Horoscopes: October 22nd thru the 29th
For the week of October 22nd thru the 29th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
There is still a bit of a hangover left over from the recent Full Moon. Things are revealed during Full Moons that can change the paradigm and the story. Perhaps there are some things over which we do not have any control, no matter how much we may bargain, beg or pray. However if there is some situation that is becoming untenable, or you are feeling as if unreasonable demands are being made of you, this may well be a sign that some sort of change is well nigh due, and some sort of action will need to be taken. With Mars in Libra, you may have been just patiently waiting on the side lines for that last straw, or for someone to cross that last boundary, or make that last demand, before you finally give yourself permission to just say “No More”. And just for the record, once Mars enters Scorpio at the end of this month, Aries is not going to be having it any more. The world is officially on notice this week.
If you find yourself wistfully daydreaming, and lost, unable to focus… sometimes it helps to not fight it. Look for low key healthy escapes this week. Things that will take you out of yourself just enough, and off the radar, just enough. Sometimes we have to get a little lost for a bit in order to find ourselves again. When Venus is out of bounds, as it is until December, we are all being asked to follow our heart’s desires, no matter how unconventional they may seem to others. Or even to yourself. Why waste your valuable time doing things or pretending to be something other than who you are? This is when we need to stop feeling like we have to explain ourselves, or make excuses. You are who you are. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Fill your week with activities that will bring you joy.
We cannot avoid the harsh reality of the real world, or do anything about what is yet to come. But what you do have is this moment right now. So, what do you want to fill that moment with? Now that Mercury is direct again it will gradually begin to pick up speed again. One thing that it has been trying to show you are the things, the people, the experiences in your life that really matter. Sometimes our lives can become imbalanced, where we feel like we don’t have enough time in our lives for things like joy, love, and connecting with those that matter most. And then something happens to remind us. It may be a phone call. A heartfelt reminder. An interaction that leaves you breathless, and perhaps even a little worried. Impressionable feelings are coming to the surface. Go where they are bringing you, but without expectation. Seek love, peace, surrender and wonder, without allowing your fears or your worries to mar the enchantment of the moment.
There was something sobering about the recent Full Moon, which will leave some emotional residue that will last through the weekend. And maybe even beyond thaat. One thing that it can also have brought is a clearer understanding of what you will or will not tolerate going forward. The full moon was posing the question: What are you needing to release? What are you needing to let go of? What will no longer suffice? And by the last quarter moon on the 28th, if you are through with whatever unreasonable demands are being made of you, any sort of untenable situation that cannot continue to go on.. then you will be all too ready to set whatever boundaries are necessary, to say No, to find healing… in order to allow yourself to rediscover your own heartfelt joy and splendor. You are needing to reclaim your joy.
We enter Scorpio season this weekend. This is when we are asked to connect with ourselves on some very deep level. Here in the Northern Hemisphere the days are getting shorter, and the atmosphere compels us all to be a little more reflective and introspective. Our inner world becomes so much more compelling during this time, and so much more interesting than the outer world, which just doesn’t feel quite so satisfying right now. And when you do emerge from your cocoon these days, you’ll wonder why you even bothered! This is when Leo, if ever they’re going to hole up, will be most focused on home and their loved ones. This is when you will most want to put your feet up on the hearth, make a nice pot of soup, and keep the harshness of the cold and unforgiving, outer world at bay. At least until the holiday parties later on this year. But for now, Leo really doesn’t want to be bothered.
Now that Mercury is direct again, things that may have been put on hold are now finally able to proceed once again. It will take a bit for Mercury to pick up speed, however. So in the mean time, why not just take some time out from your previously scheduled programming and seek out the unusual and the compelling? This is a great week for make pretend, provided you know the difference between the fantasy and the actual real life world. This can also be something of a slippery slope of of wanton self-indulgence. It’s not very often that we get to thoroughly indulge our fantasies however. Therefore, if you’re going to do so, go all in. Just remember that if you do take a bit of a walk on the wild self-indulgent side, that you’re going to have to come back to the real world afterwards. And that includes dealing with whatever consequences may result, as well as how to pay the bill.
You may still see some of the residual after effects of the Full Moon over the weekend. People will still be a little more on edge than usual. And seemingly more demanding. And you will be more aware of where you may be needing to set healthier boundaries, and manage your time. Sometimes you just have to say enough is enough. Meanwhile, make it a point to schedule in some down time this week. Wherever or however you can. You need to reclaim some of that lost energy. And one of the ways to do that, is to schedule in some me time. What you do with that time is entirely up to you, but you should make it worth your while. This is your time, and no one else’s, where you are free to laugh, joke, jest, play, and dance to the rhythm of your own inner muse. Just enough to momentarily lose yourself to reality, and reclaim your joy.
The Sun enters Scorpio this weekend, soon to be followed by your ruling planet Mars, which will enter Scorpio the end of this month. If nothing else this will allow you to regain some of your personal agency. And now that so many of the planets are now appearing to more forward again, those things that may have been put on hold, will now be able to proceed. But first you will need to get your bearings. And one of the ways for you to do that could include wanting to reestablish certain guidelines and limits. If this is something that you’ve been thinking about, this is when you will have the motivation to say No to certain obligations, be clear with yourself about what you do or do not want, and where you may need to cut back. You’ve probably been thinking about this for a while, but now it will be clearer as to what needs to stay and what needs to go.
Sometimes you just have to release all your cares and worries and reclaim your joy. Fill the upcoming days with a little bit of nothing, so that you will have the space and freedom to pursue whatever it is that is calling you right now. Now that many of the planets have resumed direct motion, it will be easy to get over scheduled. This will only leave you feeling pressured and obligated. And you are likely to regret it later on. Take a page out of Venus’s playbook right now. Venus has been going rogue these days, intent on doing her own thing. And she’s doing it in your sign. Generally speaking when Venus is Out of Bounds, as she is now, the old adage is if it is legal and does not harm yourself or others, let your inner muse break out and do its own Sagittarius wild thing, in whatever way is right for you. Be like Venus, and do your thing.
The Full Moon on the 20th was a particularly intense moon, unleashing the madness in our communities and our lives. And we will still feel the residual effects of the moon through the end of the weekend. In the mean time continue to choose any battles wisely, and avoid getting into any power plays if at all possible. Rather sit back and heal any wounds that may have been inflicted, and allow yourself to reset boundaries wherever and however needed. This is also a week in which you are going to be reacquainting yourself with certain hopes and plans for the future. This may mean having to cut back, or cut out certain things in order to be able to have enough time and resources on your hands to make a long term dream a closer reality. It’s all a matter of timing and discipline. But if anyone can do this, you can.
Now that Saturn is moving direct again, you will find it easier to implement some of the better and more useful qualities associated with this transit. One of the advantages to having Saturn in your sign, is that you will never be more organized or disciplined. And now that it is moving forward again it’s time to readdress the prospect of where you see yourself heading in the foreseeable future. When you think about what you would want your ultimate goals to be right now, what would they look like? For the past several years, you’ve been acquainting yourself with a lot of things that you now know you don’t want, which is just as important as knowing what you do want. By eliminating those things that have not worked out, have become redundant, or you have outgrown in some way, creates the room for new things to grow in your life that are more appropriate for the person that you are becoming.
With Venus out of bounds and perhaps a bit larger than life, you could become aware of some significant phenomenon this week. For one thing, and this is kind of true for Pisces any way, you will just see more, feel more, and sense more than usual. Allow yourself to get a little lost in your feelings, but don’t allow yourself to be engulfed by them. It will also be important for you to be clear about what is real and what isn’t, as this is the sort of weather in which our imaginations are inclined to play tricks on us and lead us astray. Do indulge your inner muse and your imagination: listen to music, sing, dance, read, and fantasize; and don’t allow your worries to mar your dreams. But also know that you are going to also eventually have to come back to reality later on, do the dishes and pay the bills. It may not be as beguiling as your imagination, but it’s less likely to lead you down the garden path.