Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: February 12th thru the 19th

For the week of February 12th thru the 19th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


For the next few years you will be reassessing your associations. It will be during times of uncertainty that it will become apparent who is there for the long haul, and who are wisps of wind just gusting through your life. By the end of this year, those people who stick with you no matter what you do, no matter what choices you make, are those that you know you can rely on through thick and thin. You might also want to take a deeper look at your current roster of associations, and question with an even deeper scrutiny what you are giving up or compromising in order to just fit in. Or in order to be deemed socially acceptable? Sometimes the answers are not so black and white. Often the answers to our inner dilemmas and conflicts lie somewhere in between. And being utterly honest with yourself about what your true priorities are, what your preferences and values are, could help to sort these out. 


At some point this year you may be faced with the dilemma of having to take the risk that you might be offending others, simply by being a truer, more honest, version of yourself. Without apologies. Some of the questions that might arise this year could be: In what way does your current role make you feel as if you need to compromise who you are? In what ways are you compromising who you are, just for the sake of appearances? Or for the sake of your reputation? You may even need, at some point. to confront or challenge the status quo, in order to live a life that is true to yourself. That’s not always easy. And things are not always either/or, even though they may appear to be that way. Transcendentalist, Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is your greatest accomplishment.  


In some ways Gemini is being given an opportunity to grow in ways that they had not even imagined. A lot of that will depend on previous choices and decisions. But now is when you are going to begin to see the results of all of the decisions that you have made up until this point. Are you being rewarded for all of your efforts? Or are you thinking that you might have been better off veering in another direction. There may be a little of both. For even if you are seeing the promise of your goals being fulfilled, there may also be a little reticence. Are you signing away your freedom? Will you still have the life you used to have? Commitments don’t have to feel like a life sentence. See how you can balance the promise of achievement with your current inner needs for autonomy and creative freedom. 


What will it take to get you back on the map? How do you need to redefine who you are in the world, and what you have to offer? There may be some hesitation to go all in with the crystals and pendulums, and all that alternative stuff, but even if you have to buck the system, even if you do have to raise a few eyebrows in the process, this is about being a truer, more authentic version of yourself. And who knows? You may even set some precedents, or inspire others. You may lose a few followers, but then you will also gain some others. And perhaps even be at the vanguard of some coming trends. You may even have the remarkable ability to make something once considered unconventional, more acceptable. Why not be at the forefront, and lead the way in changing hearts and minds?  


It could feel as if your freedom is being challenged at every turn. Well, maybe not every turn. But just enough so that when you think you’ve got the right angle, and you see your way forward, you come up against another road block. Or someone else is denying you access. This could prove to be frustrating over the year ahead. Ultimately you are trying to adapt to a new reality. One that seems to be constantly changing and evolving. What you are needing to figure out is how you are going to need to adapt and evolve along with it. And to do so in a way that allows you to redefine yourself, your brand, your new image and reputation, in this new and evolving world. This is what is meant by growing back, not to what was, but to what you are capable of becoming. 


How can you achieve some sort of normalcy in a world that is constantly challenging the status quo? And what about ethics and morals? Right and wrong? The rules just seem to keep on changing. How can a Virgo keep up? Lucky for you all, Virgo is an adaptable sign. And you will need to use your own creative ingenuity in order to roll with the tide, and adapt to the changing circumstances as they arise over the year ahead. That ability to be flexible, to be able to adapt, will serve you well. Otherwise you’re just going to be in a tizzy of anxiety trying to sort things out, and make sense of the insensible. Be open to possibility and be willing to change your mind about things. The world is ever evolving. And is asking you to do the same. 


Sometimes there is not very much you can do about other people’s behaviors, no matter how irresponsible and reckless they may appear to be. That goes across the board. There are a number of things over which we simply do not have any control. And trying to control those things over which we have no agency could prove to be an exercise in frustration. It may be that you are needing to set appropriate limits and boundaries with others, in order to protect those things that are important to you. Perhaps a key reminder for yourself this year might be to ask yourself, Is there something you can do about this situation? And if the answer is yes, then do so. But if the answer is no, see what you can do to adapt, or accept your current circumstances. And focus on those things that you can do something about. 


You might want to ask yourself: Where must I be willing to break with my usual social conventions in order to have greater security in my life? Where do I have to break some of my own rules? Sometimes what we have to do is re-write the narrative. Reinvent the conventions. Create new and better traditions. This is a good time to think about how you have been placing all these rules and limitations on yourself, at the risk of not being able to fully express yourself. What old rules, habits or old traditions need to be broken or re-written? At the same time you don’t want to throw out the pieces and rules and traditions that matter! Protect what is important, while still making room for growth. There comes a time when the safety of the cocoon becomes too tight. Your wings are growing. And you just need enough space to learn how to fly. 


Just when you think you had it all worked out, that you had this great plan in your head, something comes along to change the whole picture. That need to reorient yourself, and feeling like you need to readjust your inner gps system is probably going to occur more than once this year. Sometimes this will be for a good reason. You are freed up to do things that you previously thought unavailable to you. Other times it might feel like you are blind-sided and having to start all over again. Either way you are being asked to be flexible, and willing to adjust to the changes if and when they may arise. The more resistant you are to the changing circumstances of your life, the more difficult it will be. Therefore allow yourself to go with the changing tides, while ultimately holding to your primary goals, and making adjustments along the way. 


The ultimate ideal for Capricorn is to veer on the side of simplicity. Like a zen garden with few distractions, Capricorn aims to live a simple uncluttered life with few surprises. But for whatever reason Capricorn’s inner hippie has been gradually coming to the foreground trying to make an appearance. The question is, how can you continue to be true to yourself, and who you are, while also adding these unique touches that will allow your inner hippie to express herself? Whether it means digging out that old lava lamp, scattering a few choice crystals around, or purchasing one of those incense waterfall things (provided the scent is not too overwhelming), look for ways to spruce up that sparse zen garden of your life. Take a few creative risks. Through this process you are coming to find yourself in the scheme of things, and ultimately to achieve greater wholeness. 


The key for this year is to some how find the best way to situate yourself in a world where the rules and the circumstances seem to keep on changing and evolving. You are not only having to adjust to these changing circumstances, but you are also needing to reacquaint yourself with yourself in order to do it the right way. For no matter what you ultimately decide in the end, the important thing is that whatever path you decide to embark on needs to be right one for you. Not what other people necessarily tell you you should be doing, or could be doing, but what is right for you. And that might mean having to redefine your role over the course of the year. Also realize that the answer is not always this or that. Sometimes it means having to forge your own path, in your own way, in your own time. 


What new ideas about myself am I needing to integrate in order to further grow and evolve? What old dialogues am I still clinging to, that are no longer relevant to who I am now? It will probably be through a series of unexpected surprises and events that you will come to realize that you are outgrowing your previous life. And just like an outgrown pair of shoes you are needing to leave some pieces of your former life behind. It’s not that it was wrong. It’s just that you’re outgrowing it. And you are needing to make space for those new seed ideas to take root. It’s a process. And it won’t happen overnight. And there will be times when you will mournfully reflect on what once was, even while another part of you is wistfully looking to the future for what could be.