Horoscopes: June 5th thru the 12th
For the week of June 5th thru the 12th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
With Mars approaching the bending of the Nodes and exactly square the Lunar Eclipse, you will just feel the energy rising. The question is, what is your own relationship to anger and conflict, and how might you use these to make effective changes, either in your own life, or in society? And how do the problems in society mirror your own conflicting feelings? How often have you compromised yourself (or your own beliefs) in order to keep the peace and not rock the boat? In some way, we are all being shown that anger and outrage can be a huge motivator to mobilize, to step forward, to be heard, in order to make constructive changes in society, in our own lives, and even within ourselves. One thing that Aries should know by now, is that sometimes it is necessary to speak a little louder in order to be heard.
When you are having to negotiate your own values within the context of what society values, it throws you back on yourself, and has you reassessing some serious questions. Such as, when push comes to shove, what are your priorities? What are those things that you would be willing to put yourself on the line for to protect and defend? What are those things that you most passionately care about and value? It may be that what you hear and what you see in the light of the Lunar Eclipse helps to put things in perspective. You may even see some of your priorities shifting and changing as a result. Things can be a little unpredictable during these eclipse seasons. So before you invest your hard earned dollars, before you start counting all your chickens, wait until the dust settles before you take an accounting of your final situation.
When the eclipses fall in the opposite sign from your own, it can feel as if you are being made aware of the necessity to change through outside forces. This could be other people, an individual, some event, even some sort of movement. In some way it is asking you to open yourself up to possibility: Ask questions. Make yourself informed. Be willing to listen as well as speak. Even if it sounds hyperbolic. Between and betwixt all the noise and the mayhem are some startling truths. What you learn out of all this could be essential for your own personal development, growth and awareness, and could change your perspective or beliefs about something. It’s also letting you know that extraordinary times call for extraordinary responses and solutions. Be willing to look outside the box and consider what the alternatives could be.
This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse may be pointing you to your general health and well-being. But when considering your health, also consider your emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being. The Eclipse is showing you all the things that you need to do on a daily basis in order to maintain your daily health, such as having a healthy diet, exercising, and keeping a manageable routine. These are the things that keep us physically well. But what are you also doing for your spiritual health and well-being? How can you also make these a part of your daily routine? What positive habits do you want to establish in your daily life? In what ways can you most successfully approach your work and daily routines, making sure that you are not over-extending yourself? And what are the things that you can cut out or cut back on to make your life easier?
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is pointing you towards those things that make you feel special and worthy, that help to feed your mind and your soul. There are those times when it serves a purpose to show the world what you are capable of achieving. Loudly and brilliantly. But there is also something here about recognizing yourself as being part of a much larger whole, and using your voice, and your position to be part of a much larger, more inclusive whole. For it is often realized at these times, that if you want to make some sort of change in the world, that when you ally yourself with those who share the same ideals, and you all speak in tune like a chorus, you can accomplish so much more together, than you could possibly do on your own. One resounding message that has been resonating so strongly these days is that we are so much more powerful when we are on the same page and working together in common cause.
Sometimes it’s difficult to balance all the disparate parts of our lives, all of our conflicting obligations, responsibilities, and interests. We have to do this, but our attention is being brought over here instead. We need to be at work, but we are also needed at home. We have to take care of business, but there’s a crushing emergency over here. That’s kind of what this Full Moon Eclipse feels like, as we are being drawn here, there and everywhere trying to make sense and order of our lives. Extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary solutions, and sometimes you have to make exceptions. Especially in times of crisis or when you are being required to wear many hats at once. It can be exhausting. But there are just some things that are more important than others, and keeping that in perspective will make all the difference.
There are times when it is important to keep the peace, and maintain the status quo. And then there are times when it is necessary to rock the boat. This is especially so if you have had something really important to say but were not being heard. Or believed. This Eclipse is letting us know the importance of speaking up when we have something to say, and to say it in a way that you will be heard. But this eclipse is also about knowing when it is important to step back and listen to what others are saying. We are all being asked to consider some hard truths, and tryin to ignore them will not make them go away. Healing and resolution can come. But first we have to recognize what needs to be healed in the first place. And that begins with observing, hearing, and listening. Pay attention to what is being revealed to you in the light of this Full Moon Eclipse.
When the eclipses fall in Sagittarius as this one is, you will find yourself confronted with those things that you thought you could never live without; those things that you had come to depend on. Whether that was for your livelihood, or some other thing that you came to rely on. So if you find yourself passionately wanting to defend something, whether that be a person, a possession, or an ideal that you strongly believe in; it’s letting you know a little something about those things that you have been making a priority. Don’t be surprised if you see these changing and shifting. What you become aware of, and what you are learning could be enlightening. And once you become aware of something, once you begin to see it for what it is, you can never un-see it again. A new paradigm is unfolding. And there’s no going back once you step through.
When the eclipses fall in your own sign, there is something here about your sense of self: who you are, how you wish to be seen by others, what those things are that you most want to cultivate and that you value about yourself. Through your interactions with others, you may become more aware of how you are being perceived by others. Some of this may be confirmation that you are on the right track, that you are seen as someone who is knowledgable and ethical. On the other hand you may come into conflict with others, which will cause you to question yourself, your beliefs, and your understanding of who you are. This is an opportunity for growth. And one thing that you may be exploring are the ways that you can use whatever power, privilege and resources you may have to not only improve your own life and circumstances, but for the greater good as well.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is asking you to pay attention to your emotional and psychological well-being. Are you taking care of your emotional and spiritual health? Eclipse season can often find us flustered and anxious, not knowing whether we are coming and going. So discovering new ways to deal with stress could be pretty useful right now. For some that may mean exploring a daily spiritual practice, taking some time to meditate each day, breathe, maybe do more yoga. But for many it might be as simple as taking some quiet time each day to regroup and ground yourself. Connect with your own mind and heart. Just listen to what it is telling you. Doing this inner work could prove to be both enlightening and rewarding. Doing this inner work, will then allow the rest to more easily fall in place as well.
Many an Aquarius has been exploring every facet of their lives lately. Nothing is to be left out: your health, your well-being, your self-identity, as well as your goals and hopes for the future. In some way this Lunar Eclipse is helping you to put things in perspective. This is why it is often a good idea to wait until after the series of eclipses, to see where the dust is settled, before making any major moves or decisions. One thing that may become apparent, is that some things that you used to consider to be your highest aspirations and hopes for the future, may no longer be relevant for the person that you are now. And in some way this eclipse is asking you to reorient your compass towards those things that are your highest priorities now. When push comes to shove, what are those things, those ideals, that you would be willing to sacrifice and put yourself on the line for?
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius is placing the emphasis on your outer world: your career, your job, your position in society. And it may seem as if there are things happening here that feel unjust and unfair. To the point of being infuriated. If you see something that needs to change, look for ways to channel any frustration into something constructive and meaningful. With Mars traveling in your sign, one of the main questions you will be asking is, What can I DO about it? It is very difficult to sit out on the sidelines when Mars is in your sign. All the more so with this Mars that is pulling at the heart strings of humanity. There are just some things that are bigger than ourselves, and finding that one thing that you care about the most, is where you are being called to action right now.