Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: April 2nd thru the 9th

“Ostara” by Johannes Gehrts

For the week of April 2nd thru the 9th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


Ever since Chiron entered your sign a few years ago, you’ve been coming to realize where you had let your guard down, and allowed all these invaders into your sacred space. There may yet be a few more reminders of where you have neglected some of the more essential fortifications. It’s not that you are uncaring. But there are times for self-care, self-healing and self-protection. Chiron is here to remind you that in order to be of any use to yourself or others, you have to serve your own needs first. A lot of releasing and letting go had occurred during the years that Chiron was in Pisces. But then 2019 came along, letting you know that those old contracts were expiring. And now you are re-learning how to live your life, and be your own person, according to your own terms. For it is only when you can experience life on your terms, that you will then have enough to spare for others. 


What are those things that you are most passionate about? What are those things that enflame your heart and soul? Those are the things that you will want to even more fully embrace, to make your own, to be part of your own essential self. These are what will support you, even in the most difficult and challenging of times. Even and especially in times of angst. With Chiron in Aries it could be that you find all sorts of things coming to the surface. Some that you would probably much prefer to ignore or excise away. However, interspersed with the wraiths and demons of the past and hidden realms, are other things far too worthy and valuable to ignore. Gifts, hidden talents, insights, and understanding. And even more precious than all of these, is the recognition of your interdependence with all of life, nature and spirit combined. The ultimate Chironic treasure.  


Mercury will enter Aries this weekend. Mercury in Aries tells it like it is. Without censorship or guile. In fact, one of the things we need to watch with this Mercury over the next few weeks, is saying everything that comes into our heads. All sorts of things can just pour out unheeded. However, with Chiron in the picture for the next few weeks, we will all become much too aware of the power of words and language, for words can both wound and heal. One other thing that Mercury in Aries can bring is the courage and conviction of our words. When we speak with confidence and with the intention to heal, our words can be very powerful indeed. Even if you are sometimes feeling like you are a lone voice speaking into the wind. Having the courage to speak out when it is needed can also allow you to use that healing voice for the greater good of a much larger whole. 


Chiron, though altogether wanting only to benefit and lead you to a higher level of healing and wholeness, can also expose all of our insecurities, even when it is in courageous Aries. So don’t be surprised if you find yourself questioning your own abilities, or wondering if you are truly qualified and capable. Or that you are going to have to work extra extra hard to prove your worth to the world. All that nonsense is coming to the surface so that you can consciously label it and send it on its way. Let those narratives know that they no longer have dominion over you. For when Chiron is in Aries, it brings the courage of acceptance. Acceptance of who you are, warts and all, and all in all, and it is this imperfection that is actually also a gift. For it is this that makes you that much more relatable, and all that much more perfect to others.. 


Chiron transiting in Aries can challenge everything that you once believed to be true, whether that be your religion, your ideology…. almost anything that you would be willing to put your back up against the wall for. And as the elements of your life seem to become unglued, rearranged, and redefined, the multitude of experiences that you had over the past so many years seem to be bringing you somewhere that you’ve never been to before. A whole new perspective is opening up. It’s like that old song, “How are you going to keep ‘em down on the farm, after they’ve seen Paree?” You could go to Paris. You could go to Kenya, Peru, or gorgeous Bequia, if it weren’t for all the current travel restrictions. But you don’t really even have to go anywhere now that you have Chiron traveling in Aries. For the way you are experiencing the world through the Chironic lens, is so transforming, and perhaps even enlightening, that you will never see the world quite the same way again. And you don’t even have to go anywhere to achieve that. 


As Chiron ekes its way through Aries, absolutely nothing is sacred. Chiron is digging around in the dumpster of our lives, exposing even the most scandalous secrets. Nothing remains hidden, and everything is exposed. That includes things that we normally prefer not to discuss around the dinner table, things like sexuality, addiction, insanity, death, the occult, and even your taxes! But betwixt and between the painful and the shameful are some nuggets of illuminating truth. Chiron’s theme of acceptance is not about shoving all these scandalous notions into a box somewhere. Chiron’s theme of acceptance is about reclaiming your passion from beneath these wraiths, and using it to transform what once seemed so shameful, into the ability to be relatable. For after all, we are all struggling through this grand experiment we call life together, and it is together that we will emerge stronger, wiser, and so much more interesting than before. 


Ever since Chiron entered Aries in 2019, it’s been reminding you that you too are allowed to take up space. But it can get so convoluted when we try to reclaim it. Out of habit we keep on falling back on what we know, and what we always have done in the past. Which includes our collusion in our own subjugation! It begins with trying to ignore what the other people are doing or saying. Why rock the boat? The thing is, ever since Chiron moved into Aries, it’s not so easy to ignore things, or to not rock the boat. No matter how neatly your wounds are intertwined with theirs. Sometimes the boat needs a little rocking. Especially when things get so uncomfortable, that you know you are going to have to bite the bit, and begin, ever so gradually to disentangle yourself from the knots you have tied yourself into. And only then can true wholeness and healing be achieved with others. 


Just when you healed that one ailing, stranded kitten, along comes another one to take its place. There’s a never-ending swarm of ailments to sort through. And it never ceases to amaze you. If not the kittens, then your relatives, and if not your relatives or your spouse, or Harry from down the street, it’s yourself. This finds you sorting out all of the sundry healing methods, chiropractors, reiki and homeopathy in order to find the best healing methods available. And then there’s all that holistic mind/body stuff too! Just wait until Aunt Mary finds out about that new yoga pose you just learned about. Or your sister Veronica learns about that anti-inflammatory drink that’s been working so well! But that’s the key now that Chiron is in Aries. What you are learning, is not only about your own survival in these godforsaken times, but about what supports each and every one who happens to come strolling through your life these days. Even the kittens.   


You might want to ask yourself, what is holding you back? What is standing in the way? Is it the judgment of others that makes you second-guess yourself? Or is it the fear that others will judge you? What are the things that you’ve been avoiding because you think you are not going to be good enough? Since when has that stopped you in the past? Just let it all out. Even if that means standing on the corner and screaming at the wind. You need a way to channel all of your angst, all of the accumulated pain of the ages, in one meaningful, cathartic and soulful howl. Find your medium, and let it wail from the depths of your soul. What comes through will not only heal your own soul, but will heal others as well. We’re all feeling it right now! Let it wail, and before you know it you will have attracted a full chorus. 


When you explore where you came from, much can fill you with pride. Not only from your roots, your heritage, your history, your background. But also how you were able to make the most of what you had, and what you started with. Not all was perfect. There may have been that one parent, that one relative, that no one wants to talk about any more. Or perhaps it wasn’t an individual, but that one incident that everyone pretends never happened. Healing comes when we realize that no one is perfect. That there are always going to be imperfections. But healing also comes when we learn to honor our ancestors, even those that no one wants to talk about. Even that thing that happened a long time ago. For interlaced in all that, are the gifts that you would not have had, but for them. 


Pay attention to what you hear. There may be some news that you would rather not receive. Accept it all. Look between the lines. Be present. Hear and listen, and be willing to speak about even those things that you would normally prefer to avoid. Especially those. You are learning to share passionately and from the heart. And by sharing, you are learning to heal. And in the process you are also learning about the power of words and language. Words can heal, but they can also wound, like a weapon thrust into the soul of your opponent. It’s in the delivery and the message. How we use words, and how we use language can be extremely significant this week. Therefore pause before it all comes spilling out. Will you choose the spikes and barbs? Or will you choose healing and connecting? 


Sometimes it can feel like there are certain things that are just plain unavoidable. No matter how much you wish to hide, and pull down the blinds. Stuff catches up with us. Sometimes regrettably. If regret does insinuate itself into your world this week, and there is something that you can do about it, then do it. If not, then see how you can adjust your awareness so that you can arrive at a place of acceptance for the way things are. Even so at times it can just feel so overwhelming. Therefore also remember to give yourself space and time to adjust. Trying to push beyond your boundaries will only leave you drained. Do take that time out to wonder, to be, to withdraw from the world, if you must. But not without acknowledging all those who are here, swimming in this great ocean of life right along with you. They’re the ones who are going to make it all worth the while.