Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: March 26th thru April 2nd

For the week of March 26th thru April 2nd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


There is plenty of self-blame to go around when Chiron is in your own sign. And then when the Full Moon comes in, as it does this weekend, to shine a light on all of the crap you did, and all of the messes you made, there is enough self-incrimination to be shared by all. This may or may not be accurate. The human condition is what it is, which at best is far from perfect. But not much can be accomplished by carrying around regrets, shame and self-blame like a 100 pound knapsack, weighing you down. If you were to look objectively at the circumstances of your choices, you can see them for what they are. And then scatter them with leaves of forgiveness for yourself and others. The Full Moon in Libra is an opportunity to lay to rest the choices of the past, with a resolve to do things better from here on out. For there is one thing that Aries always banks on, and that is that tomorrow is another day and another opportunity. 


Through the light of the Full Moon this weekend we all have the opportunity to uncover the secrets of that which drives and compels us to keep moving, keep driving, keep going forward no matter what. And enlaced in those deep seated motivations are also the remnants of wounds, regrets, and fears that we had tucked away out of sight in order not to deal with them. Full Moons have this way of unveiling things. Even things that we had thought we had dealt with a long time ago, locking them in a box, and tossing away the key. Even these have this miraculous way of being revealed. If that is so, it is time to clear out the box. Take a broom to the cobwebs at the back of the closet and beyond the dark corners of the wardrobe and heavy furniture of our lives. With acceptance, and yes, even forgiveness, we are asked to meet them where they are, and then to release these all. For without doing so, we might miss the glorious treasures that had also been inadvertently locked away with them as well. 


There are times when it is helpful to not have a specific schedule, to not have to be somewhere at a specific time, with a specific agenda. There are times when it is helpful to just let go, and let things flow as they will, at their own pace, in their own way. This is one of those weeks. To fight the urge will make it feel as if you are swimming upstream. And like something is missing. To go with the general flow, may show you things that you might otherwise miss or ignore, or not fully appreciate. We get so caught up with our destination, or what we are busily supposed to be doing, that we miss a lot along the way. Even if it’s something so simple as stopping to pay reverence to a blooming tree along the path, or to listen to the laughter of children playing, or to feel the texture of the bark on a tree. These are reminders that there is something more to this great and vast experiment we call life. That there is depth, and breadth, and meaning. Which is what makes it all worth its while. 


The Full Moon in Libra can be very revealing. For everyone it lays bare the wounds in our lives that we may have forgotten, may have covered up, buried beneath the debris of our busy lives, and tried to forget that they ever even existed. But they are there whether we acknowledge them or not. And events, circumstances, even a random comment, can force them to the surface. And with them come all the usual emotions. But there is something a little different about this Moon that allows us to look at these past events in our lives with a certain amount of objectivity. We are being told that whatever may have wounded and inhibited us in the past, no longer has any hold over us. At least to the extent that we will no longer allow it to do so. The evil ogres leaning over your shoulder and telling you that you are unworthy? You scoff at them all. You no longer need to prove yourself to the world at large, or to any lingering ghostly beasts, that dare to undermine your confidence. Send them off with a sandwich, love and forgiveness, remembering that this is truly the first day of the rest of your life. 


The world seems to be going to hell in a hand basket, and trying to take us all along for the ride. There are times when it seems best to shut the shades, lock the door and pretend no one is home. Maybe they will all just pass right by, and bring their pestilence with them. Unfortunately, it will soon become evident that life would be totally boring without the lot of them. You can’t live with them, but you can’t live without them either. One thing that becomes evident over time, and perhaps in the light of the Full Moon this weekend, is that humanity, at best, is fairly imperfect. And so are we all. This is what drives us crazy, but is also the very thing that binds us all. We are all just trying to make our way, bumping into the walls, and tripping over the carpet along the way. And even if the world is going to hell in a hand basket, it’s our world, and together, if we work at it, there is a vast potential for making it just a little bit better. 


What this week is good for: Binge watching that series you’ve been wanting to get to; Getting lost in a noteworthy novel; taking long meandering walks; and allowing yourself to be engulfed in your imagination or sitting in a wellspring of inspiration. It’s not that this week cannot also be productive. It can! In its own way, and according to its own schedule. It’s one of those weeks when you allow yourself to just be. Devoid of the should haves and could haves. Taking this necessary time out, can actually allow you to be more productive in the end. We occasionally need these rare diversions from our regularly scheduled lives in order to find ourselves again. One of the benefits to taking this time out, is that it permits us the objectivity to notice the beauty that we have right in front of us, rather than chasing mindlessly after that which we wish we had. The very thing we thought we needed was here all along. 


How many times in our lives have we said to ourselves, “What on Earth was I even thinking?”. And how many times have we said this in reference to our relationships? “What did I see in them?” “Why did I even go there?” “Was I out of my mind?” We are all allowed periodic travels to other spheres of madness in our lives. And chances are there are choices we have made that found us wandering down these pathways of redundancy. But the curious thing about choices is that we are always making them. And if we can get anything out of the Full Moon in your sign this week, it is that we don’t have to keep carrying around old resentments, anger, regrets about old choices that led us down the garden path of our lives. We can choose to believe that we are the victims of our past choices, and try to lay blame, and hope that they would just all go away. Or we can proudly wear our choices and our wounds like a badge of honor, as proof that we are indeed imperfect, and as such, are willing to make new and better choices going forward. Which includes building healthier and wiser and ever better alliances, despite ourselves. 


The Full Moon this weekend may cast a reminder on what it is that most needs healing in our lives. It’s not here to cast a light on our wounds, so much as to remind us of what we need to do to support our lives, to reinvest our lives with greater health, and well-being. Sometimes Full Moons can bring a certain situation to a crisis, or make us aware of an issue that we may not have been paying attention to. If that is the case, and there is something that you can do about your current circumstances, then do so. There is a certain practicality to this Moon as well. But if there is nothing to be done about a certain situation, then see what you can do to accept your current situation for what it is. One other thing that may become apparent is that you are not alone. That there are others here as well. And that they too are floundering along trying to make do. Together there is not only to be found healing, but the sort of strength that can only be found when we are courageous enough to share our wounds with others. 


Do not be afraid of what comes to the surface with this Full Moon this coming weekend. It can bring all sorts of things out into the open. All sorts of annoying and crappy things: Fears, shame, insecurities that you thought you had sorted out a long time ago. But also some really good things can come to the surface as well. Interlaced with pain and angst is a deep well of creative and illuminating inspiration. What may not be all that obvious, is that by paying heed to those creative urges, there can also be some opportunities to find deeper meaning and understanding. There are also opportunities to heal, when we are able to accept ourselves and others for who they are and where they are without judgment. And perhaps with the understanding that we are all just trying to make our way, in the best ways we know how. Knowing this can not only bring acceptance and perhaps even healing, but a deeper feeling of inclusion. We’re all just trying to do the best that we can. 


Something that we may become aware of in the light of the upcoming Full Moon this weekend, is that if someone is broken, or filled with pain, we may not be able to take away their pain, we may not be able to fix them, we may not be able to make them better, but what we can do is let them know that they are not alone. All that requires is to simply be there. Be present. And accept people for who they are and where they are. The same goes for our own situation. Just knowing that we have someone who gets us, who knows what it feels like to be in pain, to be confused and wandering blindly, to know what that actually feels like without us having to tell them. That is like a gift that keeps on giving. May we appreciate with awe, reverence and gratitude, all those who are here with us on the path. 


The Full Moon this weekend has this remarkable ability to shine a light on our lives. In the process it can bring up all sorts of things from the past, from the back corners of our memories, things that we may have forgotten, or thought neatly put away. Amongst the things being illuminated or rising to the surface, may be some old wounds, some pain that we had mislaid, but nonetheless persisted. One advantage to this Moon is that it allows us to look at these from a distance, with an objective eye. In this way, we can see these wounds for what they were. Like we are observing from afar. They can no longer entangle us or cause us to want to hide from them. Rather we are being asked to see them for what they are, with acceptance, forgiveness and understanding. There are other things that can rise to the surface as well: Such as an appreciation for our gifts, and talents, and capacity for understanding, which developed despite, or even because of these wounds. Through this process we come to appreciate this divine human condition in all its glory. 


This week we are being asked to open our eyes to see, to listen deeply with our ears, to feel the sensation of the air on our skin, to feel the breath of life permeate our cells. To feel more, see more, hear more, sense more. To notice what we usually so casually gloss over. In this way we see the meaning behind the words, the beauty beneath the surface, that which brings meaning into the our lives. This takes time. It means needing to slow down. Too often we miss so much by speeding through our days, and rushing past these important secret messages from the divine. They are here to remind us, that there is so much more to our lives, and to experience all that surrounds us, beyond those superficial glances or by merely skimming over the surface. There is so much more to be experienced when we take the time to pause and pay attention to this glorious life that is teeming all around us.