Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: March 19th thru the 26th

For the week of March 19th thru the 26th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


Welcome to the Aries Ingress! Every year that we re-enter your sign you can just feel the vital energy gradually returning: the crackling in the air, that incentive to go out and get moving and thriving and driving once again. This time of year is like a reboot and a rebirth. A time of new beginnings. Therefore why not use it to create goals, and tackle those projects that you’ve been previously avoiding, or thought you didn’t have the time or energy for. Due to a fabulous Mars/Saturn trine this week, not only are you being invested with all of this raw energy, but Mars/Saturn will help you to channel it in some practical and achievable way. Is there a self-improvement project you’ve been wanting to tackle? Something that requires a bit of self-discipline, strength or staying-power? You’ve got all of these different elements conspiring to help you to take on even challenging of goals. And since when does Aries walk away from a challenge? 


It is said that when a planet, such as Venus is now, is within the rays of the Sun, that it is Combust, and becomes diminished in strength, as it is being subsumed by the Sun’s rays. But rather than see this as the diminution of our Venusian desires and not receiving what we want, there is a deeper, much more passionate and meaningful tone to Venus as she enters fiery Aries within the rays of the Sun. There is wisdom in keeping your heartfelt desires to yourself, as these are often things that no one else needs to be privy to. Even if it must consume your soul, and light your heart on fire. Over the next few weeks Venus is attempting to show you through signs, yearnings and perhaps even a few meaningful coincidences, what it is that your heart truly desires, as well as what it does not. What you have outgrown, moved on from… and that which still kindles that youthful-like passion in your heart of hearts.


With Mercury now in Pisces it may be difficult to stay focused and on topic. This is because there is this dreamy quality that envelops one when Mercury is in this sign. But it can also be annoyingly distracting and frustrating at times. And can be prone to allow words and misjudgments to just fall from our lips and brains. However, what this can also be used for this week, is to find the tone of your voice. To speak up and have your say, and to give a voice to those who lack one for themselves. There is something else going on this week as Venus enters Aries and falls under the rays of the Sun. This can be a transit of rewards and even recognition. If so, then it can bring you confirmation that you are on the right track. It can also be a time of reorientation and readjustment, letting you know what you might want to do to get yourself back on track just in case you have gone astray. Sun/Venus asks: What are your most heartfelt goals, and are you still moving in the right direction in order to achieve them? 


Even though Venus is said to be diminished by the strength of the Sun’s rays when they are so closely conjunct as they are over the next few weeks, the Superior Conjunction of Venus, can be a time of rewards, and perhaps even recognition. At the very least it can bring some sort of confirmation that you are on course with fulfilling some of your heartfelt goals. Whether that means a raise, a promotion, or even a pat on the back, pay attention to what is being brought to you. Venus in Aries is fiery and passionate, and perhaps a little impulsive. But as both the Sun and Venus shift signs this weekend, it is making us more clearly aware of exactly what or who, or how or where you want to be. Aries is not only passionate, it is also direct and to the point. And enthusiastic about what it wants and desires. And just knowing what you want is half the battle. 


As the Sun returns to Aries this weekend, and heralds in a new astrological year, the rush of enthusiasm and vital energy that this transit brings each year is urging you to look beyond your usual haunts. There is a whole world of possibilities just waiting to be explored. And since the Sun also has Venus in tow, it’s asking some simple questions of Leo over the next few weeks: Now that you have discovered certain areas of your life that have brought a certain amount of satisfaction and maybe even some personal rewards: What more do you want to do with that? What more would you want to learn to enhance that experience? This could also bring the inclination to want to travel and explore new territories abroad, but if that is not possible yet, how can you broaden your horizons in other ways? Mentally? Academically? Spiritually? Creatively? Where can you go, and what can you do, in order to be further inspired? 


One thing that becomes apparent is that when we speak in whispers, we can’t always be heard. But if others are ready, willing and able to bring their voices to the table, then together we can make a loud enough noise to be heard. Especially about things that matter. And speaking of things that matter, now that both the Sun and Venus are moving into Aries this weekend, you are being reminded about the other sorts of advantages that come when we are willing to not only share our voices, but share our resources, and sometimes our hearts and minds. So much more can be accomplished when we collaborate, and are willing to make enough compromises in order to work in common cause. You may even be reaping some of the benefits of having done so in the past. Now look at where your combined efforts can be put to further good use. 


Over the next few weeks you’ll be noticing who are the people who have been there for the long haul, through thick and thin, high and low. The ones that you know you can count on to be there to fill in the spaces, be your cheering squad, and stand up for you when you’re needing that little extra moral support and leverage. Think of this as gratitude week for all the awesome people in your life that make your life possible, and that you know you couldn’t do what you do without them. But also know that this goes both ways. They support you and rally you on, because they see something in you that you may not fully see in yourself. They are shining a mirror back at you, even as you are loving them for being exactly who they are. Whether these be your partners, your allies, your friends, your clients, your mentors or counselors. Together you are exponentially so much more than your individual selves. 


If you were to think of one primary goal that you would like to see accomplished this coming year, what would that look like? Is there a home project that you would like to bring to completion? Is there a health goal that you would like to achieve? Are there better habits that you’ve been trying to cultivate? This is a good time to set those goals, follow through with goals that you had already begun. Use the momentum of the Aries Ingress this weekend to get started. It can bring just the surge of energy and enthusiasm you need to get you motivated and moving. All you need to do is to channel some of that passionate and fiery energy into whatever area you need revitalized, rebuilt or improved. And there will be no stopping you once you begin. One thing that can surely motivate anyone these days, is seeing the positive results of efforts that have already been made. Use that as your incentive. 


You may be a little on the quiet side these days, but people better watch out, for you’re not likely to sit back and let too many things slide by. If something sounds a little off center, you’ll be the first one to let them know. And in no uncertain terms. Now that both the Sun and Venus are entering Aries this weekend, you are not likely to hold back. See if you can channel some of that fiery enthusiasm of the season to get yourself motivated, rocking and rolling. Is there some area of your life that you’re feeling pretty good about lately? Something that you want to be part of? Perhaps a creative venture? Or an opportunity to show off what you can do? What are those things where you have received some of your greatest rewards, and how can you do more of that, but maybe with a different twist this time. Something that looks like your own sort of brand and style. 


This is a really good week to follow through with goals. Not only are we being motivated and energized by the Aries Ingress this weekend, but a Mars/Saturn trine will allow us to take some of that energy and channel it in some sort of constructive and practical way. Mars/Saturn energy is great for any sort of activity that requires patience, planning, discipline and persistence. That would be true even if your heart were not into it. But because The Sun and Venus are joining forces for the next few weeks, you will be further energized by any positive progress that you make. It’s that positive feedback that gives you that incentive to keep on going on, and tackle even those hard challenges that you may have been avoiding. That home improvement project you were wanting to get to? That health and wellness regimen you’ve been wanting to tackle? Now’s the time to take it on. 


Anything you’ve been putting off or avoiding? Now’s your time to take it on. A fabulous Mars/Saturn trine is incentivizing you to follow through with your plans. This is a transit that brings the self-discipline, patience and organization to tackle even the most strenuous, or challenging of goals. But even more so, with the Sun and Venus entering Aries this weekend, we’ve got this rush of fiery energy and enthusiasm to get us moving in the first place. See if you can channel some of that raw enthusiasm that comes with the Aries Ingress to be inspired to take on some sort of challenge. It can be something as simple as trying something new. Or do something in a different way. Something that you’ve been wanting to do, but just couldn’t seem to get started. Just know, that once you do get started, that Mars/Saturn transit will give you the discipline and staying power to follow through and stay on course. 


Even though we are moving into Aries season this weekend there are still enough remnants of the Pisces phase to keep you wistfully dreaming and looking for opportunities to escape. Just know that now that we are entering the highly charged realm of Aries that there will be all of these distractions that are likely to get in the way. This could be annoying. However one of the advantages to Aries season is the incentive it brings to re-charge all of our batteries. Aries is a sign of rebirth, renewal and action. It can also bring incentive in other ways. For instance, seeing positive results for efforts that we have made in the past, that makes it all worth its while. If you were to choose a particular project or goal that you would like to see accomplished over the next few weeks, where would you want to channel some of that Aries enthusiasm and energy? What would be your top priority?