key. At least for mean time. You have plenty of time to catch up.
Virgo is more than willing to put their own needs, their own ego, to the side for the sake of others. This comes naturally to you. This may be for a good cause, or for your work, which makes sense. But also pay attention where you may do this at the expense of your own well-being. Use a barometer. Those activities or people that needlessly drain you, and leave you a sodden dishrag on the floor can all take a pass for now. By contrast those experiences or people that inspire you, and make you feel as if you are walking on air… that’s what you are needing more of. Just realize that especially while Mercury is retrograde (through July 12th) you’ll be feeling a little more sensitive to the negativity of the world around you, and that tendency to have your energy drained right out of you will be stronger than usual. It’s also not unusual for the months that Neptune is retrograde to also feel a little more vulnerable. Seek inspiration and positive reinforcement. That will lead you where you need to go.
Now that Venus has finally stationed direct, you will gradually find your life being more focused on the outer world. There will be this forward motion emerging between Venus direct and Mars entering Aries. But not without some reticence holding you back. There are still quite a few retrograde planets, and you may be inclined to cut back in certain areas of your life as a result. Nonetheless you will see a shift. Mars will not leave you alone. And now that Mars will be in Aries for the next 6 months, you will find yourself both inspired and challenged at the same time. This can be useful. For instance a competitive challenge could help jumpstart an exercise regimen or campaign. And others could prove to be a big motivating force to get up off the couch and take care of business. Just beware, that when Mars is in Aries patience wears thin, and you are more likely to find yourself locking horns. Look at the next 6 months as an exercise in testing your usually well toned diplomatic skills.
This weekend your ruling planet Mars enters the sign of Aries. This can be a portent of a lot of busyness and hard work ahead. But even if your everyday work day isn’t all that busy, you’ll still find ways to fill up the spaces of your daily routines over the next 6 months. Just realize that the momentum is bound to be going at a much faster pace than usual for the foreseeable future. This is because Mars will be here for an unusually long period of time. If you are not being overwhelmed on the work front, this will actually be a good time to take on some healthy and motivating challenges, such as a new exercise regimen. Try taking your workout routine up to the next level. Mars wants you to move and get motivated. Not doing so will leave you wanting more, and could devolve into impatience and frustration. So try to fit it in wherever and however you can. You’ll notice a difference.
Now that Mars is entering your fellow fire sign Aries, be prepared to see your energy increasing. Sagittarius likes to move any way, but you’ll be having the extra incentive to do so what with Mars in Aries increasing your fiery passions and desire to get back into the saddle. You’re competitive and energized and raring to go. This could also be an incentive to aspire for greater things, especially as your ruler, Jupiter, is making a conjunction to Pluto. Think large and look for ways to make your big vision a closer reality. All the pieces could finally fall into place allowing you to follow through on a venture that could be profitable as well as challenging. Just make sure that this is exactly what you want first. You’re looking for quality as well as quantity. And something that will support you for the long term… and keep you growing.
Even though so many planets are retrograde these days, don’t expect things to be all peace and quiet. It may even be that on the home front or in your personal life, where we normally expect things to be secure and peaceful, that there will be more commotion than usual. And don’t expect it to settle down any time soon. Mars enters Aries this weekend, where it will remain for an extended stay due to its retrograde motion later this year. As a result it will spend a full 6 months in the sector of your chart that has to do with home and family. This might work if you’ve been wanting to embark on a home improvement plan. Just avoid over-doing it. Too much commotion could push you over the edge especially later on in August and September. And chances are you may be forced to drop everything at the last minute, if something else more urgent comes along. Best way to handle all this excitement? Day by day, one step at a time. And no matter how many buttons get pushed, remember how important it is to set the example for others.
In order to make a new beginning, sometimes it's necessary to start by completing an ending. Saturn will retrograde back to Capricorn next week, where it will remain until December, when it will finally re-enter Aquarius again. Saturn seems to be going back to Capricorn to finally tie up some loose ends. Those things that had not been fully resolved will now need to be be brought to their conclusion. This is a necessary step. For by not making a final resolution, or cutting off ties from the past, you are being hindered from making a beginning unfettered by old attachments and baggage that you no longer need, and may in fact be preventing you from taking that next step. What have you outgrown, and is no longer relevant for the person you are now becoming? What are you needing to release and let go of in order to reinforce the image that you are now trying to create? This is the work that you are going to be tending to over the next several months.
What with all of these retrogrades and still making our way through this eclipse season, you still may not know where everything is going to end up once the dust settles. It may not seem like it, but there is a rhyme and reason to living with this uncertainty. When you don’t know what’s around the corner, all you really have is the present. And without a compass and a road map you may worry about getting sidetracked. But this is actually part of the path. Being present. This is especially so with Neptune now retrograde in your sign. In the space of the present moment you are being asked to pause, to listen, to pay attention to the voice in the silence, your inner voice that speaks in dreams, intuition, feeling, whispers. If you listen closely enough you will not only find inspiration, but you might even find yourself there. Ways to connect: keep a journal, track your dreams, use tools of divination, allow yourself to wonder.