Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: November 26th thru December 3rd

Houses on the Achterzaan by Claude Monet

For the week of November 26th thru December 3rd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


If there is one thing to take away from 2021, it is how important it is to pay attention to your own healing journey. For you won’t be of much use to anyone else if you don’t practice self-care. It is easy to ignore. Especially if you have to admit that you too have ailments and vulnerabilities and imperfections. That you are not Zeus. And another thing that can be taken away from 2021, is that when you admit that you need a little help here and there, is that the remedies and solutions are there, and they can actually work! It’s mind blowing! Another mind blowing idea, is that you are a part of this great cosmic experiment we call life, which at its best is merely imperfect. And you are not alone. There are a whole lot of other people in the same boat right here with you, all equally imperfect. And they’re depending on you. And you simply can’t be there for them in full form, if you don’t take care of you first. 


In the veil between the eclipses take the opportunity to slow down, relish each moment, each magical sign, each breath as a gift. When you pause and take notice of your surroundings, you will see more, hear more, feel more. This week seek peace, surrender and tranquility. Things will be getting deep in the month of December. Therefore take advantage of this brief break to listen to the rustle of the leaves, feel the breeze on your face, and listen to the music in your heart. And as Neptune stations direct this week, she is reminding you that you are not alone. There are others swimming here with you in this great river of life, and we are all looking for ways to make it all that much more beautiful and meaningful. Take some time this week to get lost in your imagination, find your own inner spiritual voice, and connect with yourself. Sing, dance, pray, listen, imagine, and honor each beautiful moment as it comes. 


Gemini has this remarkable ability to just seamlessly fit in anywhere with anyone. However 2021 has been very much about finding our own place in the world, while also paying attention to where we have made the mistake of compromising ourselves just for the sake of fitting in, or belonging to a particular group. It may be that you didn’t want to rock the boat. But sometimes the boat needs a little rocking in order to find yourself again. Instead of conforming to what you think other’s expectations are of you, why not serve as an inspiration to others? Why not you become the group that others want to belong to? That means doing your own things, even and especially when the world is trying to make you be something else. 


Love matters. If you were to sort through all of your priorities, the really real priorities, it will always seem to get back to this idea of what you love, and who you love. And it does seem to be calling to you this week, where it will be easy to get lost in all sorts of romantic reveries. But there can also be a rhyme and reason to our imaginary fantasies. They’re trying to tune you in to what matters to you in your heart of hearts. So allow yourself, as you will, to drift a bit this week, wherever and how you can. For that will allow you to bring your mind more in alignment with your heart. And this is important. For December could get pretty deep, and having your priorities clearly linked to your heart, will be a reminder to pay attention to why love matters. 


People will often turn to Leo for an example of what to do in certain situations. You exude this confidence, and make everything look so easy. So obvious. But what we rarely get to see is your vulnerability. And if anything is to be taken from 2021, it’s recognizing that those things that make you more vulnerable, less perfect and more wounded, also make you even more human and relatable. And as we looked to you for guidance this past year, it was with the recognition that despite your wounds and your imperfections and your challenges, you still made it all seem so easy. You are serving as a reminder that not only is healing possible, but that we are not alone, and that there are those who can serve as an example, a pathfinder for the rest of us to follow through this labyrinth of untold challenges we call life. 


2021 has had its moments. If we were to take anything away from this year, it would be the remarkable capacity for humanity to transcend even the most insufferable moments. But perhaps one of the lessons we have been learning is about balancing our capacity for acceptance with our ability to say No More. We come to accept that pain, and discomfort are all a part of the human experience. We think that there is not much we can do about it sometimes. Sometimes we can. Sometimes we are given just the tools and remedies we need to heal what ails us. And sometimes the tools we need is the wisdom and audacity to just say No More. For that too is part of our evolutionary path. To know when enough is enough. 


You may find it more difficult than usual to focus on more practical matters this coming week. This is especially so as the fairies and elves are luring you into the realm of the imagination. They are daring to take you out of this dull world, and to dance like one of Yeats’ flames upon the mountains. Why resist? Sometimes there is nothing to be done, but to just go with the flow. In fact the more fascinated you are with your inner world, your imagination, your fantasies and wonder, the more you are needing to succumb. Taking time out of your life to pause, to breathe, to wonder are actually necessary for your emotional, mental, and even your physical well-being. You can catch up with all of those practical matters later or betwixt and between. For now, the fairy realms are calling. 


At this time of year we tend to turn our attention to our inner world. But if you were to look without and about, one of the things that you will notice is that you are not alone. That there are others here with you, swimming along the streams of this great river we call life. Some swim better than others. While some will seem to be struggling to stay afloat. Those are the ones in need of our attention. Sometimes all that is needed is a little extra support, a helping hand, a few minutes of your time, a friendly reminder that they are not alone. That we are here too. This is what makes that river of life flow all that much more smoothly for everyone. And with a lot more meaning. Take some time this week to lend a helping hand, stop to listen, be there.. and then watch how well the river flows. 


Now that we have entered your sign, and the year is beginning to wind down, there is room for reflection on the year that was. And there is probably much that can be distilled. Perhaps some of what we can take with us into the year ahead could have something to do with what it means to be a part of something much bigger than ourselves. Whether being part of greater humanity, or a citizen of the earth. And how we are all so connected to one another. Or should be. And one way that we make those connections are the ways that we communicate with one another. Words matter. They can wound, but they can also heal. And they can help us to build better bridges with one another. Let us all make a commitment to make better connections with one another going forward. 


Healing comes when we can accept people for who and where they are, warts and all, and all in all, without judgment or expectation of them needing to change. But perhaps the most significant healing occurs when we can accept ourselves, warts and all, and all in all. Even our wounds. Even the things that we once thought of as shameful at some long lost time. Accept and embrace all of these and then let them go. You are needing to make space for better things to take root. And in the process of doing so you are being given the opportunity to clear the way to a deeper state of self-awareness and understanding.  


Words matter. And how we say something also matters. We can hurl them like weapons, or we can use them to heal. And we can use our words to mend old bridges that had become eroded over time. Or to build new bridges in order to span the divide. Words have power, but so does listening. Speaking from the heart, and listening to what others have to say without judgment or criticism is an art that can be learned and perfected through practice. Through the perfection of these basic skills of communication we are making these important interconnections with one another, and becoming a master builder of bridges. 


Your ruling planet Neptune will station for its direct phase on Wednesday, December 1st. When planets station they become that much stronger, and make their presence known in our lives. Neptune is daring us all to go off road this week, and enter the realm of the imagination. To be enchanted by the world of wonder. This could make it difficult to deal with more practical considerations. However occasionally it behooves us to let go the bow lines and let ourselves drift. Sometimes we need to get a little lost in order to find ourselves again. To find that inner voice of ourselves that speaks in the silence. This voice speaks when we are willing to pause in awe of wonder and imagine. If only for a moment here and there, try it. And dare to listen for that or so quiet voice that speaks in the silence.