Horoscopes: July 10th thru the 17th
For the week of July 10th thru the 17th be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
It is difficult not to take things personally these days. It probably does not take all that much to get your Aries up as it is. But when confronted with the choice between taking some sort of stand, having your say vs. not saying anything at all, your inclination is to speak truth to power. As Mercury stations direct this week, there are lingering feelings, thoughts, musings that still remain. Some may be simply reflective. Others may be tinged with resentment and sparks of anger. Those are the ones to keep an eye on. You are not one to back down, and will gladly speak out when others hold back, especially if it is to defend those who do not have their own voice, or who are not able to speak out for themselves. Speaking with empathy and courage is one thing. But responding out of resentment and pent up anger is another. One is constructive, the other destructive. Knowing when and how to use your voice will be key this month. It requires a little patience and restraint. But you’ll appreciate it in the end.
Mercury retrograde periods are often times of reflection. And in some ways that is even more relevant with the past 3 weeks that Mercury has been in its retrograde phase in the sign of Cancer. This is because for the past few years, we have had most of the eclipses in either Cancer or Capricorn, shifting things around and rearranging the playing field. It may be that the changes that have occurred over the past few weeks, past few months, or even the past few years have had an impact on the way that you interact with your environment. We’ve all been doing things a little differently lately as we’ve been cutting back on socializing and the ways that we interact with one another. But even small shifts in perception about what we hear, what we see, and what we learn can be mind blowing. And in some ways we will never be able to see things quite the same way again. You are being asked to look forward with a whole new awareness.
Your ruling planet, Mercury, is finally stationing direct this week. Just realize it may not necessarily clarify any confusion or conflict you may be feeling. But it probably will mean that you will still have to make decisions one way or another. One way to clarify things, is to reflect on the experiences that you have had not only over the past 3 weeks, but also over the past few months, even years. This will help to define for yourself your true worth and all that you have already accomplished. If you focus on what you have not done, you will just feel frustrated. But when you realize all that you have managed up until now, this can help to put things in perspective. You have places to go, and things to do. And a plan is unfolding whether or not you are ready for it. Put your best foot forward.
Mercury stations direct this weekend in your sign. This would be significant at any time, for Mercury’s retrograde passage through your sign is like a retrospective of your life, along with your self-identity. This is all the more so because the eclipses have been falling in both Cancer and Capricorn over the past few years, rearranging the pieces on the playing board of your life. In some ways where you are now, is where you need to be in order to fulfill the next leg of your journey. And as you travel along your path you will pay heed to those who are traveling with you, and those with whom you have parted ways. But most importantly are where and how you have found yourself in the scheme of things, and the role that you have come to play. It’s time to look forward with a whole new awareness and vision. Not back at what once was.
As Mercury stations direct this weekend, there are some mixed blessings. Parts of your life may seem to be drifting away, as you’ve been reflecting on the phases and patterns that have led you to where you are now. That includes the people as well as the experiences. Over the past 3 weeks we have been on pause, giving us the opportunity to think about the past, and distilling from this what truly matters. There may also be some regrets, and perhaps even some sorrow for what once was. But the things that truly matter, the feelings, the connections, these are the sorts of things that will endure. You may need some more time to assimilate and process all that has occurred lately. That’s okay. Take as much time as you need. Conserve your energy, as you will be needing it later. And you have other things to be focusing on right now. All in due time.
You ruling planet, Mercury, is stationing direct this weekend. This can bring some confirmation for what you already knew. It’s not like you didn’t know that all those skeletons were dancing around in the closet, having quite the party. But taking that last peek allowed you to reconfirm that they were still there carrying on. Whether or not you’re going to unleash them and inflict them on the world is another story. That’s nobody’s business but your own. Right now, it’s enough for you to be clear about what your own plans are going forward. It’s time to leave some of the old narratives behind and redefine where you see yourself going from here. You’ve done enough retrospectives. Now it’s about writing the next few chapters of your life going forward, for the person that you are becoming, not who you were a gazillion years ago.
For the past three weeks you have been given an opportunity to do a retrospective journey of your life. As Mercury has been retrograde in the sign of Cancer it gave pause to reflect on all that has brought you here, to this place and time. Some will receive confirmation that you are exactly where you need to be. For others you may be wondering what the heck were you thinking all those years ago when you totally went off track? But rather than throw up your hands in disgust at all the time that was wasted, recognize that these digression are also part and parcel of the grand experience we call life. Detours count too. What counts is that now you know where you don’t want to go, but you also can see more clearly what you do want. It’s not about regretting where you may have gone off course, it’s about celebrating what you have accomplished despite and perhaps even because of that. It’s time to look forward, not back.
Mercury will finally station direct this weekend, but not without some lingering conflicts simmering on the back burner. You know what you need to do to support your life, your well-being, your daily routines and activities. But other people and your current circumstances may not necessarily support these. There may even be some disagreements and conflict about what you are supposed to do. Just remember that once old wounds are opened up, it’s not so easy to close them back up again. So, before saying or doing something you might later regret, pause and ask yourself: What exactly are you trying to achieve? And is there something that you can do to remedy the situation without causing any ill will? There are going to be times when we simply will not all agree, or may need to agree to disagree. The important thing is to be clear about what your truth is, and act from that premise. You may find that there are some battles that are worth waging. But there are also those that simply aren’t. Let those go.
As Mercury finally stations direct this weekend, it could also seem as if your big vision for the future is finally beginning to take form. With all of these planets retrograde for these past few months, not all the pieces of the puzzle have been able to come together. But now, piece by piece, they are gradually beginning to merge. You may not be able to see the whole picture yet. There are still a few pieces that haven’t yet been found. But for now, this week, things are moving forward. And with this comes a surge of enthusiasm and hope for the future. Now is the time to focus on that one thing that you’ve been looking forward to rebuilding or improving. Ally your forces in order to fulfill you big dream. The tide is with you to achieve extraordinary things. Just keep your eye on the ball, and remember: so long as your goals are towards the greater good for all concerned and harms none, the more likely it will be to succeed in the long run.
We have reached the point of the mid-cycle in the Jupiter and Pluto retrogrades. This bring you the opportunity to plant seeds for this larger vision for the future that is trying to take root. When these planets finally station direct again in September and October you will then begin to see that vision begin to gradually unfold. It has something to do with you expanding your horizons in some significant way, whether that be your vision of yourself, your expectations of yourself, or perhaps yourself as a spiritual being. But before you can blossom out into the world, these seeds are needing to germinate. They need to be watered and cultivated. In this way, what you see, what you hear, what you learn, even those things that are unnerving and challenging, are all part of this important inner growth that is preparing you for what is yet to come.
Mercury is finally stationing direct this weekend, allowing you to make sense of what just happened. Not just over the past 3 weeks, or even the past few months, but also the past few years. All that sloughing off, releasing, moving on and letting go. All of that has been a preparation for what is yet to come. And these past few weeks have been more about putting all the pieces together that will make it possible for you to bee prepared for the next phase of your journey. There are still a few steps that need to be taken. But for now it is enough to pause and pay attention to getting your daily life in order. That may be as simple as paying attention to your health, and revising your routines for now. You are being asked to sort out the skeins of your life. Gathering the threads. Figuring out what is useful, and what you no longer need. You are on a threshold. Bring what is relevant and life-supporting. Leave the rest behind.
Gratefully Mercury will slow for its direct station this weekend. And as Mercury pauses, it gives us a moment to pause in our own lives as well, and reflect. Not only on the past few weeks, or even the past few months, but over the past few years. There may have indeed been a few twists and turns along the way. But where you are now, is the result of many choices and actions. And even in the midst of conflicting emotions and thoughts, all roads lead to where you are now. Put aside any regrets that may linger. Focus on all the joys, the small things that do matter: the love, the support, the heartfelt experiences. We still have a lot of work to do, and some other things that need some ironing out. But when you get down to the nitty gritty, in the end it’s the things that make our heart sing, that will count the most.