Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: April 23rd thru the 30th

For the week of April 23rd thru the 30th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


What you learn within the ambit of the upcoming Full Moon, can reconfirm for you what you might most want to protect or defend, make safe and secure. For things can be disclosed in the light of the Full Moon, that we might not have seen before. That might be unnerving. It may be that you did not want to see, or that things were lying hidden in recesses, away from your view. But the light of a Full Moon can reveal so many things. Including things about ourselves. These Moons can compel us to face ourselves in ways that we would rather avoid. But in some way you are now actually ready to do so. And you just may surprise yourself in ways that you had not expected. Yes, it is easiest to be safe, and not rock the boat. But there are also times for incremental growth, if we but dare to do so. It is always a bit interesting to see what is going to be revealed in these Full Moon periods. But once revealed, the question is then posed, Where do you want to go from here?   


Full Moons are often times of disclosure. All the more so with the Scorpio Full Moon which often brings buried feelings and emotions up and on to the surface of our lives. These are the sorts of Moons in which people disclose their true feelings, both intentionally and impulsively, through words, thoughts, deeds. These are the sorts of Moons that can make or break relationships, or put you on guard and in defensive mode against the poisonous and reckless barbs of the Scorpion’s sting. This is because everything, all the feelings, come to the surface at these times. But these Moons can also be times in which you might want to reassess agreements or promises made in the past. Were these reasonable. Are they working out? If not, this might be when you are seriously thinking of revising them. Just remember, it might not be a matter of this or that, who’s right and who’s wrong.. it just may be that you are needing to find a different way of approaching the current situation that will work best for everyone involved. 


In some way your intuition is trying to tell you something. Show you something. But the logical part of your mind keeps on trying to interfere with all of its questions and rationalization. But then along comes the Full Moon in Scorpio, and that which you had previously rejected out of skepticism, can no longer be ignored. And as a result you will never quite see things the same way again. These momentary glimpses of illumination can be mind blowing. Another area where the Full Moon may be shedding some light are in the more mundane departments of your life, having to do with your work, your workplace, or anything health related. Full Moons can bring confirmation for any changes made, or new regimens established. And it can bring to the surface any feelings you may have about these, and how they are working out for you. Especially if there have been any changes, or you were planning any for the future. 


With the Full Moon in Scorpio you are being asked to pay more attention to those things and people that make your heart sing. What have you been neglecting or denying yourself? Full Moons are emotional, they can be cathartic, and bring things out into the open. And sometimes in sudden and unexpected ways. And that includes all those feelings. Feelings that had been buried. Feelings that had been denied, or that you were afraid to share. Now they can no longer be contained. And you will want to know more. How do they really feel about me? And I about them? Linked with the sudden urge to make an open proclamation, you can learn something about a loved one, a child, or something that is incredibly meaningful to you. Don’t deny it. Don’t push it or them away. Don’t fear it. What you are seeing, learning, and understanding is daring to make your life fuller, rarer and richer all at once. Like a destiny fulfilled, a deeper truth is being revealed. 


When the Full Moon is in Scorpio it could feel as if all your secrets, all your hidden feelings, even all your skeletons in the closet, are being laid bare for all to see. All sorts of things can come to the surface, and are not so easily contained. That is the nature of these Full Moons, revealing, exposing and bringing things to a head. One other thing that can become evident in the light of the Full Moon in Scorpio and that is how or where the balance between your personal needs, desires, and obligations, may have been put on the back burner for the sake of your work, goals, or other responsibilities. And therefore, how can you restore the balance between your inner and outer lives. How can you further nurture greater safety, security, and belonging within your community and tribe? As for the skeletons emerging from the closet, George Bernard Shaw once said, “If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.”


There is something absolutely brilliant about the merger of your ruling planet Mercury and illuminating Uranus this weekend. In some way you are being asked to look at things from another angle, in a different way. And by doing so you will see solutions where previously you only saw obstacles. One thing that may become evident, is that it is not necessarily a matter of this or that; of yes or no. For the solution may lie somewhere else. In some way you are being asked to look for creative or ‘other’ solutions. And just in case you miss the memo this weekend, the Full Moon in Scorpio will lay it all out for you to see in plain sight. What you hear, what you learn, what you come to understand, could prove to be illuminating. It could also feel emotionally and mentally overwhelming, if you are inundated with too much information. Flexibility will be required, for betwixt and between, there may be an unexpected shift of plans. 


How can you further increase your self-worth? Or make these more stable, and your lifestyle more sustainable? The Full Moon is shining a light on your personal assets, income and spending, and may be asking you to objectively examine these in a new light. What are you holding on to, that is no longer serving you? This may be an idea, a concept, or even a fear or doubt that is holding you back. In some way you may be asked to release old self-limiting soul contracts that are preventing you from embracing your own sense of abundance, self-worth and even self-esteem. Ask yourself, how well you value your skills and talents, and what you have to offer to others? This cannot and should not be one-sided, but as with the flow of all energy and cycles, is a divine reciprocal exchange of sharing, giving and receiving, that allows all life to thrive and grow. 


The two lunations to watch and pay attention to each year are the New and Full Moons in your own sign. The New Moon is about planting seeds, and new starts. The Full Moon in Scorpio is where you see certain causes set in motion in the past, now coming to fruition. This is when you ask: are the choices you have made in the past bringing you where you intended to go? Are there any adjustments you might want to make in order to get you back on track? And because this Full Moon is so deeply invested in all things Scorpio, including yourself, you might want to pay attention to what is coming to light about yourself, that you may not have previously realized. And in some way this Moon is daring you to change the way that you see yourself. You are being seen, whether you wish to be or not, and what is being reflected back to you could prove to be confirming, or even surprising.  The Full Moon on the 26th (27th) will most affect those born between October 27th or November 2nd, or who have 4-10º of Scorpio Rising, but all Scorpios will be feeling this illuminatingly Super Full Moon. 


All things are revealed in the light of the Full Moon this coming week. Even those things that you would have much  preferred to stay hidden, or safely ensconced in the past from whence they came. Even things that were previously hidden, lost or forgotten can show up like a bad penny that you can’t unburden yourself from. And even things that were deliberately being hidden from view. Secrets are revealed. Memories resurface. Ghosts and wraiths from the past come back to visit. As a result of what you learn, however, these can lead you to see things in a very different light. And so much can be illuminated. This Full Moon is shining a light into even the darkest corners of your subconscious mind, and there’s no telling what will emerge as a result: all those wraiths and ghosts perhaps; but also messages from beyond, inner guidance, or a memory that still lingers from some forgotten time, trying to remind you of who you once were, and still are yet to be. 


As Pluto stations this week, it is doubling down in these very last degrees of your sign, reminding you of all that you have so far accomplished, all that you have survived, lived through, and even overcome. For those of you in these very last degrees of the sign, this may still be raw and still in the transformative stages, but perhaps even so much more relevant to who you are, and what you are capable of being and becoming. To face down and go through these Plutonian transits is nothing less than an initiation into a higher order, in which you are then given the keys to the helm of your own ship. Through this process Capricorn has been reassessing and revising their hopes and aspirations for the future. What you learn, what you now know is gradually shifting the paradigm. The Full Moon is showing you, in some significant way, that dreams can still be fulfilled, though not necessarily by the means you had originally envisioned. 


In what way are you being seen, noticed, appreciated, regarded in the light of the upcoming Full Moon? Through one of your important roles in life, you could be feeling celebrated, vindicated, and confirmed. You are being shown the fruits of your labors. This can go both ways though, for both rewards and consequences can come out with the Full Moon. Either way, whether you are feeling showered in the light, or dealing with the consequences of decisions made in the past, it could feel as if you are being given some sort of vantage point. For at this place you are able to see all the decisions and events that have led up to this point, and how these have impacted the present, and can also reveal a clearer path going forward. 


Full Moons can often be illuminating, and this one can feel even more so. It’s as if you can now see what you were needing to see, or knowing what you needed to know, in order to move forward with your current objectives or goals. Sometimes what we learn at these times can feel surprising, and even catch us off guard. As if you hadn’t even seen that one coming. And sometimes you may even find that what you had previously always thought to be true about someone or something, or even an idea, is being challenged. Realize that if an idea or belief is sound, it should be able to stand up against even the most rigorous of arguments. And if indeed you were misinformed, distracted or diverted, Full Moons are good times to get yourself back on track again. Back to where you intended to be in the first place.