Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: March 12th thru the 19th

“Pisces” by Johfra Bosschart

For the week of March 12th thru the 19th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world. The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same (Rumi). Aries is usually more concerned about the Doing, rather than the Being. However for the past so many years that Neptune has been in Pisces, it has been trying to get you in touch with your own inner intuitive guidance system, in order to keep you on track and direct your energy in a more meaningful and intentional way. And the New Moon in Pisces is like a window into that Neptunian soul part of you, just beckoning you to connect. Not connecting with that soul spirit, will make you feel like something is missing in your life. Something important. Therefore use this period to pause, if even for a moment in time, to find your place of refuge, somewhere away from the usual activity and worries of the world, and simply be with yourself. The New Moon on Saturday is taking you where you need to be for now. 


For the many years that Neptune has been in Pisces it has been beckoning Taurus to open your hearts to the greater whole in some significant way. That begins by recognizing yourself as part of this much larger, and more interdependent whole. That may even mean thinking about how you can best use your talents or skills for the greater good. Or perhaps to live what it means to walk the walk as well as talk the talk. To live your ideals. To make your life sacred and interdependent, not only with other humans, but all of life. This is a big step for Taurus who normally prefers to keep things simple and uncomplicated. But it is also a reminder, that when we find others who share the same or similar ideals, and you work together in common cause, that so much more can be accomplished than you could on your own. From joining a band or a choral choir, to using your skills to promote a cause, to joining with others to pray for peace on earth, dedicate it all towards the greater good. 


With all the planets presently in direct motion, we are all being carried along the stream of progress, sometimes more swiftly than at other times. And all the more so, now that Mars is in your sign. But even with this forward momentum, even Gemini is being asked to take some time out to pause with New Moon in Pisces, to stop and reflect on what has brought you to this place in time. And to remind yourself of what this life that you have built is all about. For in the hubbub and activity of our daily lives, it is very easy to lose our way. To forget what this is all really about. And the things that make it all worth while. In order to fully appreciate what this is all about, you need to at least be present. Put aside the calendar, if only for a moment. And dare to see and hear, and sense what surrounds you. To connect with that which is most meaningful to you in your life. And allow that to continue to be your guiding light going forward. 


Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the Mystery, unique and not to be judged (Rumi). All of these may serve to point you to the path of discovery. To realize that magic that we call understanding. But in order to realize that path, in order to find it in your own unique and inimitable way, you first need to believe that the path exists. The New Moon in Pisces is urging you to seek some sort of higher meaning in our life, whether that be through study, through observation, through discovery and exploration. Or through music, the arts, poetry or even romance. Whatever it takes to find that Mystery within your own heart and soul, to identify with your own inner ideals, truth and refuge. It is unique to each and every one of us, and finding that path, and discovering that secret way of being with the Mystery, is one of the most sacred gifts you could ever receive.


Each year at the New Moon in Pisces Leo is reminded that there are layers of meaning in our lives, in the world, in society, as well as in nature herself. Pisces is a sign of mysticism, magic and the wonders of the soul and inner workings of the mind. There are dark places that we normally avoid for fear that we will stumble and fall. Yet Joseph Campbell encouraged us to even go there to those dark places, for: It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble lies your treasure. This Moon is beckoning you to rediscover your own lost or buried treasure, allow it to come to the surface, rebirthed, revised, and renewed. Revealing all of it. All of you. In this way you not only find deeper meaning and healing, but you are learning to make your life, what you do, and what you have to offer the world, more sacred. 


Ever since Neptune entered Pisces some many years ago, it has been urging Virgo to let go and let God, to relinquish control over your life and environment, just enough to pause, take stock of your life, and appreciate the things that you previously did not have time for, or rushed past in your attempts to take care of business and get things done. Some Virgos may have felt like they were compelled to slow down, as many were last year. But there is a rhyme and reason for this, for when we are always busy, always working, always doing, we don’t have time to dream or reflect. The New Moon in Pisces each year is a reminder to slow down. To notice the small but meaningful things in our lives: to see more, to hear more acutely, to listen, to sense more and feel more. In this way we come to appreciate the people, the things, the experiences, all the beauty that is there before us, just waiting to be rediscovered. This is why Rumi reminded us to: Take down the dulcimer. ~ Let the beauty we love be what we do.There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. 


What might be the best ways and means to support your well-being, be more productive and efficient in your work and daily routines? It might seem counter-productive, but ever since Neptune entered Pisces, it’s been urging you to create more meaningful routines that feed not only your body, but your heart, mind and spirit as well. This may mean having to put aside time each day for reflection, wonder, prayer or dreaming. Many people decide to bring their lifestyle more in alignment with their spiritual ideals, walking the walk as well as talking the talk. But one thing that is evident for Libra is the necessity to have something that resonates with spirit incorporated into their daily lives, whether that means a spiritual practice, adding a little magic to your life each day, creating something beautiful, or performing some service that is meaningful to yourself or others. It’s about bringing greater peace, serenity and reflection into your daily life and making them more a part of your daily routine. As a result you will find yourself more inspired, more productive and more invested in all that you do. 


The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along (Rumi). For the many years that Neptune has been traveling in Pisces it has been asking you to reacquaint yourself with your own inner muse. In order to do that you would need to cultivate that part of your mind that contains a vast and almost limitless potential. That divine center within your heart, where this capacity to visualize a more meaningful world where spirit speaks through you, and connects you to others, heart to heart, and soul to soul. Artists and lovers know this world. To have spirit speak through them and move them. To use your hands, your eyes, your senses. To experience that even once is remarkable and compelling. Use the Pisces New Moon this weekend, to make the intention to open your heart to the divine, and to that which speaks most intimately to and through your heart and soul. The New Moon is asking you to rediscover your bliss. 


Creating your own sanctuary is essential right now. It has been. And the New Moon is aiming to remind you. So having that sanctuary, that place of refuge, is what will hold you, even when and if the winds blow, even when and if all else is falling down like a torrent of rains. This sanctuary can be literal, as in creating some sort of spiritual nook or space within your home. That space where you can commune with your better angels and restore yourself. Or it can be that space within your own psyche, emotionally and spiritually. Creating or having that sanctuary without will help to support that sanctuary within. This is that place that transcends and buoys you through all the vicissitudes of life. And will bring you the strength and the bearing to then go out and deal with the world on its own terms. Use the New Moon to visualize in your mind what that space looks like for you, and what you can do within your reach to make that a closer reality. 


The New Moon in Pisces is a reminder each year that there is something more to life than the constant grind of work, what we should do, or what we have to do. It is a time to pause and take stock of ourselves, with a focus on our inner world: our hearts and mind. For the many years that Neptune has been traveling in Pisces she’s been asking you to make some space in your heart and mind, in order to allow some sort of spiritual, inspirational, or creative aspect of your life be recognized, honored and cultivated. Use the New Moon to make the intention to cultivate that which in your life allows you to pause and reflect, to find that inner peace and serenity that will not only make you feel better, but will allow you to be even more productive in the long run. Therefore make some space this weekend. Create your own personal retreat, that allows you to stop and pause and pay attention to what is right in front of you. For that is where you need to be. 


Now that Mars is in Gemini, it is inviting Aquarius to look to your future and create some sort of plan that inspires and motivates you. But even before you do so, you are being asked to take some time to pause this weekend with the New Moon in Pisces. This requires you to slow down, and focus on those things that are your true priorities. Last week we asked you to think about what it means for you to live a more meaningful life and lifestyle, and to identify those people and things that are truly most important to you. What are those things that truly make your heart sing, and brings personal satisfaction and inner fulfillment? Knowing this will help you to navigate your way forward. One of the things that may become apparent, as you think about these questions, is that there are some things that you simply cannot put a price tag on. Neptune whispers in your ear: The more you focus on leading a life of meaning, the richer will be your heart and soul. Ask the New Moon to guide you to discover and recognize what that path may be for you. 


You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop (Rumi). The halls and lands of Neptune are not as foreign and unfamiliar to Pisces the way they are to the rest of us. The worlds of fairies, angels and spirits are familiars to your own world which is spacious and liminal at best. But it is not the outer world that Neptune has been urging you to explore these past so many years that it has been traveling in your sign, so much as the vast inner world of your own mind and being. She’s been awakening that intrinsic part of you that recognizes yourself as part of this vast ocean of experience that we call life. There are many ways to touch the soul. To convene with that which some call the Higher Self, others call Spirit or Soul, or your Inner Guides. The New Moon on Saturday is affording you the opportunity to make that connection, which can be done in a myriad of ways. The Moon asks that you make the intention to dedicate yourself to a regular spiritual practice, to open your heart to the divine, feed your imagination, navigate your dreamworld, feed your soul. To allow her to speak her magic through you, through your heart and soul.