Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: August 7th thru the 14th

For the week of August 7th thru the 14th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


There are times when a little righteous indignation is necessary. It can be effective to make a point. And maybe a bit of gloating as well. But only when it is appropriate to do so. Save the inappropriate gloating for later. Channeled wisely, use that rash and passionate Mars energy this week to get stuff done. Just make sure you aren’t stepping on any feet, or bowling anyone over in the process. Mars in Aries can be both enthusiastic and impetuous, forgetting to look before you leap. It can also be powerful. And it kind of needs to be. There are many who will feel as if they are under tremendous pressure to perform, to defend, to compete, to battle. And in that case you will need every spark of your fiery Aries nature to overcome whatever challenges you may encounter. Even in the best of times Aries is a force of nature. All the more so when confronting a challenge. 


Your ruling planet, Venus, enters Cancer on Friday, reminding you of the importance of community, sharing, and caring. For the next month, focus on those things, those people and those activities that bring you a deeper sense of security and comfort. It is time to feed your soul. Therefore spend your valuable time doing so. This could be a good month to connect with relatives, or people that feel like family. It will do your heart good. This week, you might want to be prepared for some unexpected changes, either at home, or in some other way. And be open to the possibility of changing your mind, switching up your schedule, in order to accommodate these minor twists and turns. These may be temporary diversions, but they’re also tuning you in to the ways that you have been growing and evolving. Uranus is about to station in your sign on the 15th, and is trying to get your attention. 


Now that your ruling planet is in Leo, you’ll be looking at the world through a much more creative and inspired lens. This will be really helpful, especially if you have been feeling stuck in any way. Be willing to change things up a little this week. Even creating small changes in your usual routine can change the way that you see things, and are capable of opening up all sorts of creative possibilities. It may be hard to stick to your usual routine any way, so be open to whatever comes your way, even if at first they appear to be inconveniences. It offers you the opportunity to see things from another perspective. Or try something new and different. Or learn something new about someone or something that you hadn’t known before. Feed your curiosity. Dare to step outside your usual routines. Even though they may not start out that way, these minor diversions could prove to be fortuitous in the end. 


On Friday, Cancer welcomes Venus into their hearth and home. And she is all too eager to put up her feet and rest for a while, especially after her lengthy sojourn wandering about in Gemini these past 4 months. It’s time to find comfort in familiar people and places, to find some place quiet and protected. A refuge to return to after you’ve taken care of business, fought the good fight. It could seem as if there is an awful lot of unrest this week. Power struggles. Conflicts. Or maybe just some old fashioned hard work. Even if you are not engaged in them yourself, you may need to navigate around them. And it could feel a bit like extraordinary times call for extraordinary actions. So you will want to create this refuge in order to come back to refuel. Away from the commotion. And then once you recharge your batteries again, you’ll be ready to go back out into the world to fight the good fight if you must. Just so long as you know you’ve got some place peaceful to return to. 


Now that Mercury is in your sign, you are being asked to use your voice or follow through with a plan that you’ve been working on. This may be as simple as asking for advice. Learning something new. Having that talk with someone. Or finally moving forward with those plans that you’ve been ruminating about for the past two months. But be on guard, because you might need to be on call. There’s no telling what is going to be happening here from day to day. Therefore, be open to possibility, and changes in plans. And also be willing to give yourself (or someone else) permission to change yours or their mind. Things could be changing quickly for a few days here, and it will be all you can do to keep up. Just keep on reminding yourself, that no matter what is happening, it is bringing you precisely where you need to be.  


Your ruling planet Mercury is now in Leo, a sign that is both incredibly inspired and creative. However in order to fully access the potential found in this Mercury, you will need to find some place where you can be alone with your thoughts, and connect internally. This might be difficult to achieve this week, only because this is the sort of week that is just filled with distractions. Even if you were to close all the shades, and lock the doors, it would be impossible to keep these distractions at bay. Lucky for you, Mercury will be in Leo until the 19th. So you will still have plenty of time to get in touch with your own inner voice and creative vision. That voice which is uniquely your own. You will want to do so, for once Mercury enters your sign on the 19th, you will want to use that voice. One thing to recognize is that when you are able to speak from the heart, others will listen, and they will hear you.


Your ruling planet Venus enters Cancer on Friday, bringing you along for the ride. And thankfully so. She allows you to get a higher perspective, to survey the landscape, so that you can aim to do the right thing at the right time. This will probably be necessary in order to navigate all the righteousness and indignation in the air. Libra is a huge advocate for fairness and justice. There is very little else that will get your ire up. Even so. Even when you see the necessity for your own indignation. For creating some good trouble. You understand that there is the right way to do so. Especially when we are most concerned about what is for the greater good for everyone concerned. And especially when you are placed in a position to set the example for others to follow. All conflicts, even the most egregious injustices, can be solved through peaceful and non-violent means and ways. And you mean to show others just how this can be accomplished. 


It will be important for you to remain as flexible as possible this coming week. We are all in the thrall of Uranus stationing next week. And due to a brief window of excitement this week, you may not always know if you are coming or going. Plans could change suddenly, so you may find yourself having to juggle schedules, change your mind about something, and race to catch up. And because all of us are on our last nerves, it will be all you can do to not get annoyed. If you can channel some of that annoyance in a constructive way, it can be transformed into fierce and determined willful action. Which can be useful when you are needing to take care of many things at once. It can seem at times that we are overwhelmed with too much all at once. But if we put one foot in front of the other, and take each challenge as it comes, one at a time, then before you know it, you’ve made it to the other side. 


If you have to cry out, Unbelievable!, once more, it will be one too many times. There is only so much a Sagittarius can take. You can try to be positive, but there are those times when things are just plain wrong. If there is something you can do about it, explore what is the best way to go about it. How you can be the most effective, and get your point across without having to create too much bedlam. On the other hand, if it feels like you need to make some necessary trouble, the good kind of trouble that is known to have results, just do so wisely. It’s a matter of principles, and a matter of values. And when you have to take a stand, even if it means making a little noise, then that’s what you’ve gotta do. For those of you that don’t have a particular cause, channel some of the energy floating around this week to tackle a project that you’ve been wanting to sort out. No use wasting all that motivation, when you can put it to good use. 


With Jupiter traveling through your sign, this is your year for formulating some sort of plan, and creating a vision for the future. Who knew that you would have to do so within the context of cataclysmic world events and pandemics? You’ve got your work cut out for you as it is. So it really doesn’t help to have any other sort of irritations stirring the pot and getting on your last nerve. If there are any challenges or diversions getting in the way, think of these as challenges that are merely testing your resolve and determination. Also, it would be a helpful reminder that you can get a whole lot more accomplished with even a little bit of kindness and patience. Even if you’re not really feeling it yet, the general trend is towards closing the circle, and reaching out a helping hand to others. Not to mention that you’re a Capricorn on a mission, and you’ll come to appreciate all the allies you can gather to your cause. 


You all are continuing to stand on the threshold of the rest of your life. Probably without even knowing what that even looks like at this point. Things are still germinating behind the scenes. And even if some of the pieces on the playing board have been shifted about, it still may not be entirely clear what to expect over the next several months. Nonetheless, this week could be a little enlightening. Be prepared for a little excitement. Maybe a few things will need to be further rearranged in your personal life. This may require pushing the furniture around. Or it may involve just changing your mind about something. But one thing you will want to do, is to be open to possibility. And to the unexpected. Even if it means having to drop everything suddenly and unexpectedly in order to change course or shift direction. Even if it’s annoying. Sometimes these unexpected shifts and surprises can open you up to a whole new way of looking at things that you might not have even considered before. 


This might be a good week to channel some of the idealistic, but strongly determined will of the late John Lewis, a Pisces, and a warrior for justice, civil rights and peace. He was that rare Pisces who had such faith in his ideals, that he was willing to put himself on the line, and even occasionally make what he liked to call, some good trouble. It was his faith that drove him. And the belief that a better, brighter world is possible. He never lost hope. Even in the face of extraordinary challenges. Maybe he was wistfully dreaming. But I think Pisces has this capacity to see things that others can’t. And choosing your battles wisely and carefully, and focusing on those ideals, that larger vision for the future, may be all the motivation you need. Maybe just thinking about one thing you can do this week, that will make a difference in someone’s life, can be a way to honor your own vision.