Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: May 14th thru the 21st

The above image is by H. Kopp-Delaney

For the week of May 14th thru the 21st, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


As Jupiter enters Pisces for the next few months, you will want to turn down the volume of your life to some degree. This is because when Jupiter is in Pisces it tends to speak in whispers, symbols and dreams, and you won’t want to miss this. For the wisdom that Jupiter imparts to you while he swims in the depths of Pisces is extremely important for your sense of self and well being. Pisces is where you have harbored away old secrets, things that you had forgotten, or tried to forget but couldn’t. Like a jailer giving you the key to the prison of your own making, Jupiter can literally free us of our own self-defeating beliefs, tendencies and regrets, just by his presence in this sign. And what arises in their place are feelings of wholeness, connectedness, acceptance, forgiveness and peace. Jupiter is our teacher. And he is asking you to release those things that are burdening your soul, and preventing you from realizing that inner connection with that deepest part of yourself, and all of life. And as a result, in some remarkable way, you will find healing. 


Now that you have made some achievements in a certain direction, you may be asking yourself how you can further grow, and/or promote what you do. For Taurus, Jupiter in Pisces is about reaching a broader network, and expanding your influence out into the world in some wonderful way. While Jupiter is in Pisces over the next few months and into 2022, take advantage of any connections you are making. An opportunity can arrive through a friend, an organization or a group you are part of. It could also be a good idea at this time to hook up with a larger group in order to achieve greater recognition or be able to reach a wider audience. Pisces is a sign that you associate with applause and recognition for those things that you have been working on and trying to grow for the past 10 years. It is also a sign that you associate with your hopes and wishes, and so be prepared to see a cherished hope become a closer reality during the months that Jupiter is here. In the mean time, be confident in what you have to offer, happily sharing your achievements, gifts and talents with the world. 


If things are becoming progressively foggy over the next few weeks, do not be surprised. Mercury, your ruling planet, is slowing down for its station at the end of May, and with that can come some shadowy preludes to its retrograde. In some way you are being asked to be more introspective, but it could also just feel distracting and confounding. However, the long term picture is looking up for Gemini, now that Jupiter has entered Pisces for a brief sojourn. This is a preview of what is yet to come in 2022, but can already bring some opportunities for growth and advancement in the world at large. And if opportunities do arise, you will want to give them some serious consideration over the next few months. For the months that Jupiter is in Pisces, whatever positive efforts you make to promote yourself and what you do, is more likely to be rewarded with some sort of promotion, advancement or recognition. Therefore go forth with confidence and the conviction that your fortune is well nigh due. 


What you have been learning and being made aware of over the past year, has led to questions, and a deeper and more profound desire to understand and learn even more. Jupiter, our teacher and guide, has just recently entered Pisces, a sign that Cancer associates with higher knowledge, learning, and arriving at a deeper understanding. This can lead you to want to further investigate and explore a certain subject, a belief system, or even the world at large. As a result of what you learn and/or discover you could even find your whole perspective shifting, so that you will never quite see things the same again. It is also possible, as a result of what you learn over the next few months, and in 2022, to expand your opportunities and prospects in the world at large. Or even improve your reputation and standing. But perhaps the most significant aspect of Jupiter traveling in the sign of compassion and infinite understanding is that your awareness is capable of growing to such an extent that there will no longer be room for any self-limiting beliefs or misconceptions. 


Your partner gets a job, starts contributing more, or is just more willing to help out in some wonderful way. Or it could be that your own credit increases, allowing you to borrow the money, or take out that loan for the car/house/venture that you had planned. Sometimes when Jupiter enters Pisces, which is where it is now, one can even receive some sort of inheritance, or as the result of something ending or being sold. For Leo, Jupiter in Pisces is something of a windfall, so who knows what’s going to fall in your lap? The thing is, any big changes, even those that don’t appear to be so at first, are usually for the best when Jupiter is in this sign. Another opportunity that Jupiter can bring while in Pisces, is much deeper, and can even feel like something of a realization or an awakening. What you come to see can bring all sorts of insights about yourself, your habits, your psychological makeup. On an even more profound level you may even get some insights into the meaning and purpose of your life and destiny, and perhaps even life itself. Be prepared to be amazed.


If things begin to feel a little exasperating over the next several weeks, know that you are in the shadowy throes of the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle. Mercury does not station until May 29th, but you could be feeling as if things are a little off way before then. Communications could be especially shaky, so do also make sure that you don’t jump to any conclusions or make rash assumptions. On the other hand, in the long term, Jupiter now in Pisces for the next few months and into 2022, could bring several advantages to your interpersonal relationships. This is when good connections can be made. You meet just the sort of people who are uniquely placed to help you to fulfill your vision for the future. All partnerships and agreements made with others are likely to be mutually beneficial in the year that Jupiter is in Pisces. And if you have been having issues with certain relationships, Jupiter aims to alleviate those too! So if you can just get past the peskiness of the Mercury retrograde, your personal intuitive host and advisor will be waiting on the other side, armed with good counsel, support and just the right sort of advice. 


Now that Jupiter has entered Pisces, it should help to improve daily activities, habits and routines. This may be as simple as freeing up your schedule in order to allow you to do more of the things that you enjoy. Jupiter is bountiful and beneficent in its effects. But that bounty could also exaggerate the busyness of your life, and activities. This may still be seen as an improvement however, especially if you find what you ‘do’ to be more personally fulfilling and rewarding. Jupiter is also our beneficent intuitive healer, consultant and guide. He wants you to learn something that will benefit you on a very practical level as he works his way through the sign of Pisces. Things such as diet, health topics and support systems that are particularly relevant to you, or perhaps a new skill or subject that will increase your productivity, generate positivity, and make your work that much more enjoyable. Jupiter aims to improve your health and your general well-being. And what you learn while Jupiter is in Pisces can ultimately benefit you for years to come. 


Jupiter in Pisces is incredibly intuitive, inspirational and visionary. Perhaps even more so for Scorpio, as Pisces is a sign associated with your personal and creative vision, and the unique ways that you express yourself. Jupiter just makes these even larger, more robust, more expressive. It’s time for reticent Scorpio to come out and dare to show off a little, releasing their inhibitions. You are diving deep into your own version of personal self-expression. And because you are more comfortable with yourself, so is everyone else. As a result, do expect your social calendar to light up as you come out of yourself. And for those of you who have children, work with children, or involved with them, you are going to be basking in the glory of their accomplishments for the months that Jupiter is going to be here. Be proud! This is when Scorpio is being asked to bask. Bask in your own glory, and bask in the glory of your loved ones and all that you love. 


Your ruling planet Jupiter is diving into the soulful sign of Pisces for a few months, taking you along for the ride. Jupiter will be here through July, and then will return again to Pisces in 2022. For Sagittarius this is a great time to make some home improvements, improve your family relations, and increase your general feeling of stability and security. Invest in property. Shore up the ramparts. This is about making those sorts of adjustments that will ensure a greater sense of belonging, securing your roots and foundation, and stabilizing your life, no matter what other changes may be happening in your life. This may even mean establishing a base of operations. This is important, because whatever vision you’ve been working on over the past few years is now getting ready to be launched. And having that foundation of support will make all the difference going forward. The deeper your roots, the broader the branches. 


Now that Jupiter has entered Pisces you are being asked to expand your mind, your senses and your perspective. However, to make the most out of the months that Jupiter is in this sign, you are also being asked to be somewhat flexible, and not allow previously held ideas to influence your outlook. You are being asked to see the world through a different lens. This could literally bring you to a whole new environment, where you are exposed to ideas and people different from what you are normally accustomed to. People who speak another language, of another culture, background or belief system. In some way you are being asked to open your mind, and expand your view of the world. This can also come about through a book you read, a course you take, a conversation you have over wine and good cheer. In the mean time, Jupiter also tends to expand our optimism. Which is great until you realize you just agreed to absolutely everything. Remind yourself that you can only be in 3 places at once. 


Jupiter leaves your sign to enter the watery domain of Pisces. Jupiter is a planet of abundance and beneficence, and while in Pisces, can even bring financial abundance to Aquarius. However, due to the optimistic outlook that Jupiter brings this can also incline you to spend abundantly. Jupiter in Pisces is our intuitive and compassionate teacher and advisor, and for the months that Jupiter is here, you can also learn about how to better manage your resources, increase your income, and invest in learning new skills that will buttress your earning power. Jupiter wants you to grow in some useful way that will ultimately allow you greater independence, self-sufficiency and opportunities to increase your self-esteem. In the mean time, your traditional ruling planet, Saturn, is slowing for its retrograde station on the 23rd. So you may not want to go all hog wild and optimistic just yet. But you’ve got plenty of time. Jupiter will be in lucrative Pisces until the end of July, and then will return again for a good part of 2022. Something to look forward to. 


Jupiter represents our Big Vision, and Hopes for the Future. When Jupiter enters your sign it is ushering in a whole new 12 year cycle of growth and understanding. It can even feel as if you are being drawn into the confidence of a wise and gifted counselor who has your best interests at heart. An advisor who is counseling you to expand your choices and your horizons beyond your previous expectations. Jupiter is showing you who you are, and what is your greatest potential. He is your teacher, your guide, your pathfinder and guru. It is not unusual to feel more optimistic when you have your teacher by your side. It can even feel as if anything is possible. Like you can reach for the stars. Do take your dreams seriously, but also temper them with wisdom and the understanding that what seeds you plant now are going to come to fruition over the next 9 years. Jupiter is only just dipping its toes into Pisces for a few months this year, but will return in 2022. In the mean time, pay attention to any emerging visions and dreams, for these could be key for some years to come.