Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: April 9th thru the 16th

“Aries” by Francesco del Cossa

For the week of April 9th thru the 16th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Happy Birthday month to all the Aries brethren. Even if the New Moon does not land on your birthday or on your Ascendant this is still a powerful New Moon of new beginnings for you. It will be especially powerful for those born within a few days of April 12th, or if your Ascendant is within a few degrees of 22º Aries. For all Aries this is a time of renewed self-awareness and self-understanding. This will help you in deciding what you might want to focus on and where you want to channel all of this incoming energy. It can be as simple as beginning a new health or exercise regimen. Or figuring out what is the most important goal or challenge you would like to see yourself achieve. What are the qualities that you like about yourself, and what would you want to further cultivate? What would you need most to be a healthier, stronger, or a more honest, authentic and self-assured Self? This is where and when you are being asked to take hold of the direction of your life: this includes how you want to be seen, your appearance as well as your attitude. Today, truly, is the first day of the rest of your life. Make it your own. 


You may wonder why you are feeling so positive, hopeful and inspired with the upcoming New Moon. It’s as if you are being relieved, cleansed and purified all at the same time. This is an excellent time for crystal work, or to clear out all the inner channels that may have become clouded over or congested. Make room for new seeds of inspiration and motivation to take root and grow. One way to help facilitate the process is by tackling any Spring cleaning projects, or if you live down under, preparing for the Winter months ahead by getting your provisions and environment in order. By removing the excess and clutter in your outer life, you are symbolically clearing out the excess and clutter within, and releasing it out into the universe to be recycled from whence it came. Then as your ruling planet Venus enters Taurus on the 14th, know that you are ready and open for those seeds of inspiration to take root. You are preparing your way back home. 


As we move towards the New Moon on Monday you may rediscover and come to appreciate a specific talent or gift that you may have, but had taken for granted. Gemini is multi-talented and multi-gifted. So it could also be an opportunity or way to make use of at least one of these. If you are already aware of how and where you can apply your talents then you can now move forward with the New Moon in Aries, knowing that the timing is right for you to share your talents with the world. You will find that circumstances will support your ability to follow your chosen path. This should be a time of joy and realization that blends just the right amount of understanding and awareness that lets you see a path opening up before you. The Aries New Moon is your wishing Moon, so you may even be able to see a path opening that will allow a much cherished dream to be realized. 


The New Moon in Aries on the (11th or) 12th is a Moon invested with energy, enthusiasm and perhaps even a little luck. It will not be without its challenges though. This will be especially true if you have been navigating any difficult alliances or partnerships. Therefore the energy will also need to be carefully maneuvered. There is so much energy here, that we are all in danger of making decisions, saying things, or committing actions that are riddled with consequences. Therefore pace yourself. Think before acting. Make sure you are willing to follow through before making promises. That being said, if you are able to channel even a small amount of the potential within this Moon, you will be able to achieve far more than you could even possibly imagine. Look for innovative ways to promote yourself or what you do. And then invest yourself with the courage to believe in who you are and what you are capable of doing. 


What does your vision for the future look like. Do you even have a vision? And if not, where would you want to start? This New Moon is trying to open you up to possibility. To think in terms of expanding your vision. This can be in a singular way. Or it may be in a much broader way. But it’s daring you to think larger. This could include taking up a course of study, or learning a specific skill that will benefit your opportunities. It could also include creating plans to explore your horizons in other ways. But most of all this New Moon is trying to broaden your perspective, and invest it with hope and enthusiasm. Therefore some possible intentions to make with the New Moon on the 12th might be: I want all fears concerning initiating a new beginning, or starting a new path, to be lifted from me. (or) May I be filled with the joy of discovery and self-exploration. 


What would it feel like to find your place in the world? To get the perfect job, the ideal situation, the best environment where your talents and skills can be used to their best advantage? What would that look like for you? The upcoming New Moon is an excellent Moon for marketing yourself, and showing the world what you are capable of producing and achieving. For Virgo the New Moon in Aries is about reinventing yourself, and planning for the future. It can also mean looking at the practical ways you can do so: paying down your debt, exploring ways to increase your credit, making sure you have adequate insurance. It’s about being prepared for the future. But it is also about creating a vision for the future and then following through. That could include getting rid of those tiresome obstacles that are standing in the way of progress. And then taking hold of the reins of your life, moving forward with a clean slate and a willing heart. 


It can often seem as if so many of your plans and hopes rest on the vagaries and decisions of others. But this New Moon is investing you with the self-confidence to follow through and have the courage of your own convictions and plans, come what may, trusting that if you play your cards right, everyone else will eventually get with the program as well. That being said, this is a time of year when you will want to reinvest in your current relationships, and make new partnerships as needed. If you are needing a new consultant, advisor, or to be pointed in the right direction, this is the ideal time to look for the best sort of counsel. It is also a good time to initiate partnerships, or court clients and grow your audience. Once you find that person or people who motivate you to be more, do more, and has your back no matter what, you will know that you have found your people. Those are the ones who are not only willing to go along with the program, but are enthusiastically rooting you on. And that is more than any Libra could possibly ask for.   


The upcoming New Moon is a great opportunity to organize your life, taking care of all those chores that may have been accumulating, and sorting out your environment. It is also a great Moon for starting or implementing any new health regimen or routines. That can include a new diet or exercise plan, or incorporating any new activities into your daily routines. This would be especially true if you’re wanting to increase your own energy levels and general well-being. Any activity that helps to support your well-being, or helps you to be be able to accomplish your activities in a more efficient manner are likely to reach a successful conclusion if started within the ambit of the New Moon. Some affirmations or intentions that would go well with this Moon might be: May I be filled with vital energy and vigor. (or) May I be inspired to implement my plan to easily organize my work space and environment. 


The New Moon in Aries will be asking you: How can you make more time for those things that you so enjoy, the things that make your heart sing, and motivate you to do even more? Whether that be a competition, a hobby, more family outings, an adventure of your own making, or anything that gets the blood rushing, and reminding you that you are here to live out loud. This Moon is invested with gads of enthusiasm and energy, and even a little luck. If you are able to channel even a portion of it, you will be amazed at how much you could get accomplished. This is a good time to fulfill promises that you had made to yourself, as any plans started or implemented in the wake of this New Moon are more likely to reach a successful conclusion. There is another thing about this Moon. And it is something that Sagittarius knows all too well. Positive attitudes reap positive results. 


The upcoming New Moon on the 12th is filled with all sorts of energy and enthusiasm. Just the sort of energy you would need to get things moving, and feel more pro-active. For instance this is a great Moon for starting a new health or exercise regimen, or initiating any home improvement plans or moves. It could also be a good time to push any cottage industry or home business if you are so inclined. But there are also some hidden cautions with this Moon, which could boil down to: “Be careful what you wish for”, for you could find yourself dealing with more than you bargained for. Weigh all decisions before diving in. Make sure that you know what you are getting into, and have all the details laid out before hand. This is a powerful New Moon for taking on new initiatives, and tackling challenges. Just make sure that these are really the sort of challenges you wanted. And you certainly don’t want to exhaust yourself in the process! Use your practical Capricornian organizational skills to map out a plan, visualize it, and then set it in motion. 


On December 21st a Great Conjunction ushered in a whole new cycle of experience that will help to transform society, and perhaps even our own lives, in significant ways. That conjunction occurred in Aquarius, bringing all of you along for the ride. This week’s New Moon in Aries is like a jump start for any new initiatives that will help you to formulate any emerging visions for the future. This will be especially helpful if you have been feeling stuck in any way, for this New Moon is invested with hope, enthusiasm, and maybe even a little luck. For Aquarius, the New Moon in Aries can open you up to a new idea, a new way of looking at the world, or the urge to take up a new study. You will want to learn new things, new skills, new ideas, in order to fulfill any new initiatives and become better informed. It can also happen with the Aries New Moon, that the very thing that you’ve been looking for, might have been there in front of you all along. You just didn’t realize it. 


As certain aspects of your life have been winding down, and perhaps even coming to closure, you are looking back with awe at all that has brought you to this place and time. But you should also be feeling a sense of joy for the milestones and accomplishments that you have achieved. In this way, this New Moon is also a time of celebration and glory. And through this time of transition can also emerge the promise and hope of a new future to come. For in this window you are able to see a bigger picture emerging which allows you to see things from a higher perspective. Then once you know what you want to aim for, the next thing to figure out, is how to make it happen. Whether that means creating a new financial plan, or tweaking your priorities, this is about preparing and sorting out all the practical matters that will enable that vision to become a closer and more sustainable reality. For Pisces, the New Moon in Aries on Monday wants you to focus on those things that you value the most, and how you can make those more of a priority in your life.