Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: February 5th thru the 12th

For the week of February 5th thru the 12th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


If you had a dream that you would wish to see fulfilled, what would that look like? In some way you are being asked to think really hard about your dreams and aspirations, and what you might be able to do to make them a closer reality. When Ghandi suggested that in order to change the world, we should begin with changing ourselves, we were being implored to realign ourselves with our own ideal vision. We can find inspiration through others, perhaps even through a specific group of like-minded individuals, but ultimately, by aligning ourselves with our highest aspirations, we also serve as an example and an inspiration for others to follow. What small shifts might you want to make in order to feel like you are walking the walk as well as talking the talk? Or what major shifts in perception will open you up to the possibilities that you may have previously ignored? A good intention to sow with this New Moon might be: If this dream is meant to be for me, may the best possible circumstances arise to see it fulfilled. 


There is something both lucky and enlightening about the upcoming New Moon on February 11th. It is daring to bring you where you need to be in order to fulfill your destiny. And you may not even know what that is just yet. This New Moon is about finding your place in the world, and being situated in such a way that you find that your talents and abilities are finally receiving some sort of appreciation. If you ask yourself, who are the people that you most admire, and would want to be like when you grow up, what would the answer be? What is it that stands out about these people? Likewise, what do you want to be known for? If you had a legacy to leave, what would that be? For what do you wish to be admired? This could be an achievement, a skill, a job well done. Or it could be a certain attribute: He treated everyone with kindness and patience; She was someone we all could rely on. Set the intention with the New Moon to fulfill the image that you would like to see yourself fulfill. And then go out and make it your own. 


If you were to create a plan for the future, what would that look like? It might begin with the question: where do I see myself going? Where do I want to end up? Or even more fundamental: what does my path look like for me? And part of that begins with knowing who you are. That includes your world view: what you believe; what you know to be true; and what you want to know more about. With an abundance of planets in the sign of Aquarius this week, you may be filled with a wanderlust and a restless desire to explore. However, as is true for many, that although you may be physically limited to your immediate environs, there is nothing holding you back from expanding and exploring your horizons in other ways. And that includes asking those fundamental questions about finding your place in the world. And sometimes the answer is closer to home than you realize. In some way you are being positioned to come to appreciate a gift that you may have previously taken for granted, or a dream that is now poised to become a closer reality. Therefore a good intention for this New Moon might be: May I have the wisdom and clarity to recognize my true path. 


With an abundance of planets congregating in Aquarius this week, some Cancers may be considering making a whole new resolution, or turning over a whole new leaf in their lives. It may mean that you are finally ready to unload all that baggage that you’ve been carrying around with you, literally and figuratively. Which may mean finally cleaning out the garage, the closets and the pantry, and doing that whole Konmari thing of parting with that which no longer resonates, and may be doused with old memories that no longer serve the person you are now becoming. Old habits die hard, but by clearing the path, cleaning out the old cobwebs, you make room for better things to grow and take root. So as we approach the New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th, ask yourself, What habits, tendencies, fears or old worn out baggage is limiting your capacity to grow? And what is the best way to divest myself of this unwieldy load? Doing this periodic internal and external cleaning is essential for your mental health and well-being and prepares the way forward to your future. 


Some things that you might want to focus on this week: Creating more equanimity in relationships with others; seeing things from their point of view; clarifying mutual expectations. Or thinking more generally about relationships by understanding your inter-relationships with others, and the meaning of interdependence with others. The New Moon in Aquarius can bring new people into your life, or make you aware of who you want to make deeper commitments or agreements with. But also shows you the ways that lives seem to interconnect in these broader, more profound ways. And that includes those people that you engage with on a one-on-one basis, but it also considers those people with whom you have 6 degrees of separation. They also are important. So is that person that you see each morning in the coffee shop. Or that person who brings you the mail. Some good intentions for this New Moon might be:  I want to attract and begin spending time with those people who are on a similar spiritual, creative or other path that resonates with my own ideals and aspirations; May I connect with those people who will inspire me, and invest my life with meaning. 


When you make what you do, and how you do it, that much more interesting, inspiring, and even exciting, it no longer feels like work. Labor in that context, becomes a labor of love. It feeds your mind, your psyche and your well-being. It is your raison d’etre. Sometimes all it takes is a shift in perspective; or perhaps a deeper appreciation of the value of what you do, and the service that you have to offer. There is something to be said for those words: well-being, and what that means for you. For some it does have to do with being useful, and having a purpose. For others that is more literal, in the sense of having a sustainable lifestyle and a routine that nourishes your heart and mind. Now that there are an abundance of planets in Aquarius, this is a good time for Virgo to ask themselves: What daily habits, diet or exercise regimen needs to be reevaluated, readjusted or reestablished in order to live a healthier and freer lifestyle? What changes are being called for? What would you want to include more of? What do you need to do to restore that sense of well-being? 


If we were to have the courage to allow joy and love to re-enter our hearts, and invest everything we do with that joy, our lives would take on a whole new meaning. The New Moon on the 11th is daring you to do just that. Step out of the way in order to allow love, joy and excitement to re-enter your life and open your heart. Dare to experience that mind-altering perspective of joy. Recognizing what brings you that fascination, that way to open your heart, also opens the key to your personal and creative self-expression. Your own unique point of view. Once you find that place, you also find that place of limitless creative potential. So whether that means finding that one person that opens your heart, or finding that joy through the eyes of a child, or opening that book to write the first line of your poem; remind yourself of the fascination one can have when you are willing to look at the world like you’ve never seen it before. Like everything is new, exciting and inspiring again. That’s where the upcoming New Moon is trying to lead you.


The world may appear to be chaotic and unpredictable. All the more reason to situate yourself in such a way that you know that you will be well-grounded, safe and secure. With such an abundance of planets now in Aquarius and culminating with the New Moon on the 11th, things you might want to focus on are those things and people that support you and bring you that sense of security. Who are those that you know you can rely on to be there no matter what? And what can you do to make your home, your family, your immediate environment more safe and secure, and will bring you a deeper sense of belonging? Changes with home and or family members may require some sort of adjustment. But an adjustment that promises growth, and can even lead to some sort of breakthrough and understanding. A good affirmation with the upcoming New Moon might be: I want to better appreciate the patterns and events in my life that have led me to where I am now. 


Things are looking up with this upcoming luck-filled New Moon that could include a total revamping of your outlook and perspective. Through what you learn, and whatever changes are occurring, you are being opened up to all sorts of possibilities. Sometimes all it takes is being willing to look at things from another perspective. Or merely being open to something completely new and different. This could be a whole new environment, a better way of doing things. As you re-write the paradigm, you will also find yourself exploring your immediate surroundings realizing there is so much more to discover close to home than you had realized. New and innovative ideas, some enlightening news, or something that you learn can literally change your perspective and your mind about something, that in turn frees you up to consider alternatives you had not seen until now. Dare to go out and learn something new. It could literally blow your mind.


What skills do you have or need to improve on in order to be more marketable, or increase your self-worth in your own eyes? With so many planets in Aquarius right now, culminating with the New Moon on February 11th, you are being asked to get in touch with your priorities: those things that you deem most valuable and important to you and your well-being. And that includes those skills, those abilities that allow you to be seen as a person of value in your own right. There are also those things that we value that we cannot put a price tag on. You may decide that it would be worth it to make a little less money if it means having a much more rewarding job or lifestyle, or that would allow a better quality of life. This is an excellent moon to seed positive affirmations for financial and personal self-worth. Some good affirmations or intentions for this moon might be: May I be able to more easily prioritize those things which are most meaningful to me; or I believe in myself and my ability to be self-sufficient; or May I be open to finding creative ways to earn new sources of income. 


If you want to start the year out on the right foot, think in terms of what sorts of changes you might want to make that will promote a more authentic sense of self and self-expression. The New Moon on February 11th, is not only in your sign, but so are so many of the planets here as well. And retrograde Mercury has leant itself to a deeper sort of self reflection. This is positioning you to thinking about having greater control over your own life and the direction it will be taking from here on. What new beginnings do you want to initiate? How do you want to be seen? Focus on this being a truer expression of who you are, with a renewed self-awareness and acceptance of the things that are important to you. This can include paying attention to your actual appearance: your haircut, your wardrobe, the statement you are making to the world. This is about making a commitment to following your own path in whichever way feels right for you. Therefore make the affirmation with this New Moon to being a truer and more authentic expression of yourself. 


With an abundance of planets now in the sign of Aquarius, in some way you are being asked to transcend the mundane world and look for consolation and inspiration within. It may be that certain aspects of your life are coming to closure over the next year. And as that happens, you can also gain a deeper appreciation for all of the experiences, relationships, decisions and choices that have brought you to the place where you are now. The hidden secret parts of your life are being honored now. And with that ghosts from the past come to linger and whisper in your ear, as they pass through to the beyond. Elements of your life are needing to be released in order for you to clear the space for new things to come in their own time as they will. But in the mean time, as these denizens pass through, new lights are also emerging. And something is going on behind the scenes that could change everything. Get ready to have your mind blown. Something interesting this way comes.