Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: April 30th thru May 7th

“The Goddess Flora” by Evelyn de Morgan

For the week of April 30th thru May 7th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Raucous Mars is still out of bounds. What this means for Aries is the willingness to step outside of your usual boundaries and haunts. It’s not so much about testing your own limits, as it is to show others that Aries simply can not and will not be contained. You are vast, and there is a whole new world order to contend with and be built, and you will want to be at the vanguard of your own little piece of that world, making sure that you have some kind of say in the proceedings. When they told us a year ago that it was not so much about growing back to what was, but instead towards what we can become, you took this quite literally. In thought, action and in deed, you are ready to take on the challenge. Watch out world. Aries has their boots on the ground. 


We cannot emphasize enough how important it has been for Taurus to find themselves in the scheme of things. That is that authentic, real self, without all the filters and the compromises. Realize that what feels right for you, may be quite different from what is right for others. There is no right or wrong way. It’s not a matter of what is better or worse. It’s about what is right for you. And anyone or anything that attempts to make you conform to some other standard, will have you running for the hills. That is why you might want to reexamine certain responsibilities and obligations that might be binding you. If there is nothing you can do about them at this time, might there be something that you can do to shift the focus, just enough so that you can better tolerate them? At least until the day that something finally shifts, and you are free to revel unhindered in your true authentic self.


It is hard to concentrate when your mind is on bigger issues and more long-range plans. And with all the distractions, excitement and what not, you’ll want to make sure that you don’t miss any of the important facts and details. For once your ruling planet, Mercury, comes home to roost in its home sign, you’ll just be awash with information. And inquiring minds will want to know everything there is to know. Especially as you are also going to have plenty to talk about. You’ve just been saving it all up for just this sort of chance. A certain restlessness is going to be bringing us all out of doors, wanting to re-engage the world and everything in it. It will be all you can do to keep up. Do know, that due to Mercury’s retrograde phase (from May 29th thru June 22nd), that you will have plenty of time to entertain your Mercurial whims, as Mercury will remain at home in your sign all the way thru to the 11th of July. Get your notepad out, you’ll want to take notes and keep track of absolutely everything.  


The last quarter moon in Aquarius on May 3rd is re-emphasizing the lingering Saturn/Uranus square of change and transition. We’ll all be riding this wave throughout the year. Whether that means adjusting along with everyone else to the changes imposed on us in the outer world; or if it means negotiating the changes in your own personal life. It could feel like we are all crossing a threshold. And in some ways your life will never be quite the same again. But this does not come without a certain amount of trepidation, or even a little remorse for what once was. Even good changes can bring their own sadness for what we used to have and rely on. But rather than looking longingly at the past, gather the tribe and the forces, and look to the future with anticipation and a brave heart for what is yet to come. Together you can take on even the most formidable of challenges. 


There is a reason why we were being advised last year to grow back, not to what was, but instead towards what we can become. This has been a year of transition and evolutionary growth, and Leo has been brought along for the ride. In a way, the stars have been aligned for you to make real progress towards this end, if you are willing to do the extra work that is being required of you; and you are able to connect the dots. And one thing you might want to ask yourself this week might be: who are those you surround yourself with, that really see you and appreciate your most authentic and true self? And who do you see walking with you on your journey ahead? These are the ones who are part of that becoming, which will allow you to most fully express that true and authentic self to the world at large. 


Your ruling planet, Mercury, is about to shift into the social sign of Gemini this week. Once it crosses that threshold, it will be all we can do to keep up with you. We’ll all be feeling a little restless and ready to take on the world, but Virgo is really ready and raring to go. You’ve been practicing and poised for this next leg of your journey for the past several weeks. Now you finally see the results and rewards of all that you have been working on all year. Now you’re ready to step up to the plate. And along with everyone else this can and is likely to include some sort of new reality and adjustment to a whole new paradigm. Be prepared for a lot of discussions and plans taking place over the next few weeks and even months. This will find you looking forward, while also nostalgically looking back, as you explore all the choices, hard work and decisions that have brought you to this place in time, and where you will go from here. 


Freedom can mean different things for different people. Financially it can mean having the freedom to be able to purchase that big ticket item you so want and desire. For others it can mean being able to pay down all their debt, so that they can then have the freedom that comes with being debt free. The latter might make a lot of sense when you consider the current state of affairs in the world. And who knows what tomorrow will bring? And one way of coping with uncertainty is by not feeling indebted or having to rely on others, if it is at all possible. And it certainly is not helpful if you are sitting around waiting for some other unannounced shoe to fall. As Charlotte Bronte once wrote: “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will.” So says Libra this week in her new-found declaration of independence. 


Change can be a wonderful thing. Especially if you are prepared for it. Especially if it serves your purposes and allows you the freedom to be able to pursue your goals independently and through your own free will. But even good changes can bring an element of sadness for what once was, and what you are leaving behind: good friends, a community, a certain familiarity, like an old pair of jeans that fit you just right. And then they wore out. As one part of you longs for what once was, or who you truly thought was the one, or what you thought was so comfortable at the time, there’s this other part of you that stands on the brink of the next great phase of your life. And you stand there wondering about what is yet to come. Whether you realize it or not, you need space to breathe. And going forward, that will make all the difference in the world.  


What’s been holding you back? What’s been keeping you from living your most authentic life? This week could find you fussing about trying to make all sorts of plans, and moving back out into the world. At least in whatever way is possible, within your current limitations. It’s those limitations that might be frustrating you this week. However, Sagittarius is a sign that is great at accommodating and adjusting to whatever the circumstances might be. Even if that means that you have to work within certain guidelines, expectations or limits. For once you become aware of exactly what your limitations are, then you will be able to know just how far you can go. And maybe, just maybe, just a little bit further. Because, well… Sagittarius. If there’s an escape hatch, or a way out of a jam, you all will find it. 


You’re going to be holding down the fort while everyone else will carry on with their reckless ways. They can all fuss and carry on with their mad adventures, high flung plans and reframing the world. You know what you have to do, and you are going to do it. You’ve got certain obligations and responsibilities to tend to, and you’re not going to let any nonsense or distractions get in your way. We all have places where we would rather be, or things that we would much rather be doing. But when you make a promise, you just need to follow through. Now, once you get all your work done, and the check is in the bank, that’s another story. Then and only then, will you let down your hair, and put up your feet. You’ve got goals. 


What is it that you might be holding on to so tightly, that you find it difficult to let go of? What vestiges from the past, what old net of safety are you still clinging to? What have you outgrown?  It’s certainly hard to break old habits, or to change up what you have been so familiar with. But there comes a time when you can no longer ignore the call of the wild. Like a butterfly that has finally emerged from its cocoon. You can keep on trying to crawl like a caterpillar, until you realize that you now have wings, and can fly. This is a transition year for everyone. But in some ways it is even more poignant (and disorienting) for Aquarius, because you are finally emerging from that cocoon, and all the rules are changing. 


In some way, even Pisces is being called to step outside of their usual ways of doing things. This may mean taking a few chances, of perhaps stepping outside of your comfort zone. Not too much, so that you feel as if you are going to have a panic attack. Just enough to test the limits of your endurance and see how far you can go. You are not quite yet ready to fly, but you are getting close. And the thought of escape will be taunting you over the next few months. Taunting you with the possibility of hope and anticipation and mad adventure. In the mean time it is good to be cognizant of your limitations, and work within those expectations. Even making small changes can have this remarkable way of opening you up to creative possibility, and looking at your life from another perspective. Small is good right now.