Horoscopes: November 19th thru the 26th
For the week of November 19th thru the 26th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Lunar Eclipses can be very revealing. They can also take that moment of awareness up a notch or two. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse has to do with the energetic cycle of giving and receiving. And when you take it up that extra notch it is also trying to show you those things that may be impacting your ability to give or receive, including how that is connected to you own self-worth and self-esteem. In other words, what needs to be released in order for you to feel as if you are worthy to receive more? Is a sense of guilt getting in the way? Are there any lingering fears about ownership? Perhaps you don’t think you deserve it? These eclipses could impact income and material self-worth over the next few years. It can even bring a raise, or a new source of income. But not without addressing our inner fears, doubts or apprehension attached to giving and receiving.
The Lunar Eclipse on Friday (or Thursday, depending on where you are in the world), is in the later degrees of Taurus, so it will be those born after May 13th, or who have 23-29º of Taurus Rising that will be most sensitive to this eclipse, however this is something of a sea change for all of Taurus-kind. As the eclipses will be taking place in Taurus and Scorpio over the next few years, it brings all things Taurus, including you, front and center. Lunar Eclipses, such as this one, can be revelatory. Things are disclosed, we suddenly become aware of things that we had not before. As a result you will find yourself looking at things differently. Because Uranus has been traveling in your sign since 2018, many of you have probably already seen your lives transformed. Throw in a bunch of eclipses and there’s no telling where this all will bring you over the next few years. It can even bring a little extra attention and even recognition. But most importantly, if there are things that you have been wanting to change, the eclipses can open up a portal, that will allow you to do so. Taurus is about to take center stage. Be a ray of light. Set the example for others, by being the change that you would wish to see in the world.
The North Node in Taurus is asking us to slow down, perhaps cut back and live more simply. This is about coming to value the small things that make our lives more meaningful. A hand offered in a time of need, or walking in the forest as the mist settles on the land. This may mean needing to release some old habits, or ways of doing things, that instead of supporting us are draining us. Through the South Node in Scorpio let go of those things that are no longer working for you, what no longer supports you, and what is no longer sustainable. This will allow new and better seeds to be planted in the future. We often have a tendency to think that if we fix everything in our lives, that if everything is in order, then we will find peace. But actually the North Node in Taurus is trying to show us, that if we find peace, then all those other things will automatically fall into place. It’s not being busy that will save the day, but our own inner sense of peace and calm, even in times of turmoil and change.
Cancer is always sensitive to Eclipses, as they are to all lunations. But especially so with the eclipses where the perfect alignment of the Sun, Moon and the Earth brings our own hearts and minds also into more perfect alignment with our destinies. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is setting the tone for the following series of eclipses in 2022 and 2023, that will be attempting to bring you in contact with certain hopes and wishes you have for the future. You may find yourself suddenly inspired, your life transformed, a realization that occurs, as a result of your connection with certain people, or a group you belong to, or through your own social network. The impact that these have can even change the direction that your life will be taking for the foreseeable future. Another thing that can arise, is the realization that so much more can be accomplished when we join forces with others of like mind and intention, than we possibly can on our own.
It is not unusual in the years that the eclipses are in Taurus and Scorpio, as it is with this Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, and the Eclipses in 2022, that there can be significant shifts and changes in your career, your goals for the future, and in your personal status. Achievements can be made, personal bests are achieved, you become known for something. Great beginnings and endings can occur when the eclipses conspire to spin their webs and weave our destinies. You take on a leadership role, the place you work for goes public, your own personal hobby becomes the new best thing ever. Transformational events related to these can change how you are going to be seen by others, and can even impact you reputation within the community in which you are involved. It is also an opportunity for you to set the example for others to follow. Whether as a leader, a parent, an artist or a visionary. The key behind these series of eclipses is to be the change that you wish to see in the world.
The Lunar Eclipse on Friday is opening you up to the idea of having greater confidence in your intuition and innermost knowledge. That part of you that just knows. Virgo can see right through things, with the discriminating eye of a critic or editor, you can sift through and organize information in an instant. But as you take in all this information through your senses, and then filter it through your mind, you are now being asked to trust what you are seeing and the associations that you are making with what you see, hear, feel and ultimately know. Eclipses can be like portals, opening a door to an even higher awareness and understanding. You’ve been honing and sorting, and perfecting your vision. Now you are being asked to put aside some of your skepticism, and trust what that vision is telling you.
What are you holding on to so dearly that you feel that if you were to let it go, you would lose everything? You would not be able to survive without? One of the things that the Lunar Eclipse can show us, is that often what we are clinging to is not perhaps as important as we think it is. And that our attachment to that particular thing, person, obligation, may be precisely what is holding us back and preventing us from growing, or living our own best life. There can sometimes be changes in income or resources when the eclipses fall in Taurus and Scorpio. We make major purchases or sales or investments. But perhaps more importantly is how well we value ourselves, and what we are, or are not, willing to chain ourself to for the sake of having greater financial security. It’s about priorities, and getting back to those things that really matter and count for something in the end.
With eclipses it can sometimes feel as if the Fates are moving the pieces around on the playing board. Like strategic and mystical matchmakers they collude to bring certain individuals together while separating others. They bring those into our lives that will have a significant bearing on our destiny and the choices we will be making. And it is certainly not unusual when the eclipses are in Taurus and Scorpio that significant connections can be made. Great beginnings, endings, or changes can occur in our major relationships when the eclipses are here. This can represent a new phase in a relationship, or a significant change in your partner’s life or status that is bringing you along for the ride. And simply cannot be avoided. One thing that can also happen, is that through the people you meet or become involved with, you find that you don’t necessarily have to keep doing things the way you have in the past. And that there might be an even better way of being.
How might you be able to channel some of your passions into something worth investing in? Something that has the capacity to grow. That could be sustainable and will support you. And could be a source of security for years to come. The Lunar Eclipse is also about coming to terms with those things that you have outgrown, are no longer serving you, or are no longer valid for the person that you are becoming. We hold on to certain ideas about ourselves, because that is what we have always known. But if they are undermining your effectiveness, it may be time to let go of that which is draining instead of sustaining you. And the eclipses can literally transport you to that new level of being. In order to live a life of health and well-being. To grow into the person you are becoming. What are you needing to release?
The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus for Capricorn is shining a light on what you create. This can be a product, an idea, a hobby, a vision, or even your children, if you have them. And it would not be unusual for this to herald a time in which the topic of children, or events concerning children come to the foreground. But when you see eclipses falling in this area of your chart it takes this whole idea of what you create, through your own sense of personal self-expression, up a whole other notch. This is about creating your own brand, this is about finding your own muse, your own personal area of expression, that thing that feels most like a truer expression of yourself. The Eclipses are trying to shine a light on these in such a way that can even transform you and your life. Many a Capricorn has been working hard at reinventing themselves over the years. And this is your opportunity to show the world, and yourself, what you are now capable of doing as a result of all this work that you have been doing.
Jupiter traveling in your sign has been trying to awaken you to a higher perspective, and to grow even beyond your own previous expectations of yourself. As a result of previous actions or decisions you have already made, the Lunar Eclipse this week could be showing you some of the rewards or consequences of these. The Eclipse could also be trying to open you up to an even larger vision that might have more to do with home, where you are living, where you might want to live; family, and family relations. It would not be unusual to move during the years that the eclipses are in Taurus and Scorpio. Or to have some sort of transformational changes happening within your family, or with family members. Taurus is a sign of stability and security. And although your home or home life may have felt anything but stable for the past few years for many of you, the ultimate goal is about the search for that place where you can feel safe and secure no matter what else is going on.
What you hear, what you learn, can have a transformational effect on your mind and your perspective, now that the eclipses are going to be falling in Taurus and Scorpio over the next few years. This can be the result of something you read, or from a class you take. But it can also occur in your everyday life, through conversations with neighbors or friends, or even people you bump into on the street, or in the local store. Day trips to another neighborhood, or exploring the neighborhood you are in can be enlightening and open up your mind. This particular eclipse can also put you in a dilemma, where you feel that you have to make a choice about something. If you are indeed caught in a dilemma, and you’re not sure what to do, or what to believe. Stop yourself for a minute, and ask yourself: What is the right thing to do? What is your conscience trying to tell you to do?