Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: May 21st thru the 28th

For the week of May 21st thru the 28th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Having your ruling planet in Cancer lately has probably seen you fussing about the house and home a bit. If not in the actual home moving things about, repotting the plants, or making adjustments here and there, you might have found yourself taking advantage of any recent easements that allowed you to visit family and loved ones. So although Mars in Cancer is not the most competitive and assertive of placements, it just feels like your energy is being momentarily diverted towards more personal endeavors, circling the wagons and gathering the clan. And this week is no exception, as parts of you yearns for what once was, recreating the conditions that remind you of comfort, home and what it means to be supported. Even in the light of the illuminating Super Full Moon (and Eclipse!) on Wednesday, even this can be distracted by all sorts of wistful memories coming back up to the surface, making it feel a little like you are going back to the future, or returning to old territory, old friends, and dear ones that you once knew so well. 


Although this really should come as no surprise, there may have still been a part of you that was wistfully clinging to a lingering dream that once was. You may not have even realized that this is what you were doing, until it could no longer be denied. The Full Moon Eclipse on Wednesday is showing you that something is needing to be finally released in order for you to move forward again. Wistful dreams can be grist for poetic license and creative inspiration, but if they are not serving who you are and your highest potential, it’s time to move on to what will be. Saturn stations retrograde this weekend, soon to be followed by Mercury at the end of the month, which could find many of us drawn back to the past. However, this is also an opportunity for us all to set better limits and boundaries, as well as giving us the permission to say, “No More”. It’s the very awareness of what those boundaries are, how far you are or are not willing to go, that allows you to do so.  


The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on Wednesday, May 26th, can serve as something of a turning point for Gemini as well as Sagittarius. This will be especially so for those Gemini’s born between May 22nd and May 29th, or those who have 2-8º of Gemini Rising, but all Gemini’s will be feeling this series of eclipses which began last year and will extend to the end of this year. These are years in which important New Beginnings can occur that bring you to the attention of others, and may also impact significant relationships and partnerships in your life. What you become aware of in the light of this Moon could be significant in shifting your awareness as well as your goals. This is not yet a time to be making any major decisions however. Eclipse weather can be so unpredictable! All the more so with your ruling planet Mercury slowing for its retrograde station on the 29th. One of the issues for this period is being inundated with too much information, but not the facts you will need in order to confidently make any fully informed decisions. And facts will matter!


Cancer flows on the wings of the growing and waning lunar tides. So it is inevitable that you will feel the deepening and soulful yearning of the Eclipse seasons each year. The Moon is your luminary, so when she is eclipsed as she will be this week, you will take notice. This may be through a disruption in sleep, a sense of urgency or anxiety, as the Sun and the Moon come into this close and almost exact alignment with the Earth. Like turning a circuit breaker on and off, it is like a re-set in certain areas of your life. For Cancer this Sagittarius Eclipse is asking you to reassess your current routines, habits and behaviors that contribute to your general health and well-being. If you were to think in terms of what you are currently doing to support yourself and your general welfare, what might you want to change? What are you doing too much of? Where have boundaries eroded and need to be readjusted? This is especially true with Saturn also stationing this week, which is also giving us permission to back out of obligations or burdens that are proving to be way more trouble, or costly, than they are worth. 


There is something very superlative about the upcoming Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday. Not just because it is a Total Eclipse and a Super Moon at that, but because there is something just generally larger than life about a Sagittarius Full Moon. This eclipse is stirring things up in the area of your Solar or Natal whole sign chart that has to do with love, joy, children, creative expression and all those things that just make your heart sing. The Moon is asking you where you have become so over-extended and drawn in so many disparate directions, that you are unable to fully appreciate those things that bring such meaning and joy to your life. Eclipses can be like turning points in our lives. So you might want to ask yourself, what and where might you want to cut back, where do you need to set better limits (and just say NO), in order to make a new and emerging vision and hope for the future, a closer reality?  


It can often feel like we are inundated with activity and information during eclipse season, but sadly not the information or facts that are needed in order for you to make a fully informed decision about things. This is more fully exacerbated by the upcoming Mercury retrograde on the 29th, which is casting this cloud of illusion and generalized anxiety over the proceedings. One thing you may want to pay attention to is resetting boundaries and limits, where they have become eroded, or where a breech has occurred. Or quite simply being more honest with yourself as to where your boundaries actually are, can help you to set more realistic and achievable goals for yourself. This series of eclipses which began last year and extends to the end of this year could be pivotal for Virgo, helping to set your course for the future. But in the mean time understanding what your limits are, and knowing where you might need to reinforce these, could be even more important for now.


As if it’s not been difficult enough to focus lately and stay on track, we are now engulfed in the periodic twilight zone, also known as Eclipse season. There may be moments when you are not so sure whether you are coming or going. And perhaps it does not really matter. For what is being revealed in the light of the upcoming Super Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday is more about an internal awareness and understanding. And sometimes we just need to allow ourselves to loose our focus, and go off track, in order to find ourselves again. While off track, and as a diversion, you could discover or learn something new, whether because of a book that you read, a course that you signed up for… you will never quite see the world the same again. When we are willing to open up our minds and our perspectives to other’s ideas and reality, we open ourselves up to a whole world of experience that could have this truly profound and illuminating effect. 


Mars in Cancer is soft and gentle, nostalgic, and perhaps for you a bit idealistic as well. It pulls on your heartstrings, and feels the call to do good works, to be useful, to do something meaningful and caring and kind. In fact this is a good week for any sort of compassionate or serviceable work that might benefit others. Any effort expended for the benefit of others will go splendidly, and could feel like something of a higher calling, an inevitable meeting, the fulfillment of some sort of fated conclusion. We are, after all, now fully engaged in Eclipse season, beginning with a spectacular Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday. Within the light of the eclipse, your priorities could become illuminated, and realigned with all of the ensuing events. It could also soon become evident as to what needs to fall away in order to allow you to make that realignment in your life a firmer obligation. Over the next 5 months, what might you want to work on in order to make some of the most fundamental areas of your life (home, family, property, community, personal life) stronger and more reliable, and on one of the top lines of that priority list. 


On Wednesday, May 26th, there is a Super sized Lunar Eclipse in your sign. Those Sagittarians born between November 24th and the 30th, or who have 2-8º of Sagittarius Rising will be especially sensitive to this Eclipse, but all Sagittarians will be feeling this series of eclipses in their lives, that began last year in 2020, and will extend to the end of 2021. This is because the years that the Eclipses fall in Gemini and Sagittarius are often associated with great new beginnings and endings. Turning points in your life. It can also be a time in which you find yourself coming to the attention of others, being seen and noticed. But it is also a good idea to pay attention to your health and well-being with this series of eclipses. Either because a particular issue has come to light, or you just want to focus on improving your well-being, something is already coming to light about what has or has not been working out for you with your current knowledge and health regimen. 


It is always important for Capricorns to pay attention to the comings and goings of their ruling planet Saturn. And so it is particularly relevant to you all to use the upcoming retrograde phase of Saturn to your greatest benefit. Saturn will be retrograde from May 23rd thru October 10th in the sign of Aquarius, a sign for Capricorn that has to do with self-worth, self-esteem and finances. This is often a time in life when people are focusing on making something, a business, a venture, a goal, more sustainable. People often think in terms of saving or reinvesting in this venture, or paying down their debt and making themselves more solvent. This is about having greater security and the sacrifices or hard work you are willing to put in, in order to do so. This is a good time to make your financial situation as simple as possible. Even if this means having to live more frugally than usual. Like the ant in the fable, tirelessly working and putting things away for a rainy day. You are thinking long term here. Patience, self-restraint, wise investment and planning are like music to the ears of a Capricorn when Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius. 


Saturn stations retrograde in your sign this weekend taking you along for the ride. These are times in which we redefine our boundaries, with a greater willingness and ability to say No where and when you need to. Especially where and if any boundaries or personal limits have become eroded. It is not unusual to feel the call to withdraw from the world or from certain obligations or commitments that feel a bit too much. This is also a prime time to pay attention to your health and well-being, focusing on making yourself stronger, more self-disciplined, and self-reliant. You may re-enlist the help of a group that shares your core concerns, and proved to be an asset in the past.  In fact, with both Saturn and then Mercury also going retrograde later on in the month, you could find yourself revisiting the past in more than one way. Use the Saturn Retrograde period over the next 5 months, to cultivate the more positive qualities of Saturn, especially those that ultimately will bring you to that place of self-esteem and self-respect that Saturn so longs to fulfill. 


There is a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday in the sign of Sagittarius that could be seen as something of a lure to a higher calling. It is not unusual in the years that the Eclipses fall in Sagittarius/Gemini, as they have last year and this one as well, to find yourself elevated in some fashion. These are years in which people make a significant move, they get a commendation, are given a reward, a promotion or receive some sort of recognition. As a result it can be a time of significant beginnings and endings. However, with Jupiter just recently entered your sign, and Saturn stationing for its retrograde phase this weekend, there may be a part of you that is still sitting on the fence. Not because you don’t appreciate the gold watch and the accolades, so much as you are not so sure of the ties and the obligations that these may entail. Eclipse weeks are not generally times to make abrupt shifts or new beginnings. They are just so unpredictable. But the seed is planted, and you may be weighing the scales over the next several months to come: which is more important to you, the acclaim and the fame? Or the freedom to do your own thing?