Horoscopes: December 3rd thru the 10th
For the week of December 3rd thru the 10th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
Trying to figure out where exactly you fit in in the world, whether politically, philosophically or otherwise may have been a bit challenging over the past few years. Part of that because the bar kept shifting, and it’s difficult to tell who you agree with, and who you don’t. The other part is that people and institutions who you had previously felt had the moral high ground, now seem to be riddled with false promises and feigned piety, leaving you feeling disenchanted. As a result it left you questioning all that you had previously believed in. And in a way that is a good thing. Society is going through its own growing pains, while you are left asking a lot of questions. Finding out where you fit in with this new scheme is not half so important as knowing your own mind. The rest will sort itself out later.
It could feel that over the past few years your life has taken a different turn. There are bound to be even more twists and turns ahead as the eclipses move into Taurus and Scorpio over the next few years. Yet these past few years things have already changed. People may have departed. Things that you may have previously depended on became unavailable. That may have been a previous source of financial support, or an emotional support system. And many a Taurus has been redefining themselves within the context of changing expectations and economic realities. The residue of the past, things that you were still holding on to were being resolved, and trying to fill in the new spaces and holes has been something of a challenge. But perhaps the most important lesson of the past few years may have been about coming to terms with your highest priorities, and the things that really matter. The Solar Eclipse is asking you to do just that. Focus on the things that really matter.
The Solar Eclipse on December 3/4th is the last of a series of eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius and have been tremendously important to Gemini. This eclipse in Sagittarius is a reminder of who or what you are releasing, or already have released over the past few years. And how you are going to redefine yourself within the context of what is being left behind. Eclipses can leave gaping holes in our lives. Do not feel rushed to have to fill them, if that is the case. For the emphasis is really more about what you now have, and who you are now. For Gemini has been drawn through this evolutionary vortex over these past few years, and this last eclipse is like the final word, letting you know that you are not the same person you were only a few short years ago. In fact, you are so much more than you were before.
For the past few years you have been asked to pay keener attention to what you have been doing, or not doing in your daily life in order to maintain your health and well-being. And also what you may have inadvertently been doing to deplete your well-being or even putting yourself at risk. It may be that you were forced to change your lifestyle, change your diet, or even change your job as a result. This Eclipse on December 3/4th is asking you to finally consider what you might want and/or need to change now in your daily life and routines in order to continue to support and promote your health and well-being. What are you needing to let go of? What is no longer serving you? What kind of rest are you needing in order to balance out your busy life, and what do you need to do to bring you a deeper sense of peace and resolution? What do you need to do to be well?
For the past few years Leo has been exploring their own ways of expressing themselves in the world. If you are one of those creative Leos, then you might have been exploring new mediums, as previous mediums and forms of expression seem to no longer serve the person you are now. Or at least as well as they used to. Or it could be, as a result of the circumstances in society and the world at large, that you have lacked an outlet, or the opportunity for your exuberant self-expression. As a result you were thrown back on yourself, and forced to explore new avenues and new modes of self-expression. This may have even involved something of a learning curve. But one which could have proved to be strangely satisfying. This Eclipse on December 3/4th is asking you to allow the magic of the eclipse to continue to open you up to new possibilities, and new avenues of expression. I am vast and large, and I can feel myself opening up to a whole new world of possibility.
For the past few years many a Virgo has been reassessing their future within the context of an ever-evolving view of themselves in the world. There are certain labels that we place on ourselves. Some that are placed on us by others. And in the process it becomes evident that some of these are no longer valid for the person you are now. And it could have even seem at times like you were being led down the garden path, or even deceiving yourself as to what your true purpose and goals should be. And to do that you were needing to get back down to the essentials: those things that you truly identify with, and are a truer expression of what is found within your heart and soul. As a result some Virgos have switched gears, embraced a new path, or returned to one that suited them better. Allow the magic of the Solar Eclipse to bring you where you need to be. And use the Solar Eclipse on December 3/4th to ask: May I be led to a clearer understanding of my higher purpose and goals.
Sometimes in order to be able to grow. In order to be able to find yourself in the scheme of things, you need to turn down the noise. And that has certainly been often the case over the past few years. As it is now with the Solar Eclipse. It is asking you to suspend judgment, and filter out some of the excess information and activity in your life, but especially in your mind. Like clearing your inner house, you are needing to remove some of the space junk that had accumulated there. That can include erroneous ideas, misconceptions, and false notions that have led you astray. Or excess information, or even obligations that had only increased anxiety, and done nothing for your peace of mind. Let it all go. And allow the magic of the Solar eclipse on December 3/4th, to bring you the inner serenity that you are so needing and desperately longing for.
This week, as many are rushing through their lives, you may want to pause and ask yourself, when is too much, too much? Sometimes we don’t really have a choice. We are pulled in many directions. We have a time line, and due dates that must be fulfilled. And as we have been working through these eclipses we are also having to contend with the sudden and inexplicable events that just seem to crop up and take over our lives. But perhaps the one thing that you are being asked to do is to focus on your true priorities. Those things and people that truly matter to you. It’s like triage. Putting aside those things that can take care of themselves, while focusing on those that need your attention right now. With the eclipses shifting into Taurus and Scorpio for the next few years, you will be doing quite a bit of triage and rearranging. But for now, you are being asked to release some of the excess in your life, in order to make room for those things that are more immediately important.
This Solar Eclipse is like a culmination for the past two years in which Sagittarius has been traveling through an evolutionary vortex, shedding that which is no longer useful or valid, in order to make room for the next phase of your life. This could have included some drastic changes. Chapters end. Burdens are unloaded. Truths that you can no longer deny are making themselves heard. You have been shedding an old skin that no longer fits, and it’s time to move on. And as a result your whole personal identity has been evolving through this process. And it will never be quite the same again. Let the last of the Sagittarius eclipses escort you over the final leg of the transition to your new life. This Eclipse on December 3/4th is truly the first day of the rest of your life.
Capricorn is usually really practical and objective about these things, but lately, and for the next few weeks many of you will be trying to process and discriminate between those things that you really need, and those things that you are just obsessing about. One way to discriminate between the two, is to ask yourself: is this person, thing, object really going to benefit me? Or is this something that I will regret in the morning? Capricorn is not a sign that likes to live with regrets of any kind! So when choosing between the better and the dearer, always choose what’s better for you. The Eclipse on December 3/4th is going to be tying up a few loose ends. This means finally being able to bring to completion what you had been working on for the past few years! Then you can thankfully be able to move on to the next best chapter of your life.
Over the past few years Aquarius has been reassessing their hopes and dreams for the future. It may have even seemed that some of your dreams were going up in a puff of smoke laying waste to what had once seemed so important. If that was true, know that they were making way for other dreams to take their place. Dreams that have been evolving over this same period of time. The Solar Eclipse on December 3/4th has been trying to open you up to a new world of possibility. And it is kind of saying that some of your wishes may be possible, but only if you are willing to let some others go. It can be a little mind blowing to admit that certain dreams that you used to have, and certain beliefs about yourself, are probably no longer valid for the person you are now, and are becoming. Allow the Solar Eclipse magic to wash over you, knowing that something new and inviting is yet just around the corner.
The Solar Eclipse on December 3/4th is putting a lot of attention on career, status and reputation in the outer world. But then the eclipses over the past few years have been doing much the same. And in the process you may have seen your role in the outer world evolving and growing in ways that you might not have anticipated. For some this could have brought some sort of career change, or a move in a different direction. For others it may have even brought some kind of loss. Even good changes can carry with them a certain regret for what once was. Allow the magic of the Solar Return to invest your heart and soul with gladness for the new turn of events that will be coming into your life, and may they bring you the comfort and support that you have been so deeply needing.