Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: April 16th thru the 23rd

“Bauerngarten mit Sonnenblumen” by Gustav Klimt

For the week of April 16th thru the 23rd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Mars has been taking you all on a bit of a wild ride lately. My advice is to hold on tight, because he’s not yet through. The landscape may be changing, but the adventure continues. The New Moon last week was daring you to take the plunge and go in a new direction, or make a new start, following through on a new idea or initiative. This coming week and the weeks that follow are about looking for the ways that you can make an even deeper commitment to that new beginning, while also looking for ways to make it more sustainable, and worth your while. How are you going to follow through? Is it worth your while? This may mean putting yourself out on a limb, or taking a few risks, but the end results could prove to be even more than you originally bargained for. That is, if you are ready and willing to go off road. And Mars is more than willing to get you there. Just hang on.


As Venus is now totally re-invested in your sign this week, dare to reflect on those things, people, experiences that you have a yen for, that you might want more of in your life, that bring you happiness and pleasure. What to you is most beautiful and sublime? What are those things that make your heart sing? Or better yet, Sing out Loud? These may be evolving. They may even be changing. Do not be alarmed. In some remarkable way, you’ve been perhaps experimenting, reaching beyond your usual haunts, trying new things. You’ve been rediscovering and reclaiming yourself. And once you have found that self, you will not want to compromise it for anything. For what you are becoming is a truer, more authentic, version of yourself. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Lucky for you, reinforcements are arriving on Monday, when the Sun and Mercury enter your sign. Welcome to Taurus season. 


Gemini is a social sign, and with raucous and boundary breaking Mars in your sign for the rest of the week, you all must be just chomping at the bit to be free, and be able to roam your environs. However much you may want to roam and revive your social life, it will be the moments alone that will be most illuminating this week. And perhaps even surprising. There’s no telling what you may discover, or what will be unearthed when you are alone with your own mind and memories. One thing that will be gradually more apparent, are those things that you carry but no longer need. This is because all these things that you hold on to from a life that once was, are swiftly becoming irrelevant for the person you are coming to be. It’s time to clear out all the space junk in your life and in your mind, so that you can then eventually proceed with a much lighter load in the future. 


When Mars enters your sign on the 23rd there will be no holding you back. You’ve been sorting, plotting and planning behind the scenes, just getting ready to make your move. Not that you haven’t already been taking the initiative. The recent New Moon, if channeled correctly, could bring a tremendous surge of initiative and action. But once Mars enters Cancer you’ll be ready to take on almost any challenge. And one of the reasons for this, is all of the work that you’ve been doing up until this point. Continue to tie up any loose ends this week. Once the Sun and Mercury enter Taurus on Monday, they will be setting the stage for any changes that you’ve been hoping to make. Taurus is a sign of commitment. So once you make up your mind, there will be no turning back. And once Mars enters Cancer on the 23rd, you won’t.  


After one final cry of righteous indignation this weekend, you’ll probably be weary enough and ready to finally lay down your weapons at the door. You’ve fought the good fight as well as you can. However, don’t get too comfortable for there’s still plenty of work to do. What may have, or will become apparent are all the things that still need to be rectified, healed, repaired, or fixed, and can no longer be ignored. It’s time to follow through with promises, make commitments and sort out what are going to be those things that you will want to tend to first and foremost. It’s a matter of priorities. And once Leo makes a commitment, they are sure-fired to follow through. There’s also something here about being an example for others to follow. And if you can set the trend, then others are sure to stand up and notice. It’s about doing the right thing, and being the change that you would like to see in the world.  


Even if you must scream it from the mountain tops, there is something in you that feels compelled to declare, even with a bit of righteous indignation, what needs to be corrected in this world. Virgo is usually mostly concerned with the details of a matter. What makes things tick. But as you dare to look out the door, and see all the injustices, the irreparable mistakes, the convoluted and pitiful excuses being made, it’s going to be hard for you to keep your own counsel. It truly is a matter of justice and rightness in the world. One way we can all make a difference however, is through our own actions. Motivated by this sense of righteousness, see if you can channel it in some sort of useful and constructive way. While Mercury has been in Aries, you’ve been given the courage of your own voice. Now look for ways that you can further walk the walk, as well as talk the talk. 


Whenever Venus connives with Uranus we are in danger of spending with wild abandon, or stepping outside our usual conventions. Later, we may wonder what came over us, to be so reckless? But then again, what is reckless spending (or abandon), and what is daring to reclaim your own reckless soul? Note that these may or may not be connected. As Venus entered Taurus last week, she’s been whispering in the dark recesses of your heart: This is you… this is your own… reclaim it, if you dare. And how can you place a price on all that? On what is you, and truly yours? On giving in to your own unique inner calling? You are following the yearnings of your soul’s behests. And these are hard to bargain with. In some way you are being called to do something different. To step out of character, and have the courage to follow your fascination. Remember this, when the dark shades of guilt and/or regret try to creep in and crash the party later on. 


It’s hard to abandon your own wild and driven heart, especially when your yearnings are all so large and magnificently relevant these days. And there just seems to be something so righteous about all this. Like following a calling. Like stepping up to the plate, and doing the right thing. Like being brave and standing for something. Anything. All the more so, when you realize that you are not alone. There are others here with you who share your passion, and share your vision. For together you can achieve so much more, than you possibly could on your own. And just wait. For there are even more reinforcements coming this week, and that can make all the difference in the world. Don’t be alarmed. They may be quite different from your usual sorts of allies. Just know that they are here to remind you of who you really are. 


The wind is shifting this week. That sense of adventure, the urge to do something, to try something new, to take on new challenges, to play, to dream, to hope, still lingers through much of this week. But now that we are entering Taurus season as Mercury and the Sun enter this sign on Monday, there is that realization that it’s time to get back to business. Practical considerations are needing attention: your job, your health, your diet, your activity, your work environment, your daily routines and habits. And although there is this longing to stick with what you know, there is also this understanding that many of these are probably needing some kind of an update, or at the very least a reassessment. Is that diet working for you? Are you happy with your current routines? Is there a more efficient or better way of getting your work done? What about that exercise regimen you’ve been promising yourself? The end game is about an ever-evolving better version of you. 


It almost feels like some sort of closure needs to be made. Some final adjustment. Some declarative statement that readjusts the power, and lets everyone know precisely who is really in charge here. Even if that means having to lay down the law. Once the boundaries have been reset, and roles redefined, then you can follow through on any initiatives and plans that you have been trying to get moving. Things are still in their early stages though. And there are so many practical details to be worked through. Yet despite all these practicalities, despite all the to-do lists, the wind is shifting. Prepare for a down shift. Once that closure is established, you will want to decide how best to use your valuable time, energy and resources. And use them in a way that not only helps you to continue to build what you have started, but will bring you some joyful satisfaction as well. 


There is a sense of emergence that comes at this time of year. It does for many. But for Aquarius it can feel as if you are coming out of a period of obscurity. Not that you were purposely hiding yourself away. It’s mostly that at this previous quarter of the year, you’ve been silently working on yourself, your own personal needs and self-development. And in many ways you’ve been reacquainting yourself, with yourself.  Knowing who you are, what you want, and what is available to you, will give you greater clarity moving forward. For it is really at this point in the year in which you begin to think about what you might wish to accomplish. What you might want to do. Therefore, as Sun and Mercury move into Taurus on Monday, think to yourself: What sorts of plans or goals do you wish to commit to over the next 6 months? Where do you see yourself going? And what would you like to do? It’s time for you to step out on to the stage of life once again. 


There is a vibrant sense of optimism that feels like the brush of the wings of a bird against your cheek. Soft, but deliberate, and able to fly. Startlingly, it feels like hope. That there’s something more, something different to come. Perhaps even something exciting. And you may even see some inklings of the promise to come, sooner than you might have anticipated. But not quite yet. It’s still in its incipient stages, lurking like a secret in the back corners, just waiting for its debut. In the mean time you will be preparing and gathering. Like a forager of messages. What you learn over the next few weeks could prove to be enlightening, and even interesting. More important, it will be useful information. The sorts of information you will need and come to rely on as you gradually make your transition over the year ahead.