Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: December 31st thru January 7th 2022


For the week of December 31st thru January 7th be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


There is something deeply healing with the New Moon in Capricorn on January 2nd. Capricorn is a sign of integrity, strength, reputation and respect. And with the New Moon in Capricorn each year, Aries is asked to look ahead. Not only to the year ahead but to the foreseeable future beyond. This is about planning and strategizing, and setting goals. It is also about what you want to be seen as within your community, or by those you most care about. It could be about your legacy, and what you wish to be known for. And as you create your own individualized plan for the year ahead, what steps would you like to see yourself taking? What strategies would you like to see implemented? What new direction might you want to move towards? In the wake of the Capricorn New Moon on Sunday, send your intentions out into the Universe, pledging that not only do you wish to realize your life’s path and purpose, but that you also have the courage, strength and determination to fulfill it. 


With Venus currently retrograde and sextile Neptune, we are being asked to be shown the best way to make our dreams, our hopes, and even our ideals, a closer reality. There are many ways to do so, and perhaps the best way might be to put your ideals and spiritual aspirations into some sort of practical application. That can literally be about walking the walk as well as talking the talk. But it can also be about readjusting your thinking and transforming your outlook. When we change our perspective, and change our minds, we change our world. And so with the New Moon in Capricorn on January 2nd, explore what subtle changes you might want to make in order to bring your life more in alignment with your ideals. Some good intentions for the New Moon in Capricorn might be: May I find the best guide, teacher or teaching that will lead me to fulfill my highest aspirations; or May I have the insight and the wisdom to recognize my true path. This is a New Moon about growth and expansion, and the best, and most achievable ways, to go about realizing that. 


Just before the New Moon on January 2nd, Mercury, your ruling planet, enters the sign of Aquarius. Simultaneously the New Moon will also be trine the planet Uranus, one of the co-rulers of the sign Aquarius. Mercury thrives in Aquarius where we are more open to receiving creative and innovative ideas, insights and revelations. Whenever we see Uranus involved with the New Moon, as we are with this one, we are being asked to try something new. Sometimes all that is required is to look at a situation from another perspective. As a result we see solutions where previously we only saw problems, or we come to recognize that we don’t have to keep doing things the same way we always have in the past. That there are alternatives that can free us in ways that we might not have thought possible. When looking to the year ahead, think about those things that you might want to change, improve, or overcome. And then make the commitment to take that first step towards doing so. A good intention for this New Moon in Capricorn in the (Solar) 8th House might be: I want to see myself overcoming any feelings of doubt or fear about change, so that I can embrace my future with an open heart. 


The New Moon in Capricorn falls just one day after New Year’s Day, promising to give our resolutions something of a boost this year. The New Moon in Capricorn is often a time for Cancer to not only make their long term resolutions for the year, but to also focus on their relationships. It is a powerful Moon for Cancer, especially those Cancers born in the first 7 days of July or who have 9-15º of Cancer Rising. But all Cancers will be feeling this Moon. It does focus primarily on close relationships, but it also focuses on all of the important commitments in your life. For Cancer, establishing strong and reliable relationships in your life are key to having a sense of community and belonging. One thing that could become apparent over the year ahead, is that you don’t necessarily have to keep doing things the way that you have in the past. Use the New Moon to strengthen the relationships that you have already established and want to see thrive, but also be open to attracting the sorts of people into your life that would allow you to grow in ways that you might not have previously thought possible.


There is something so practical about the New Moon in Capricorn. This year it falls on January 2nd, and so coincides with the New Year and the possibilities that that foretells for the year ahead. If you like to make New Year’s resolutions, you might want to wait until the New Moon to do so, in order to give these an extra boost and greater sticking power. New Moons are times of initiative and new beginnings, and Capricorn is a sign of commitment and following through. Therefore this is an excellent time to commit to that new diet, or to follow through with that new exercise plan, or to organize your life and your work environment to promote greater efficiency. How can you promote greater wellness in your life moving forward? What new initiatives in your work are calling to you? In what ways can you free yourself up in your daily life in order to pursue a new and perhaps creative vision in some exciting and significant way? How do you wish to use the New Moon in Capricorn on Sunday to launch yourself into the New Year? 


Just before the New Moon in Capricorn on January 2nd, Mercury enters the sign of Aquarius, a sign of visionary enlightenment and inspiration. As a result you stand at the threshold of the New Year with a certain amount of anticipation for something new and perhaps even exciting. The early days of the New Year are filled with creative insights and flashes of genius as you get a glimpse of the possibilities that are about to unfold. The New Moon is trine illuminating Uranus, and sometimes illumination can be had simply by looking at a situation from another perspective, but it can also come about by trying something new and different. But no matter how excited you might be, take things one day at a time. With the new moon in Capricorn the devil is always in the details. Even and especially with any creative ventures you may be embarking on. One of the beauties of Uranus trine the Moon in Capricorn, is the practical application of an inspiring idea. What new vision or creative idea would you like to see implemented over the year ahead? And what strategies might you need to make in order to make this a closer reality? Use the New Moon in Capricorn to plot your course and create a plan, and then use the commitment of Mars sextile Saturn to follow through. 


When making your New Year’s resolutions this year, be reminded of the quote by Rumi, when he told us to “Let the beauty we love be what we do.” He was reminding us that there are any number of ways to pay homage to the divine, and in finding that place within we also find ourselves. This is the gift of having Venus retrograde in Capricorn sextile Neptune at the New Moon bringing the potential to make our dreams a closer reality. And we do this by putting our spiritual aspirations and our ideals into everyday application. For Libra the New Moon in Capricorn is a time of renewal in your personal goals, but also in creating a foundation for the year ahead. See if you can symbolically prepare for the New Year by recycling or repurposing those items that are just taking up space in your environment; or by doing a thorough and deep cleaning. This can also be an internal cleansing ritual, where the idea is to make space for new budding potential. As we say goodbye to the old year we can come to appreciate the patterns and events in our lives that have brought us to where we are now, but it is the promise of what tomorrow may bring that inspires us with possibility.  


Capricorn is a sign of longevity, so that when we make our New Year’s resolutions at this time of year they are that much more likely to take hold. And although traditionally we make our resolutions on the 1st day of the year, we can add even greater potential by doing so with the New Moon on January 2nd. Create a plan. Strategize. Think of both the long term goals that you would like to achieve this year, but also think in terms of the smaller, equally important goals, that will help you to get there. Keep your goals or resolutions simple, straightforward and clear. Also note that time management and organization are key to the success of these resolutions. Some things that this Moon is particularly good for are: perfecting communications skills; organizational hacks that will help you to manage your schedule; taking up a new study; perfecting skills you already have; improving relations with siblings and close relatives; and becoming better informed. For many this will be a year of adjustment to whatever changes may have transpired in 2021. Use the wave of the New Moon at the New Year to create your plan for the year ahead, and thinking about what positive affirmations you might want to make, and what steps you need to take in order to achieve your goals.


It’s as if you can already see your year unfolding in front of you in your mind’s eye, because in some ways you have already started to implement your plans for the upcoming year. For you, this is about figuring out how you can make whatever initiatives you’ve already begun more sustainable and manageable. For some this may be about figuring out a financial plan, and/or living within your means. For others it could be about re-strategizing your valuable time, money and resources in order to not get overwhelmed or over-extended. For many, a series of life changes are finding more than one Sagittarius adjusting to their new normal, even as they are wondering what their next steps are going to be in 2022. Plot your course. Create those goals for 2022. Reach for the gold. But know that it will be much easier to accomplish if you are moving towards something you really want and would enjoy. Some affirmations for the New Moon in Capricorn on January 2nd might be: I believe in my ability to support myself and all those things and people that I care most about; May I be free of any limiting doubts and fears related to my self-worth and competency. I see myself flourishing in 2022 in only the most remarkable ways. 


The New Moon in Capricorn will be most relevant for those Capricorns born between December 31st and January 5th, or have 9-15º of Capricorn Rising, but all Capricorns can benefit from this Moon in the New Year. And if you were to set resolutions this year, the best time would be with the Capricorn New Moon on January 2nd. In some way this New Moon can serve as a door opening out into the future, allowing you to look at yourself and your life in a whole new light. This is a year of possibility, but not without some hesitation. For even good changes can bring some remorse for what once was, even as we stand on a threshold of what will be. Capricorn is always motivated by having sound, clear, and realizable goals And so setting your long term goals for the future, as well as short term goals for the year is a good practice to have. And this New Moon, perhaps even more than others, is asking you to create goals that are not only achievable, but which you could see yourself living with. The New Moon in your sign presents an opportunity to reinvent and improve yourself. Be willing and open to embrace the changes that are well overdue, while adjusting to any changes that have already been made, all the while focusing on what you want or need to be your own best version of yourself. 


The best time to make your New Year’s resolutions this year will be with the New Moon in Capricorn on January 2nd. And even as we are standing on the threshold of the New Year, we are standing on the threshold between the old and the new in more than one fashion. Like a transition from the Old Year, to the New Year to come, you are sloughing off the old growth in preparation for the new growth that is in the process of emerging. There may have been losses and endings in the past several years. And there still may be changes as we move into 2022. Something is being torn down in order to be rebuilt. But without freedom from the past there is no real future. And in order to make a grand new beginning, you have to begin with a good ending. So in order to benefit from the potential and the promise of the future you are asked to purify and release all that you have outgrown, and what is no longer relevant for the person you are becoming. There is also a lot to be garnered from the past. So at the New Moon in Capricorn, ask yourself, what has worked out? And what do you want to further cultivate? And if there are things that did not work out as hoped, how can these be updated? 


It may at times feel like you are daring to take on way more than you bargained for this coming year. But you are also being asked to have faith that you are being brought precisely where you need to be in order to fulfill your destiny. Your world is daring to grow just that much larger in 2022, taking you along for the ride. 2022 is a year of possibility. And the New Moon in Capricorn on January 2nd is launching you into the year on a wish and a prayer. One of the glories of combining Pisces with Capricorn, is about finding the practical ways to make your dreams and aspirations a closer reality. This can simply be done by putting your ideals into application in your daily life. Even if you only achieve an approximation of the ideal it will still be something!  Some good intentions for this New Moon might be: May I take the steps, and plot the course, that will bring me nearer to making my dreams a closer reality; or May I find those people who will help and inspire me to realize my hopes, dreams and aspirations. When making your New Year’s resolutions with the New Moon in Capricorn, make them simple and make them clear, and focus specifically on those that are close to your heart.